Chapter Thirty One

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Within the next few days, the paperwork for our new house had gone through and we were able to move in. Unfortunately, we didn't have many things with us, and had to do our furniture shopping all over again. I wasn't really looking forward to that, since we had bigger things to worry about.

"Okay kiddos, vacation's over" uncle stated, as he began driving to our new destination.

"It was nice while it lasted..." I yawned. "Now we gotta go back to planning and being clever and staying one step ahead of Vincent." I leaned on Freddy's shoulder, as we sat in the back seat.

"It's okay, Darling." Freddy kissed the top of my head. "We do it to keep you safe."

"Can't have you dying on us, now can we?" Gordon added, from the passenger side.

"Well what if...what if we just let him get me? Then we wouldn't have to sneak around and hide our tracks so much.  Then, I could be with you guys."


Uncle slammed the breaks, and poor Bonnie, Marty, and Foxy in the back of the truck slammed against the window behind us.

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL!!" Bonnie yelled.

Uncle turned around and fixated a glare on me. "Excuse me??" Was all he said.

"Uhhh..." I didn't really know what to say, now that everyone was looking at me. I thought it was a sweet thing to say, but they didn't see it that way.

"Where the hell did that come from?? Don't you know that everything we do is to keep you safe??" He yelled at me.

"Well yes...but Uncle, I'm tired, and I know you're tired...I just want this all to be over."

"It will be one day, (Y/N)...but for now, we can't let him win." Freddy explained. "Because if he gets you,  he wins. And then what will he do? He might even go torment another family."

"That's why we have to get rid of him." Chica added, from the other side of me. "It may or may not take a while. But we need to stay calm about this, keep a level head."

"I'm sorry...I guess after all these years, it's getting to me. Knowing he's still out there, hunting me down, and getting everyone in the middle of it,  hurt because of me--"

"It's not your fault." Gordon  interrupted.  "Nothing is your fault. Except for the fact that we're all together."

"We wouldn't have even been found if it weren't for you. Then if he got to you, we wouldn't have been able to help, and we wouldn't be able to move on with you."  Freddy continued.  I just gave a weak smile,  and looked down at my folded hands. I felt silly for saying what I did, but was it really so crazy?

"Is everything okay?" Foxy knocked on the window. "That sudden stop wasn't so easy on my hangover." He put his hand on his head.

"Everything is fine, are you guys okay?" Chica asked. "Maybe you shouldn't have drank so much, knowing we were going to be on the road today."

They not only decided to have a "guy's night " a few days ago, but for some reason,  some of them decided to drink for the remainder of the stay as well.

Within the hour we made it to our new home. I was so happy to see how secluded it was, and knew that Vincent couldn't have possibly followed us or found us there. I felt a little better.

"I'll get to work on a security system to put around the field. If anyone gets within 500 feet of our house I'll know about it." Gordon looked around.

"And the rest of us will get to work building a saferoom underground. So if the bastard somehow manages to make it past the security,  (Y/N) can escape there." Uncle said.

"I'm not sure we should be operating tools..." Marty stated quietly, hardly loud enough for anyone to hear.

"He's right,  we've been drinking far too much." Bonnie laughed. "Let's just design it today and get materials tomorrow."

"That sounds fair..." Uncle crossed his arms and looked back at his truck. "We need to get furniture....again..."

"Yeah, I know it's a drag, but it's better than sleeping on the floor, right?" I smiled.

"Why don't we just have it delivered?" Gordon asked, showing me his phone. "We can buy it from this app and they'll deliver it by tonight. They'll even set it up."

We all looked at eachother, then back at Gordon.

"Can we all just appreciate how much of a tech guru Gordon is?" Uncle asked.

The rest of the day was spent deciding who got which room. We had found that we miscalculated, and the was one room less than we needed.

"So looks like we're roomies again,  Chica." I smiled.

"Actually, Chica gets her own room." Uncle stepped in. "I want Freddy to sleep in your room."

It took me a moment to process what Uncle had just said. After all the times he made it a point to separate Freddy and me, I was a little confused.

"Uncle, really?" I asked.

"I've noticed how much safer you feel around him and how far he's willing to go to protect you. If anything, it's for your safety." He began to walk away, then stopped suddenly.  "...but keep the door open." And he continued on his way. Freddy and I looked at eachother and laughed.

So Freddy and I decided on a cozy bed and sheets together.  I liked making that decision with him,  even if it was just a small one.

Later on,  the furniture people came with a huge truck. I supposed they needed it, because in it was bedroom sets, living room sets, tvs, and curtains. They were there setting everything up for hours, and I felt kinda bad that I was just watching them. I knew that I would only get in the way though if I had tried to help.

When they had left, our house looked warm and inviting, and was starting to feel like home.

We had ordered some food through HouseDash, luckily they delivered out of the way like that, and we ate some Chinese food. I always enjoyed when we ate together. They felt like the family I never had.

Finally,  it came time to go to bed. I wasn't nervous to be sleeping next to Freddy, but he seemed to be shaken with anxiety.

We hadn't gotten any new clothes,  so we had to sleep in one of out newer outfits that Chica and I had gotten the other day.

I climbed into bed and covered up. Before Freddy climbed into bed with me, he took his shirt off. NOW I was anxious!!

I looked at him wide eyed before rolling to look the other way.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I took deep breaths to calm myself down, thinking to myself that maybe he wouldn't see how red my face was.

"I'm okay." I answered quickly.

I felt him settle in behind me, in the cozy blankets we had. He moved closer and closer,  and put his arm around me. His bare chest was touching me. It was so nice. And once I warmed up,  I felt so safe.

"I'll protect you, (Y/N) you believe me?" He whispered in my ear, and it sent shivers down my spine.

"I believe you." I smiled and shut my eyes.

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