Chapter Twenty Nine

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We took formation and began making our way to Chica.

"PSSST! CHICA!!" I whispered loudly, but she seemed unconscious at the moment. She was still tied to the chair, and she was slumped over.

"(Y/N), get her out of there." Freddy said. "He's here somewhere."

They looked around, as I cut the ropes off of Chica. She fell into my arms, and I held her tightly.

"(Y/N), what are you doing here...?" She managed to say.

"We came to get you. We wouldn't ever leave you behind."

"You need to go. Don't you know he's waiting for you?"

"I know.  I'm not afraid, not when we're all together."

"Phoenix7, you have cover from above." Uncle paged me. "Take CrispyWing8 and leave the building. VC3 accompany them, make sure they get out and to the extraction point. Fazbrown2 and Yar4, get to distracting. You have a clear path to the door. Lets move!"

Bonnie and I carried Chica, placing her arms around our shoulders so we could walk her out quickly, with support.

Thankfully,  we made it outside through the front door,  closely watched and protected by Uncle.

Uncle's POV:

I watched (Y/N), Bonnie, and Chica as they left the building and made their way down the street.

"CrispyWing8 is in custody, I repeat, CrispyWing8 is in custody. FazGold5, is the extraction point safe?" I paged into Gordon.

"Extraction point is safe," Gordon replied. "Shall I start Operation Getaway?"

I had no idea that they named the plan to get away. These kids were so damn smart.

"Yes, get started, and page me when preparations are complete. The rest of us are going to track down Vincent if he is still here."

"Copy." Gordon replied.

I looked around the warehouse, with the scope of my gun.  I looked around the outside too, and there was no sign of him.

"Where are you, ya rotten deformed bastard?" I asked. I saw Foxy and Freddy check every corner of the warehouse, daring Vincent to come and face them, but he was nowhere to be found.

I then heard something nearby, like something crawling within metal walls. I listened very closely to where the noise was coming from; from my right, in a vent that led into the factory. I aimed, and shot it with my rifle. Vincent, inside of that stupid Springtrap suit, came tumbling down and crashed to the floor of the factory.

"There you are." I grinned. And instead of walking down the fire escape stairs into the now opened front door like a normal person would do, I busted the window from above and jumped down.

"FazGold5, to BlueRB1, preparations for Project Getaway are now complete."

"Copy." I responded. "You kids get to the extraction point. Vincent and I need to have a little talk."

The boys did what I asked as Vincent stood up to face me. I may not have been able to physically kill him right now, but I was sure as hell gonna have fun trying!

"So...mine really did kill you." Vincent laughed. "And that brat brought you back as Who? Something blue and cheerful?"

"Rockstar Bonnie." I smirked. "Puts whatever Bonnie Model you have to shame." I grabbed a pistol from my belt. " gonna come out here and fight me like a man, or are you gonna stay in there like a little bitch?"

(Y/N)'s POV:

I was in the driver's seat, my foot on the gas, ready to go. We were waiting for Uncle, Foxy, and Freddy to make it to us before I floored it and got the hell outta there.

We then saw Freddy and Foxy making their way towards us and jumped into the bed of the truck. I looked at them as they collapsed, out of breath. I opened the door on my side and yelled,

"Where is Uncle??"

"He stayed behind to face the rotten bunny." Foxy explained.

"Oh dear lord..." I sighed. "Now isn't the time for him to mess with that guy, we have to get Chica back to the hotel and take care of those wounds." I wanted to grab a gun and make my way back there to help but I was the only one who could drive, that wasn't hurt, and I needed to be ready to go at a moment's notice.

"Uncle, get outta there, we're ready to go!" I paged, annoyed that he was taking so long.

"Who is this Uncle you speak of?" He answered, and I heard a few gunshots as he spoke.

"Ugh...RbBlue1. What the hell are you doing?"

"Just having a little fun. I've shot the bastard a few times, and lemme tell ya, he is PISSED!" He laughed.

"You're too much."

"Get ready to go! I'm on my way!"

"Bout damn time..." I mumbled. "This isn't a game."

"Turn your mic off, Sweetheart. " He laughed again.

Soon, we had seen Uncle bolting down the street to get to us. Vincent wasn't far behind, but still Uncle just kept laughing.

He jumped into the back of the truck with Freddy and Foxy, then I stomped on the pedal to get going.

As planned,  Uncle shot Vincent to slow him down, and we were able to get away, losing him on the way to the hotel.

Foxy and Bonnie helped get Chica to our room. I grabbed my uncle and held him.

"Please don't do that again without back up." I held him tightly. He just pat my head. "I just got you back, and I don't know for how long. Please don't do anything so reckless."

"I'm not going anywhere for now. Don't worry about me okay? I came back to protect you, and that's what I'm doing. Just you know, annoying little Vin while I do so, and it's funny."

"Yes, I suppose it is." I laughed nervously.

"I have a first aid kit in the lockbox of the truck. Can you get it and meet me in your room? We have to make sure we dress the wounds properly, and make sure she doesn't have a concussion."

"Okay, meet you there." I smiled. I went to the back of the truck to the lockbox, not knowing why he didn't grab it, as he was just back there.

When I opened it, I grabbed the first aid kit, but something else caught my eye.  There was a small transparent tarp that had covered something colorful. I lifted it,  and there they were, the lost plush dolls that I thought had burned in the fire. Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face.

"We had gone back a couple nights ago." Freddy explained as he climbed into the back of the truck to join me.

"Your uncle wanted to see if there was anything else Vincent may have left behind, in terms of how to track him. There was nothing, but after digging around for a little bit,  we found these. They weren't touched by the fire."

"How is that even possible?" I asked. He took my hands into his and held them gently.

"It's because they were built out of love, so that you would have a piece of us after we left. It's how I was able to survive the fire in the facility. We love you, (Y/N). I love you." He kissed my forehead. "And that love is stronger than any fire."

I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me too. I felt so safe there.

"Alright, break it up, love birds." Uncle  came to us. "Oh all the sudden you aren't in a hurry to help Chica. I see how it is." He laughed, snatched the first aid kit from me and went inside.

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