Chapter Twenty Eight

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I was dressed like a ninja. I felt pretty cool.

"I downloaded an app after purchasing a family plan.." Gordon explained, " and there's a feature that allows you to track a family member on the plan. We found Chica."

"What??" I asked, a jolt of excitement running through me. "But wait. Couldn't the app work both ways?"

"It could," Gordon continued, "but she would have had to download the app too, and even if Vincent has her phone, she wasn't notified that the purchase was made."

"You know what? You're a frickin genius!"

"I know..." he smirked.

"So of course, you know we're on a mission so we have to have these.." Bonnie handed me a radio headset. "And a codename!"

The thought of a codename brought back memories of when we were in the museum that Uncle and I had run together. These were our names this time.

Uncle: BlueRB1
Freddy: FazBrown2
Bonnie: VC3
Foxy: Yar4
Gordon: FazGold5
Marty: Monochrome6
Me: Phoenix7

When we came in contact with Chica, we would refer to her as CrispyWing8. I didn't come up with that name but I loved it. And Foxy's name was just a pirate sound. I couldn't stop laughing!

Going over the details, we decided that we wouldn't split up the group. After all, the whole reason Vincent caught Chica was because she was alone. Of course, I felt guilty for that.

I stretched and popped my knuckles, ready to confront Vincent, though his animatronic virtually couldn't be touched. We didn't need guns because they would have been useless. Of course that didn't stop Uncle from bringing them.

The plan was to sneak in as quickly and quietly as possible to get Chica. We were armed with a knife each, so that whoever got to Chica first could cut the ropes. The head sets were to be used sparingly, so we weren't heard by Vincent; so, only to call for help, inform everyone that we had found Chica, or to tell everyone to get out of the building. After we got Chica, we were to make our way as quickly as possible, to the truck we will have parked a few blocks away. Two would stay to guard it, and let us know if Vincent showed up there. We would then pile into the truck as best as we could, because Vincent might decide to chase us. In which case, we would put Uncle in the back of the truck to shoot the robot to delay his running so we could make a clean get away. I was ready. Boyyyy was I ready!

Marty didn't want to confront Vincent  and that was understandable. So he and Gordon stayed behind so Gordon could be, as he called it, the "brains of the operation".

We followed GPS to Chica's exact location, and memorized where the truck would be. Then, the team who would be breaking in, which Bonnie named the "Initiators", once again having too much fun with the names, would make their way inside.

We saw a warehouse, one that looked old and abandoned. It was definitely the perfect place to do what he did.

The front doors were locked. It would have been surprising if they were open, to be honest, but hey, I was hopeful that something would be easy.

There was an emergency staircase up the side of the building that Uncle decided to climb. The roof of the building was made of glass windows, so we could easily see what was going on down there. Once Uncle reached the top, he quickly took a look then crouched down, looking at us.

Once he had our attention, he started doing handsignals that seemed random, and none of us understood.

I cringed, put my arms out and mouthed "what??"

Uncle face palmed. He then pointed to his eyes two fingers, pointed back towards the roof, then flapped an arm like a chicken's wing.

"He sees Chica from there." Foxy concluded. I chuckled. He could have just said that into the headset. It seemed Uncle was starting to have too much fun with it as well.

"We need to find a way in." I whispered.

"Let's circle the warehouse and look for an open door or window." Freddy commanded.

"FazGold5, this is Phoenix7. BlueRB1 has eyes on CrispyWing8." I radioed in.

"Heard." Gordon replied. "I have old blueprints on the building. Have you found a way in yet?"

"Okay, how did you even--" I began but stopped myself. "No, we need a way in."

"When I said 'Brains of the Operation', did you think I was kidding?" he laughed. "On the south side of the building, there's a door in the ground. It seems it was used for a shelter or bunker. Try checking there. After all these years, I doubt Vincent went in through there, and there's a trapdoor there that leads right into the warehouse."

"Thanks, FazGold5, we'll check it out."

We signaled for Uncle to follow us but, even though the plan was to stick together, Uncle decided to stay so he had eyes on the entire warehouse, and could tell us if anything was happening.

The underground shelter was there, where Gordon said it was. It was out of the way and hidden in a way that you wouldn't really be able to find it unless you knew it was there. Now the question was, did Vincent know it was there?

The shelter was unlocked, and there was moss, grass, and leaves covering it like it hadn't been touched in years. There was absolutely no indication that Vincent could have opened it.

Foxy and Freddy used their manly strength to open it.

"I coulda done that...." Bonnie crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"We're in." Freddy radioed in.

"This is BlueRb1. You kids be careful in there. There is no sign of Vincent anywhere. I'll let you know if anything changes." Uncle said.

"Copy." Bonnie replied.

We made our way through the abandoned bunker. There were broken jars and empty containers scattered about, we stepped lightly to make as little sound as possible.

We came to the door, I placed my hand on the knob.

"BlueRB1, is the path to CrispyWing8 clear?"

"I'm not seeing him. Enter with caution, he could be hiding anywhere. Guard eachother's backs, make sure you have eyes in every direction to and from CrispyWing8."

"Copy." I responded.

The four of us quietly entered the warehouse and we had Chica in our direct line of sight.

"FazGold5. We're in." Freddy paged to Gordon.

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