Chapter Twelve

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((Y/N)'s POV:

Ballora had explained that Uncle was safe down there and that she had just seen him. I was happy, and relieved.

Bonnie and I followed her while Gordon went to do something else. I didn't quite know what he was up to, as Ballora's music was ringing in my ears.

We were led to a room, it was kinda weird the way it looked. There was this strange arm looking thing in the middle of the room just feet away from me when we entered.

"Ballora, he isn't here." I stated sadly.

"I have a bad feeling ablout this..." Bonnie muttered under his breath.

"Hello, (Y/N)...." we heard the voice of Circus Baby, only it sounded alot more devious than the last time we heard it.

"Circus Baby?? Where are you?" I called. I looked around and finally spotted her on the other side of the room, a protective glass panel separating us.

"It was oh so easy getting you down here..." she laughed. "But you won't be leaving. Not"

"I don't understand..." I tilted my head in confusion.

"Some people really are stupid." she chuckled. "We lured you down here, dummy, so that we could finish what Daddy started."

I saw Bonnie in the corner of my eye, ready for anything.

"...Daddy?" I asked.

"The man you may Vincent..."

"Excuse me???" Bonnie asked. " And what do you mean 'finish the job??" but no matter how hard he tried, how loudly he shouted, the robots didn't acknowledge him.

"You were...sent to kill me?" I was shocked.

"And we've been waiting such a long time for the perfect moment...We called to your Marionette friend so that you would find us.  And he led you right to us."

I was silent. I didn't know how to take all this in.

"So...we will kill you with the scooper, as we have been scooped many times. You will know pain only for a moment. And then...we will use your body to leave this place."

"If leaving is what you wanted, we could have worked something could have worked in the Pizzeria with us. But now..." I was heartbroken.

"We were built with one purpose. Daddy couldn't finish you off. Oh, but we will....we will..." she giggled. "Now...hold still."

Without warning, the scooper hurled towards me. Bonnie pushed me out of the way.

"(Y/N)! Move it!" he yelled. He picked up his phone and answered it. It was strange, I didn't even hear it ring. "Gordon?? .....yes I KNOW the frickin scooper is trying to get (Y/N)! you're a little late to the party, buddy!"

Circus Baby kept chasing me with the scooper and I kept dodging somehow.

"Where is Uncle??" I asked, out of breath.

"Oh he is safe, with me...give up, and I will let him go..." Circus Baby replied.

"Don't listen, (Y/N). They fooled you once, she is lying!" Bonnie screamed. "We gotta get to where Gordon went. It is secure atleast!"

I looked around, seeing that Ballora and Funtime Foxy had left the room. Bonnie tried to open the door, but it was locked, probably from the outside as there was no latch or anything.

I eyed the base of the scooper, as I saw Ballora and Funtime Foxy appear on the other side of the glass with Circus Baby. I noticed the base jerk a few seconds before the scooper flew at me.

"(Y/N) what are you doing?? Help me with this door!" Bonnie yelled.

I ignored him. I had to keep them busy while Bonnie worked on the door. If I were to turn my back to work on the door as well, they surely would have killed me. They somehow couldn't see Bonnie, so I left the door to him.

The scooper swooped at me again. This time, I had only just moved out of the way so I could jump on it before it retracted.

I climbed up, all while Circus Baby kept yelling at me to get off.

I made it to the top and pulled some wires, after which it didn't move anymore. I kept pulling wires and small ropes, and eventually, it came loose. I picked it up.

"Bonnie move!" I screamed and began mauling the door with the dead scooper. It finally gave way, and the door flung open.

"Let's go!" Bonnie grabbed my hand. "Judging by the time it took Ballora and Funtime Foxy to join Circus Baby, it won't take long for them to catch up. "

Wiping my tears, I followed Bonnie to the "Authorized Personnel Only" room. We went in, and slammed the door behind us.

"Oh good, you made it." Gordon sighed relief. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah, we're good!" Bonnie panted. "But damn you shoulda seen (Y/N)! The way she destroyed that thing--" he stopped mid sentence when he heard me sniffling. 

I put my back against the door and slid down slowly, then buried my face in my knees.

"(Y/N)...?" Gordon knelt down beside me and placed his hand gently on my back.

I couldn't help but cry. We were down there because of my fascination with these robots. I had no idea where Uncle was, or if he was okay....or if he was even alive. What could I have done against these monsters, when their only purpose was to kill me?

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