Chapter Thirty Seven

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"My father trusted you at one point." Marty stepped forward, closer to Springtrap. "You killed me, then you killed 5 more, swearing to get the 6th, but we won't let you."  Marty's eyes burned brightly with anger. "Now I won't die until I make you. I gave them life, and I can take yours away."

"And how will you do that?" Springtrap laughed evilly, and didn't move from the worn down chair. "I know I am bound for hell. But, I will always come back. Always, until SHE is dead alongside you." He pointed at me. "So that my collection will be complete."

"Okay. Enough talk." Uncle stepped out of Rockstar Bonnie. "Come out and fight me, one on one. If you choose not to, all of us will attack you,  and you will suffer."

"You will all die in here." Springtrap laughed again, right before the walls started rumbling. We all readied ourselves.

What started out as small vibrations became stronger with each impulse. It was almost like something big was stomping, heading our way.

"Brace yourselves." Gordon commanded, right before a wall separating that part of the warehouse to the next busted open, brick and debris flying everywhere. We weren't ready for what stood before us then.

It was a colossal being, very similar to Ennard. It was burned, the metal wires melted together in a horrifying monstrosity. Pieces of Baby, Ballora, Funtime Foxy and Funtime Freddy stuck out of the creature, like someone had just placed them there for identity.

"Uh...plan?" Chica asked.

The truth was, we had only planned on destroying Springtrap.  We had no plan for this.

"Everyone, take down whatever the hell that is." Uncle gestured to the monster. "Marty, you're with me. Let's move!"

It was going to take all our skill, all our ammo, to take this thing down. Also,  I was mad because I really wanted to see the fight between Springtrap and Rockstar Bonnie. I wanted to see Uncle kick the holy hell out of Vincent.

Uncle's POV:

I knew I could leave the monstrosity to the kids, while Marty and I took on Springtrap. I returned to Rockstar Bonnie, since he wasn't man enough to fight me without his robotic shell.

Even in life, every time I saw him I wanted to punch him in the face. Even on the force when the only time we really interacted was in the meetings for the missing children, I wanted to floor him. I always had some kind of feeling he wasn't a good person, because of the way he acted. Then (Y/N) told me about who he really was. I remembered I didn't believe her at first. 

"Marty. You can destroy him right?"

"I can." Marty replied, still looking like he was just waiting for the right time to rip him to shreds.

"Then this is all you. I'll follow your lead this time. What do you need me to do?"

"Weaken him. Beat him up alot. Break his legs so he can't crawl away. Then hold him down. I will take it from there."

You know, nothing really scares me much, but I'm going to be completely honest here, and say that seeing Marty so pissed off actually frightened me. Alot.

I ran at Springtrap, Marty not far behind from me, intending to deliver a right hook. But that was easier said than done. I was slower than he was. I didn't have as much experience being in a robot, like he did. That didn't stop me.

I watched Marty just walk up to Springtrap and stare at him,  like the way he looked at him would physically hurt him.

"I am bound for hell, anything you do to me will dull in comparison." Springtrap continued to laugh. "So I'm not ready to go quite yet!"

"You are mistaken. You are bound for much worse than Hell." Marty stated. "You are going somewhere further down,  where you will be tortured over and over. You will know the pain you put us through,  but it will not end. You will not ever rest. Nor will I, I will be the one keeping you there."

My heart skipped a beat. Marty was about to drag Springtrap down, and he was going to give up his life to do it. Marty was like another one of the kids to me, almost as if he were mine. I didn't want him to go, but his mind was made up.

While Springtrap was distracted with Marty, I shoved him from the side,  against a nearby wall.

"Got you now, asshole." I said, before I shoved his head into the old brick wall.

(Y/N)'S POV:

I was so worried about Uncle and Marty, but we had our own task to worry about at the moment.  Without a plan, it was going to difficult to take down such a structure but we were determined to get it done.

"This is a warehouse, there has to be some kind of compressor somewhere,  atleast there was, on the old blueprints I found!" Gordon exclaimed. "If we get this thing in there,  we could crush it to death. Follow me!"

We all began running while Gordon led the way through the factory.  The giant mess of metal followed after us with slow, but powerful stomps. It was horrifying to have something like that chase us, and it kind of reminded me of a horror movie.

"I'm going to distract it." Bonnie said, taking a glass bottle from the backpack he was wearing.

"Bonnie? Where the hell did you get a Molotov???" Freddy freaked out a little.

"I figured it would be helpful, but it's not the time to discuss right now."

"Count me in!" Foxy smirked,  and began shooting the giant monstrosity rapidly, the sound of the gunshots echoing loudly.

Bonnie climbed into its back, and shoved the Molotov into its mouth

"Get down!" Freddy grabbed me and held me against the floor, shielding me from any danger.

We heard a small explosion and some metal hitting the floor with a loud clank, but that was it. It was still functional.

I sighed. We didn't have anything to blow it up, with us. If we had known this Ennard wanna be was going to be here,  we would have tried to find a rocket launcher,  or atleast taken a few more grenades. The ones we had, were in Uncle's possession at the moment.

"Found it!" Gordon yelled. Gesturing to the gigantic machine that had numerous buttons and levers to control. "We need to lure it in there.  It's a slow compressor, so I will have to stay here to control it, and start it up so it gets crushed the moment it falls in."

"Got it!" I called back. I sounded confident, but I had no idea what to do to lure it in there. I needed to think.  There had to be something we could do, to crush that thing!

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