Chapter Seven

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It wasn't a bad idea to go home and sleep on all the new information we learned. I was anxious to find out more and to find out if it was possible to meet the new robots. They looked so nice.

Chica and I had made breakfast so that we could further discuss questions we would ask Circus Baby if we were given the chance. We made pancakes and of course we had to make bacon with it.

"Okay so we ask her to tell us about William Afton, and if there was really a leak to the old place. Let's start with that.  If nothing restricts us from asking further questions, we will ask about why they are there, and to see Circus Baby herself." I explained.

" may not want to do that." Gordon looked on his laptop. "Circus Baby is a little..." He trailed off and turned the laptop around so that we could all see what he found.

"Ok, she's creepy." Chica pointed out. I looked at her for a second, but chose not to remind her that her animatronic was not exactly gorgeous.  In fact,  to me, Circus Baby was way less scary to me than Chica was.

"And this..." He turned his laptop around and searched for a face on William Afton. He turned around to show us.

There was a chubby man. One that looked a little familiar, I just couldn't pin point where I had seen him before. He was chubby,  smiled cheerfully, and was full of life.  Still, My mind was going to linger on it long after we talked about it, until I figured out who he was.

After breakfast, we all went to bed and awaited our next visit to the secret underground storage.

My alarm went off before 11pm, so we could get ready and I could get coffee from Zayla. The plan was to bring Foxy and Chica this time to the storage facility.  We had asked Marty if he had wanted to go. But for some reason, he didn't want to return.

We piled in the cars, and made our stop at the coffee shop where Foxy just couldn't keep his eyes off our dear Zayla. After she had handed us our drinks that would now become the norm, she handed foxy a little folded up piece of paper that had his name written on it with a little heart. We drove off after she made our coffee.

"Did Zayla give you her phone number?" I teased.

"...aye." Foxy quietly spoke from the back seat.  I looked in the rearview mirror and saw him turning red.

"That's so sweet. After our shift tonight,  let's go and get you a phone. "

I wanted to support Foxy. He didn't have his own phone and I would be damned if he was going to use mine or uncle's  to talk to a girl.

When we arrived, we entered the building just like the night before. We placed our coffee on a nearby table and we made sure that one of us three had a walkie talkie to keep communication. I was so ready for this.

When the 3 of us made it through the entrance vent, we were then promoted  to do the daily tasks of checking if the animatronics were on their stage and shocking them if they weren't. I hated that part. But this time, neither the light nor the shock button worked.

So the Hand Unit guide informed us that it was going to reboot the system and see if that fixed things. Everything was dark, and all the vents opened. I hooked arms with Foxy and Chica. Honestly, standing in the dark like that,  in a place so creepily abandoned was unnerving to me. It helped that they were there.

"Checking in." Chica said over the radio. 

"Hey Chica, how's it going down there?" Bonnie said at the other end. We could tell he was anxious.

"Good, but the system had to do a reboot because things aren't working. We'll let you know if anything else happens."

"When your guide comes back, he will tell you that he failed in restoring the power to the shock device. " we heard Circus Baby's voice.

"Circus Baby??? Where were you yesterday?" I called to her. "We tried to find you so we wouldn't have to shock you. But we had no choice!"

"Do not worry, Ballora understands....Funtime Foxy understands... I understand..."

I felt uneasy with the way she said that.

"What do we do now?" Chica asked.

"Your guide will tell you to run into Ballora Gallery as fast as you can to the power module. If you follow his instructions, you will die. Ballora will not return to her stage anymore. She will listen for you..."

"Ohhhhkayyyyy" Foxy sounded as if he were creeped out enough and he just wanted to go home.

Just like Circus Baby had said, the guide came back online and explained that we needed to restore power manually. He told us, like she had warned, that we have to hurry through. But we decided to heed Circus Baby's advice.

We crawled through Ballora Gallery slowly, equipped with lights,  and we were sure to stay still when she was near. Her music was beautiful. When we turned the lights back on, I hoped I would get to see her.

We made safely to the power module. It looked simple enough. However...

"Uh, (Y/N)..?" Chica shone her light to our right and we saw a pink and white animatronic bear, with a little blue bunny on his hand. He was just standing there, staring at us.

"Hello there!" I was excited to see a new face. "We need to restore the power, and we will be on our way. Is that alright?" I smiled. 

"Well hell-hello! I hear it's yo-your birthday next week!" He answered, his voice skipping,  like an old prerecorded message. That's all I thought it was at first until I thought about it again and realized my birthday really was the next week.

"Okay, what day?" I crossed my arms and smirked. I thought about how impossible it would have been to know my actual birthday.

"Why, (M/D)! H-how could I for-forget??"

"We wouldn't forget you! We should celebrate together!" The little bunny on his hand talked. It was so cute.

"Awwww! How cute!" I was pretty much a Fangirl of all of these robots. I loved meeting this new one. They both seemed so friendly.

"This is Funtime Freddy! And I'm Bon Bon!" The little bunny cheered.

"It is nice to meet you!" I stated to match their enthusiasm. "My name is--"

"(F/N) (L/N). We know you!"

I paused for a second. I would be scared for my life at the moment if I wasn't so fascinated.

While Funtime Freddy and I were talking,  Foxy had restored the power.

"Does Ballora know me too??" I asked excited.

"She do-does! And she can-cant wait to see you!" Funtime Freddy exclaimed. I was so excited.

As we left the power room, chica nudged me.

"(Y/N) do they know your name??" She whispered to me.

"I don't know...but we'll worry about that later. Let's go meet Ballora!"

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