Chapter Twenty Two

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Warning! Get a pillow, you will be squealing during this chapter! Also you're about to find out why Marty has been acting so wonky. I absolutely LOVED writing this chapter. Enjoy!

The next day, was my birthday. I woke up, but I wasn't sure I wanted to. So much was missing that day.

"Happy birthday, (Y/N)!" Chica shouted, the moment I opened my eyes. "I made breakfast!!" she handed me a stack of pancakes.

"Thank you." I smiled brightly. I could tell that everyone was going to try and make my birthday great. I promised myself that I wouldn't be negative all day.

"Happy birthday (Y/N)." Freddy said. "I'm sorry I can't do much with you in this form. I would have loved to take a walk."

"We can take a walk around the house instead. It's too bright today anyway." I held my hand out to help him up from the floor, as if I could. He had to have weighed 3 or 4 times as much as I did.

He took my hand anyway, and I held on tight. He began to get up, but then fell back down with a large *CLANK!* he slumped over, like he was completely broken. It was then that I realized I was still holding onto something; someone. He stood there, wondering what had me so shocked.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" there stood Freddy, back to normal, wearing a longsleeve white shirt and white pants.

Without a word I tackled him into my arms, holding him tight. I kissed him over and over, all over his face.

"You're back...I'm so happy."

Everyone else was excited that Freddy was able to return to his human form, much like he used to do when we met during my job at the pizzeria those years ago.

Everyone was happy. Except Marty, we couldn't find him.

I got dressed in a pretty sundress, as it was a beautiful day. I walked around town with Freddy, relying heavily on him to support me. I was so thankful that I was able to take him with me. Sure, I said it was too bright that day. But I couldn't care less when I was holding hands with Freddy.

When we returned home, everyone was waiting, like the time I had with Freddy gave them time to prepare.

.....Everyone, except for Marty.

Everyone surrounded me with gifts.

"Shouldn't we wait for Marty?" I asked.

"He said to start without him." Bonnie shrugged. So we did.

Freddy helped me sit on the couch, and then sat next to me.

I knew that if there was anything these guys knew how to do, it was throw a birthday party. And they sure did! I had a blast.That cake Chica made was delicious. Then, it was time for the presents.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything..." I folded my hands as I sat on the couch with Chica on one side, and Freddy on the other.

"Of course we did!" Gordon explained. "Today is special. Without it, we wouldn't have you!"

"Could you imagine where we would be??" Chica giggled. "Open mine first!"
She handed me a sparkly yellow and purple polka dot package. "I made them myself!" when I opened it there were chocolates inside; different shapes, colors, and flavors. All that looked professionally made, and all that I was going to devour later without sharing.

Bonnie gave me a jewelry box, Foxy gave me a dress he had made himself- it looked like a girl's version of what a pirate would wear, and Gordon gave me a photo album and camera.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get you anything, (Y/N)...I will make it up to you." Freddy said. He was really hurt that he hadn't gotten me anything. But I didn't blame him, he didn't really have the time to get me anything. And I didn't really want anything anyway. So everything I got that day was icing on the cake, so to say.

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