Fallin' For Him

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You are just an average girl.

 In an average town.

 In an average country.

 In an average world. 

You make good grades.

Got friends.



and Socks.

However, you feel like something is missing... 

Like, you feel like that just being an average person like the rest of the average people in the average world is pointless.

You do not have any important status like the Queen of England or Mickey Mouse. Nor, you are famous like Shrek or like Jojo Siwa. You are not a super-hot genius like Albert Einstein or an awesome poetic nice guy like Martin Luther King Jr. 

You are just a small town girl.

Living in a lonely world.

You took the midday train...

...going to your house.

You arrive home, change to your most comfortable clothing, and went straight down to your favorite place: The kitchen.

"I feel like something missing in my life!" Y/N says while chugging a bag

 of milk.

"All I do is work, work, work no matter what," Y/N says tiredly.

But for some reason you feel your life complete every time you watch your favorite movie...

The Lorax.

After you chugged that whole 2% milk, you get yourself your favorite bag of chips and your favorite drink.

You run to your room and hop on your bed.

You turn on the T.V. and watch your daily dose of your favorite movie...

The Lorax.

Oh Boy.

But we all know why you are so obsessed with the movie...

It is not because Danny Devito is in it, or the cute fuzzy animals. It is definitely not because Taylor Swift is in or your super childhood crush, Zac Effron. Of course, it is not because super pretty boomer power, Betty White, is in it either.

You watch it because of The Once-ler.

That skinny legend, fedora hat, gummy bear stole your heart...

...and your life.

Especially your social life!

"Oh, I wish The Once-ler was real!" you said while watching the movie and doing your homework at the same time.

"He is boyfriend material. He is caring, he is sweet, he is funny, he is a successful businessman even though he lost everything, but that does not even matter as long as he's hot." You said randomly.

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