Chapter Twenty Seven

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We brought Uncle to the Pizzeria, where everyone was happy to see him. I had to make the excuse that he had some tweaks we had to work out so we had to take him home, but was in full working order now.

Rockstar Bonnie stepped onto the stage with the Chica, Bonnie and Freddy animatronics. The rest of us sat at a table waiting for what was going to happen, but he just stood there, like the rest of them, between shows.

"I found another hotel." Gordon stated and showed us on his phone. It was a nice one, heavily guarded with security and far away.

"It looks good." was all I said, then crossed my arms and lay my head on them, on the table. I really didn't care where we went. I just wanted to go together, and we were missing one.

"What is he even doing?" Bonnie asked, looking at the stage.

"I don't know, he's just standing there." Freddy replied.

I could feel the tension rising in our group. I could understand why, I mean how long did he want us to wait there while he stood on stage and did nothing? We had to get out of there and to the hotel as soon as possible.

"Maybe he wants to stay there? He didn't really say what he wanted to come here for. That must be it." Foxy stated.

"No, we'll get going soon. Right now, there are way too many people here." Gordon mentioned, his eyes still glued to his phone. Who knows what he was doing on there, but I'm sure it was something helpful.

Uncle had ridden in the back with Gordon on the way over to the pizzeria, so I was sure he told him something about what he was doing. But what did he mean that there were too many people?

After about an hour, we were all restless. And wanted to get going.

"Well, I guess he wants to stay then. We gotta get going." Bonnie stood up and headed towards the door.

"Where the hell are you going?" And there he was, stepping down from the stage, when there was no one around: My Uncle, the way I remembered him. Except...

"YOU HAVE ROCKSTAR BONNIE BLUE HAIR!!" I gasped before I tackled him. I thought I would never again see his face.

"Yeah, yeah, rub it in." he laughed. "I couldn't come out of the robot until everyone was gone, and we had to bring him here so we weren't lugging him around."

"That's thinking ahead." Marty said.

"So why did you decide to come out then? You're rocking it, by the way." I smiled.

"Well, we couldn't get into the guarded hotel while I was like that right? Also, I can't be very quiet when I'm walking around with that thing." Uncle explained.

I couldn't think of a scenario yet that he would have to be quiet. I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on.

We left and went to the hotel. Gordon was right, it was way out there. Uncle had to drive though. He apparently missed being able to drive his truck. It was actually kind of adorable the way he forbade anyone from touching the steering wheel while he wasn't Rockstar Bonnie.

When we arrived, we checked in to our hotel, I had a room all to myself. I didn't want to though, and wished Chica was there.

Chica's POV:

They didn't come for me. I'm glad. I warned them not to, because HE was waiting here for them.

I hurt. I hurt so much at that point. This monster the one who called himself Springtrap showed no mercy when it came to hurting me. He asked me all kinds of questions about (Y/N) that I refused to answer. But, I wasn't scared of him anymore, so he could just do what he wanted.

I looked around at my surroundings. I seemed to be in an old abandoned factory, as I saw old machines and conveyor belts- nothing that was useful in any way, because I was tied to a chair.

I had already tried to make an escape and fight Springtrap as I was tied there, but that didn't work as well as I had hoped. It resulted in being beaten and tortured more.

I didn't know how long I had been there. How much time had passed? I missed the others. I missed their smiling faces. But I couldn't go back to them now, Springtrap would surely follow. I came back to guard (Y/N). And if this is the way I have to do it, then so be it.

(Y/N)'s POV:

The hotel was beautiful on the inside. It was definitely luxurious too! It was so well lit, with a fancy chandelier hanging from the top. There were 2 beds, and it was like there were rooms for them, rather than just being next to eachother like the other hotel had. It had a jacuzzi in there that I was thankful for and would most definitely use. They even had those fancy robes that you saw in the movies or advertised on tv, but didn't really know they existed.
However, I Just sat on my bed all day. No one came to talk to me and that was fine, I was sure I was a constant downer, anyway.

I had lost my apetite completely, even though the hotel we were staying at offered room service, fine dining, and a mini bar in the room.

Later on, during the night, someone knocked at my door. I only sat up on my bed, but was hesitant to open the door. It didn't have a way to look outside like the other hotel did.

My phone then rang, Freddy was calling me.

"It's okay to open up the door, (Y/N), it's just us." he explained. I then hurried to the front door and opened it.

They all came in and for some reason they were all dressed in black.

"Is....everything okay?" I asked. I didn't really know what else to ask.

"Put these on." Uncle handed me a bag with black clothing in it so we could match.

"Okay? What's going on?"

"A rescue mission." Bonnie said, before they all grinned.

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