Chapter Thirty Eight

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The way the melded animatronic Frankenstein chased us was horrifying, but it was also it was very predictable. It was time to use that to our advantage

We constantly led it away from the machine, where Gordon was waiting to operate it at the right time. It moved slower than us. This gave us the upper hand, and we were able to lead it right where we needed it to be: between us, and the machine. From there, we were able to aim our guns at it. The shots would set it back, and into the compressor. We trusted Gordon to use his best judgement on when to activate that machine.

We shot it, over and over. We used all of the ammo in our possession. The building was, for a moment, filled with the loudness of our gunfire. Painful as it was to have it echo around the place with nowhere for the sound to escape to, we kept firing, as if we were unaffected by it.

With all of our shots managed to push it back forcefully, and we had no problems wasting all of our ammo on it. 

With each shot, the monster let out an unnerving squeal, similar to a pig being brought to the slaughterhouse.

The hum of the machine filled the warehouse. It made sense that everyone would hear it when it was in use. Being an old warehouse, everyone needed to be safe.

We kept shooting the creature, finally it lost its balance and fell backwards into the crushing machine. It screamed and squealed as it was slowly being crushed to death and could do nothing about it. I covered my ears to try and muffle the horrifying sound. Freddy wrapped his arms around me, holding my head against his chest.

Uncle's POV:

I had the bastard pinned down, and man did I have fun kicking the ever loving hell outta him! Marty was on standby; he wanted to just get everything done and over with, but I knew how much that would upset (Y/N). She loved him and thought of him as part of the family, as with everyone else. If Marty left without atleast saying goodbye, she would be heartbroken. So, I stalled. Sure I was beating Springtrap to a pulp for my own enjoyment too. It's win-win right?

I heard the kids let out a barrage of bullets on that weird creation that Springtrap created. I didn't let its screams get to me, but it was definitely getting to Springtrap. I guess it would get to me too, if I was a lonely old man and all I had were creepy robots to keep me company...nah I would just go outside and make some friends.

"You hear that? My kids are doing away with that toy of yours." I taunted. "And're next."

He seemed to be shaken by my remark, and he should have been! Where he was going, he would never again be without torture. And Marty was the one who was going to make sure of that.

To be honest, I felt bad- not just because of what Marty was was going to do to this man and he had no idea- but because Marty was willingly giving up finding peace with the rest of us just to serve him the justice he deserved. I felt bad, but the truth was, I admired that about him too.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Once the screaming had stopped, I slowly let go of Freddy and sighed, relieved.

"You think it's dead?" Bonnie asked, stepping towards the machine. He looked down into the machine at the wreck that was now in there.  "Yeah...don't come over here. It's pretty bad. But, it's dead."

"Thank you, Bonnie." I replied.

"We should probably check on Uncle and Marty." Chica suggested. "It's awfully quiet over there now."

The six of us hurried back to Uncle, but they weren't in any trouble. In fact, Springtrap was on the floor, under Uncle's boot. Uncle of course had a huge grin on his face.

"What happened in here?" Gordon asked, laughing at the scene presented in front of us.

"Oh you know, getting a few kicks in before he has to leave and I can never kick him again." Uncle smirked. "Marty?" He nodded towards Marty, who was just standing nearby. He had a blank look on his face.

"Marty? Are you okay?" I asked.

"I see what you were doing now..." Marty chuckled. "You are sneaky, Uncle."

I was confused for a moment. At the same time I thought it was cute the way Marty called him Uncle too.

"It's my job to meddle." Uncle laughed.

"(Y/N), listen to me." Marty was calm but serious, as he held one of my hands gently, and looked straight in my eyes. "I...I have to go."

"What? Where are you going? Don't you have to move on with everyone else?"

"I could. But that would mean that this....this monster, would come back. He always does. How I would love to be at peace with everyone..." He explained, tears beginning to stream down his face. "But I can't. I'm the only one who can drag him to Hell and make sure he stays there. And do this is something I have to do. I will make sure he never hurts you again."

"Marty..." I held him tightly. "Please don't go yet...I want you to be with everyone else. Don't do this."

"I need to, (Y/N). I can't move on, none of us could, knowing he would come back. And he will not stop. You know this."

"I know, but...this isn't fair!" I cried with him. "I can't let you go to Hell, with him, because of me. Please, Marty we can figure it out."

"We can't." Marty looked at Springtrap, who was just laying on the floor under Uncle's boot like he knew he had lost. "I need to keep you safe. I failed with the others. Let me do this for you. Please." He continued to cry. The way the tears streamed down his face reminded me if the Puppet he once possessed.

I looked at everyone else who stood behind me. They didn't know what to say either. They knew that this was what we needed to do. But they didn't have such a hard time, like I did.

I kissed Marty's cheek.

"I know that...I can't stop you. As much as I want you to stay, your mind it made up, isn't it?"

"It is."

"Then all I can say is...thank you." I sniffled. "Thank you, for everything. I love you, and I will never forget what you did for me."

"I love you too, (Y/N). And thank you, for making my short time with all of you so memorable. I'll be okay, and now, you will be too."

I held him tightly again, knowing it would be the last time I would. I kissed his cheek again.

Marty kept a smile, through the tears he cried, as he let go of me and backed up slowly to Springtrap.

"Bye Marty!!" Chica shouted. "We'll miss you!"

"You're a legend!" Foxy added.

"Thank you for protecting (Y/N)." Uncle placed his hand on Marty's shoulder. "I'm lucky to have known you. You're a sweet kid."

"Im honored you feel that way." Marty smiled. "Goodbye, everyone." Marty knelt down and somehow reached into the Springtrap suit to pull Vinent out. We only momentarily saw his face before they both disappeared. Silence followed.

I could feel my heart beating faster. I started breathing heavier. I fell to my knees, as Uncle and Gordon made sure there was no life left in Springtrap and put him in the crushing machine.

I was surrounded by everyone else, their arms around me. Deep down, I knew they were next.

We went home, piled in Uncle's truck with Rockstar Bonnie like we had since my car went missing. We got in, and collapsed in the living room Freddy was next to me, wiping my tears as they came.

"Don't forget...we love you very much, (Y/N)." Freddy whispered.

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