Chapter Eleven

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I was quick to get dressed and get ready to go to the facility. Through the panic I must have made some noise and a couple people woke up, Gordon and Bonnie. And of course, they didn't let me go alone.

"What's up, (Y/N)?" Gordon asked. "I don't think it's time to go yet..."

"It isn't." I grabbed a small handgun from a safe in a hidden kitchen cupboard. "I just got a call from Uncle from the facility, asking me to come right away.  It was his voice definitely. But the wayshe spoke, that's not him."

"Let me come along. Maybe I can help you solve this."

"And me too," Bonnie smirked "for extra support."

"You guys are the best. Thank you so much." I hugged them and we left the house to my car. I tried not to speed there, but I was so anxious. Good thing it was late and the streets weren't busy.

I pulled in next to Uncle's truck. So that meant he was still there?

The doors to the pizzeria were open, though it was outside business hours. They should have been locked.

When we entered, it was quiet, the lights were on as if everynon but the night guard had just finished their jobs and just went home.

We went to the security office, but there was no security guard. Something wasn't right.

I found Uncle's car keys on the table next to the tablet for the cameras, so he had been there, in that room as well.

"What do you think happened? " Gordon asked. "He wouldn't just leave his car keys like this  would he?"

"No, it's very unlike him." I answered. "Let's check the cameras."

I opened the camera's program, looking at files for the past night. I looked for the one that was supposedly glitched, there wasn't one.

I did however, see a cloaked person come in through the doors at about noon, when Uncle would have been there, and just sat there for hours until there where no customers there.  Then, the mysterious figure in the cloak started taking out all the cameras! one by one, they all started going black. The three of us looked at eachother.

"They didn't show their face so we don't have any idea what they look like." Gordon pointed out. "Who has knowledge of the cameras' location?"

"They are pretty big and obvious..." I chuckled. "But you know, we can always count on Freddy."

"Huh?" Bonnie asked.

I got into a file on the tablet that only Uncle and I could get into, with passwords. From there, I accessed a secret camera that only we knew about, built into Freddy's eye. So when the animatronics were singing and dancing all day, we had footage of everywhere Freddy looked.

"Look. After that person destroyed the cameras from the dining room, pirates cove and bathrooms, they went to the halls and storage closet. Somehow, they managed to sneak by Uncle."

We then watched through Freddy's eyes as that same figure came down the hall from the direction of the office with what seemed to be a metal arm extended and it had Uncle in its grasp.

I covered my mouth in horror and awe as Uncle squirmed to get free as he was being carried against his will towards the door that led to the elevator to the facility. Right before they disappeared from Freddy's line of sight, Uncle was pulled inward and disappeared under the cloak.  I wanted to scream.

"(Y/N), I know you must be shocked." Gordon stated calmly. "But we need to  do this with level heads. We need to stay calm."

"I'm...I'm trying." I forced myself to take slower, deeper breaths. It was easy for him to say to stay calm. There's no one on the planet that could stay calm after seeing someone they loved so much disappear in such a brutal way. Gordon and Bonnie held my hands, and I squeezed them.

"We will be with you, going into the facility." Bonnie assured me. "We will get your uncle back."

"I know...but...I just wish I knew why."

"With me on the team, we'll find out!" Gordon bragged.

As soon as we gathered our nerves , we entered the elevator that began taking us downward.

"(Y/N)." I heard my Uncle's voice when the elevator stopped at the bottom.

"Did you guys hear that?" I asked.

They both looked at me like I was losing it.

When we crawled into the office, I followed the voice into Ballora Gallery. Ballora and Funtime Foxy were in there, seemingly just waiting for me to show up.

"Hi Funtime Foxy!" I waved, as I hadn't met him before.

"You must be (Y/N)! They have told me all about you!" Funtime Foxy's voice seemed to have worn over time, as ir wasn't as clear as Ballora's.

"I am." I amiled. "I'm a little early tonight because I'm looking for my Uncle. He said he was down here."

"He came here yesterday." Ballora softly spoke, spinning slowly in place. Did she ever stop? "He's this way. Follow me."

We followed her through the room, Funtime Foxy wasn't that far behind. They still seemed to not notice anyone but me. Gordon took that to his advantage.

"Look." Gordon pointed to a door we were far away from, labeled 'Authorized Personnel Only'. "Bonnie, stay with (Y/N). I'm going to go check out whats in that room.

Gordon's POV

I slowly slipped away from (Y/N) and Bonnie, and accessed a room I probably wasn't supposed to see. It was dark, so I flipped a switch to see what I was doing, and the moment the lights went on, I was exposed to papers everywhere, and monitors on a desk. It reminded me of the office in the Pizzeria, as there were doors on both sides I could open and close.

I picked up a map of the facility. There was Funtime Auditorium, Bollora Gallery, and even the office I was in, on that map.  I looked for the room that Ballora was leading (Y/N) to. It was a place labeled "The Scooping room".

Next to the room, there was a small blueprint of a tool in there, they called the "scooper". It took out the endoskeletons of the animatronics and left the rest of them behind. It was an unsettling concept, but that's not what bothered me the most.

The scooping room had 2 entries, With a protective panel in the middle. Ballora was leading them to the side of the room to be scooped, not to the safe side of the panel. I looked around further, and I found a blueprint of the robots themselves. I was terrified, looking through the details of their designs. But the ones that caught immediately caught my eye was the detail Under Ballora that said "Misdirect", and another detail on Funtime Foxy's blueprint that said "parental voice sync". It wasn't hard to figure out from there what had happened to (Y/N)'s uncle.

I picked up my phone, and immediately dialed Bonnie.

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