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Two men forced me and my sister to our knees, four others tying my mother and father to chairs. My sister and I were crying as one of the men took out a gun and pointed it at my crying mother.

"Stop! Let her go!" My father yelled at the man.

"Your time is up, Mrs. Callings." The man said, and pulled the trigger. My sister and I screamed and continued crying.

"You bastard!" My father yelled at the man, "We gave you all you wanted! Why'd you kill her?"

The man pointed the gun at my father's leg and shot his knee cap. He screamed in pain as we continued sobbing. Another shot hit his shoulder and he screamed again. Another in his gut. Another in his a groin and the man let him sit there with his pain. The man made a final shot in his frontal lobe, ending his life. The man wiped his nose with the back of his hand, satisfied as he turned to us, putting his gun away.

He then walked to us and we hung our heads. That's when he pulled my sister to her feet and she screamed.

"Let her go!" I yelled at him, and pulled on the grip of the man who was holding me. The man holding my sister just pulled her into a room and shut the door, locking it. He was going to hurt her. It was quiet for a couple seconds, "Izz?" I asked, scared. My sister then started screaming, "Izz!" I screamed, and pulled out of the man's grip.

"Ashton!" My sister screamed as I ran to do the door. I gripped the handle and fought to get it open. She continued screaming.

"Isabela!" I yelled, and someone grabbed me by the arm. I screamed and they dragged me back from the door. They hit me over the head.

I snapped up from my desk and looked around, tired. I took a sticky note off my cheek. My phone was buzzing in a cup I had put it in. I answered, yawning.

"Yeah?" I said, through the yawn.

"Hey, Ash, we need some help," Cas said.

"On what?" I looked in my actual cup for coffee. Nothin'.

"Body reanimation."

"Wait, you mean like zombies?" I got up and started going to my kitchen, popping my back. I let out a sigh of relief when it popped correctly.

"I don't know, organ transplants, etc." She said.

"I can see what I can put together."

"Alright, call when you get something." She hung up.

"A 'thank you' would be nice." I said, putting my phone away.

I checked my coffee maker and it was out. I check my coffee bag and that was even out. I huffed and checked the fridge. No milk either.

"Damn it," I went back into my living room and J. B. was stretching, "I wish I could do that." I got his food and fed him.

After my usual morning thing, I got on my sleeveless jacket and headed out. I got to the store and put on my sunglasses. I went in and grabbed the first coffee I saw and some milk. I was standing in the hall with the cereal when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked and saw Scarlet Jericho standing there.

I smiled at her as she smiled back, "Hey, Scar, what are you doing back in the states?" I asked, as we hugged.

"Nothing, just wondering what you guys have been doing over here,"

"Nothing much, just, Informing."

"Hm," She said, "I was looking for a place to stay, can I stay with you?"

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