Chapter Sixteen

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Training went well, everyone was so dedicated to learning more and more and they all put in the hard work to make them forces to be reckoned with. I knew everyone could use a rest, but there we were, on day 7, ready to kick some robot butt!

During the day, to kill time, Gordan, Marty and I met up with the old Co-Owner of the pizzeria.  It was a good idea to get a little insight on what we would possibly be getting ourselves into.

We met up with the man close to MoonBucks, but Zayla wasn't open earlier on in the day so we couldn't go and get coffee from her. Down the street, however, was a small park with a fountain. That's where we met.

"Ah, you must be Gordon." He immediately shook hands with Gordon. "I'm Henry."

"Nice to meet you. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to come talk to us. This is (Y/N), she owns Freddy Fazbear's now."

"Hello, (Y/N)." he shook my hand next. "I heard you have been taking care of them. I thank you."

"Them?" I asked.

"The mascots. They mean alot to me, even now. I did build them after all." he smiled. He was definitely someone who would have been Uncle's age. He had laugh lines and crow's feet on his face when he smiled.

"Oh. That's no problem." I returned the smile.

"Gordon also explained what happened to your partner to the establishment. I am sorry to hear that. But, I do have know about the monsters you intend to destroy, so maybe I can be of help."

"I would appreciate that." I replied.

"Follow me, we should probably talk indoors."

We followed Henry to his house. We made sure there were no followers, either.

"I have quite the story to tell you, if you have little information on Circus Baby. Make yourselves comfortable." Henry left the small, florally decorated living room and came back shortly with hot tea. Marty, Gordon, and I sat on a small couch across from Henry, a coffee table in the middle.

"Tell me. I want to know all about them." I took a sip of the tea he had given me, ginger I think, and folded my hands neatly, listening intently for any kind of important detail.

"The easiest way to describe their how they acted around children. My robots were meant to make them happy, to protect them. I feel...for a while, there may have been some children haunting them."

"You don't say..." I looked over at Gordon, then at Marty, whose eyes were wandering the room as to not make eye contact. No, it wasn't suspicious at all!

"But William's robots...well. You saw with your own eyes, what he had build them to do.  He designed them to capture kids, one way or another; pretending to be their friend, mimicking their parents to get them alone...offering them ice cream...they even...they got Will's daughter that way."

"Excuse me??" Marty asked. "He targeted his own daughter??"

"No. Poor thing. She was curious about them. She loved Circus Baby so much."

"Wait...Circus Baby mentioned something about making her father proud, when we were there last." I mentioned. "Do you think, that it could be his daughter in there?"

"It isn't out of the question." Henry pondered. "She said she was trying to make him proud?"

"Yes. You see...I was the one that got away. William has been calling himself Vincent and stopping at nothing to finish the job he started with the others, but they made sure I made it out alive. They were stuffed in the mascots, and I believed a part of them remained. That's why my Uncle and I wanted to buy the pizzeria and keep their memory alive." I explained.

"I see...Then they are in good hands." he smiled.

"Only if we can take on the other ones. Who knows what they might cause if they get loose." Gordon pointed out. "What are some things that would give us the advantage with them?"

"There are 2 things they are afraid of. The first is, I'm sure you know about it, is the scooper."

"They're afraid of that thing?" I asked. "I had to destroy it. They were trying to scoop me and Bonn---uh, Ben."

"You destroyed the scooper?" Henry asked, seemingly apalled.

"They didn't have a choice! They were cornered!" Gordon yelled.

"That's not why I asked. William built that thing almost as just like he built the robots. And unless you know the right wires to pull, they're practically indestructible."

"Oh,well, back in the day Uncle made me take engineering. It was easy to take that thing down, all I did was detach it from the base on the ceiling. I fixed Foxy when I first started working at the Pizzeria too." I sighed, remembering when everything was still simple.

"I see. Well, I created other robots too. They don't quite work right. Could you look at them and tell me what I'm missing?"

Normally, I would have been excited. But after the last time I had been excited to meet new robots, I regretted it.

"Sure." I agreed, regardless.

"Maybe one day, we can make a deal, and open a new place with them." Henry smiled, as he led us to his attic. It was brightly lit, with windows along the ceiling. And, lining the walls, were about 7 animatronics. I was so excited to see then and learn about them.

"Wow..." I was speachless. "What are their names?"

"These are the Rockstar models. They look similar to Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy. I made them to compete with William's Funtime models. But they never took off."

"I see..." I looked around at them. "And what about those over there?" I pointed.

"The crew in Mediocre Melodies." Henry laughed. "I had fun creating something different."

"Okay, looks like after all this is over, We'll have to come back, if that's okay."

"Of course. Now, take a look. Back in the day, William would have been the one that checked everything."

"Sure." I was drawn to Rockstar Bonnie. He was just so cute! "Is he meant to play music on his guitar?"


I took a look at his wiring, and saw that alot of them weren't connected. I connected them for Henry.

"There we go..." I made sure the wires weren't active until we activated him. "His structure is great. It reminds me of the originals. The wiring was just a little off. He should work now."

When Henry flipped the switch Rockstar Bonnie sprung to life, moving in mechanical whimsy. He then strummed his guitar and started singing! I looked at him, dazzled.

"He is ready to go! Maybe we can have a special debut at the pizzeria in a few days when we're back in working order." I suggested

"That's up to you." He laughed.

"Well, it's getting late...we should probably get going and get ready for all the crap that's gonna happen tonight."

"Right." Henry laughed.

"Oh wait. What was the other thing that Circus Baby and everyone was afraid of?" I asked.


That could have been dangerous. if we didn't control the fire in the facility, the whole pizzeria could have gone up in flames.

"Marty, are you coming?" Gordon asked. Marty was just standing there, staring at Rockstar Bonnie.

"...yeah." Marty said, and backed up slowly while staring at him, until he caught up with us.

We left Henry's house, and went to meet up at home with everyone so that we could share the new info we had, and to get ready for anything the night ahead would throw at us.

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