Chapter Twenty Five

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I woke up early the next morning, before Chica. I wanted to take a shower, but I didn't have any extra clothes. None of us did. Chica and I would probably have a girl's day and get some clothes for everyone, to get our mind off everything, while the boys stayed and looked for a  new place to live.

I looked out the window, hoping to see the sun rise, but decided to sit outside instead. It was peaceful, and probably the last bit of peace for a long time; I could feel it.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." Freddy sat next to me and handed me a hot chocolate, as it was a little chilly.

"Good morning..." I greeted, but kept my eyes on the sky. "Thank you..." I accepted the hot chocolate.

"Are you okay?" he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I leaned on him.

"No, I'm not." I answered honestly. "For now I just want to enjoy the sunrise."

We just enjoyed our hot chocolate silently, in the presence of eachother's company.

When the sun came up, it was beautiful. It filled the sky golds and blues. It would have been so perfect if there wasn't so much to deal with.

Freddy kissed the top of my head. "It'll be okay..." he softly whispered. I wanted to believe that with my entire being.

"AWWW! Look at the love birds!!!" Chica announced loudly. If everyone was still asleep at that moment, they surely weren't anymore.

"Good morning, Chica..." Freddy sighed.

"Listen we need to get some clothes for us to wear so we can shower! No way I'm hanging around stinky boys all day."

"Gee, thanks.."

"(Y/N), wanna go real quick?"

"Sure. We'll be back before everyone wakes up." I tried to smile. "Freddy will you tell everyone where we went?" I asked.

"Of course." Freddy smirked.

"And text me everyone's sizes okay?"

"sure." He kissed my cheek. "Have fun, ladies."

Chica and I left in my car to the nearest mall. We got some cute outfits, then shopped for the boys, according to Freddy's texts. We got them some things that matched their style, and a My Little Unicorn hat for Bonnie because we had to.

We decided to go and get coffee and breakfast for everyone on the way back, and piled all the clothes we got in the trunk of my car. That's when I got a text from Gordon, letting me know he was about to call me and it was important so I needed to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered, once it rang. I sat there in the driver's seat with the keys in the ignition and one hand on the wheel. Chica sat next to me in the passenger side, with her hands neatly folded, patiently.

"Hey, (Y/N). So Freddy and I just met with the fire marshall at the burn site. Absolutely nothing survived. It's all ash." he explained.

"I know. The flames were too strong." I tried to remain strong too, but it was so hard.

"Right. So, we did a final sweep to see if we could find anything, and amongst the rubble, we found an envelope. It's addressed to you."

"Huh?" I winced at the thought. "Have you opened it?"

"No. I figures since it's yours, you should open it. But I have a bad feeling. This was definitely placed there after the flames were put out, knowing you might return."

"Okay, we'll be there in about 30 minutes. We're just gonna pick up breakfast first."

"Okay. We're gonna head back to the hotel then, meet you there."

"Meet you there." I said, and hung up. When I put my phone down, I explained everything to Chica as we pulled out of the mall parking lot and headed to the nearest drive thru. We ordered our coffee and food, and rushed back to the hotel. We met in Freddy's room, shared with Marty and Gordon.

We handed everyone their coffee and food, before we gave them the clothes out of the trunk. Gordon handed me the envelope.

It definitely wasn't something that I had seen before, not that any envelope of mine would have survived. It had caligraphy styled writing on it, definitely written, not printed. The envelope was also pure

I placed my hand on the corner of the envelope, ready to rip it open, my heart pounding.

I opened it, and read aloud only a single message.

"I always come back."

"Good God...Vincent? He's the one that did this??" Uncle stood up from the floor he was sitting on, and began walking out of the room.

"Uncle, where are you going?" I asked

"To the lock box in the back of my truck."


"Machine gun. I'm gonna go find Vincent. I just wanna talk."

"It might not be that easy." Gordon explained. "We need to find somewhere to go first. Then, I can make a security system in case he finds us again."

"Ok. You do that, while I hunt the asshole down." Uncle replied. "Besides. Now that I have Rockstar Bonnie we are even, and let me tell you something-- on the police force during practice, he was always a little bitch."

"Oh my god, Uncle!" I laughed. Everyone else did too. It was funny too imagine Rockstar Bonnie with a gun, but it was even funnier listening to those words come out of his mouth.

"Let's think of a plan later." Chica smiled. "Let's just enjoy our food and coffee, then I think we should have a fashion show!!" she clapped.

"Seconded!" I agreed.

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