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I walked into the library, rubbing my eyes. Jack looked to me from his computer.

"What do you have?" I asked.

"Somebody's trying to cure Pestilence's disease," He said.

"Really?" I asked, "What the hell?"

"I think it is hell, demons." He said, "You might want to see if Mr. King of Hell knows anything about Lucifer's minions."

I nodded, "Alright," I sighed, and looked around.

"So, you wanna go check on that?" He asked, "I'll keep an eye on the radar."

"Yeah." I nodded, "Call me if anything pops up."

"Alright," He nodded, "Good luck."

I flashed out.

I was then in hell and I looked around. I went to Fergus's office and looked in. Not in there. I walked down the hall and checked in the throne room. Nope. I sighed as I went in to wait for him. I went to Sarah's cage and watched her running. She came to a slow stop and looked at me. She sniffed then went to her food bowl. I smirked.

"What are you doing in here?" A man asked from behind me, and I jumped slightly as I turned to them. He had short brown ginger hair, brown eyes and was wearing a black suit with a white button up and a black tie.

"Waiting for the king, why?" I asked.

"Because I'm here to speak with him." He said, crossing his arms.

"Who are you?" I put my hands in my jacket pockets.

"My name is Kyle," He said, "His highness's informant." I nodded.

"Well, then we're waiting together." I leaned back on the table. He slowly started walking towards me.

"He's lucky to have a girl like you." He said, and I raised an eyebrow slightly, "You two seem like a strange match, him being the way he is and yet you're so faithful." He put a hand to my cheek and I backed away. He smiled, "Tell me why."

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Tell me why you hold him so dear to you, why do you stay with him even when he is the one who brought onto you such pain."

"That's none of your business." I said, and started going around him. He grabbed my arm and I fought him, "Let me go," He kept a grip on my arm, "I'm warning you." He brought me to him with an evil grin on his face.

"Kyle," Fergus said from the door and Kyle let me go, the grin getting wiped off his face instantly.

I punched Kyle right in his face as hard as I could and he went back, holding his face. I fixed my jacket and went to Fergus.

"I need to talk to you," I told him, and went out of the room, walking down the hall. Fergus talked with Kyle then dismissed him as he followed me into his office.

Fergus closed the door and we turned to each other. He came to me.

"He didn't put his hands on you." He said in almost a question.

"No," I said, "But I need to talk to you about something a little more important than your perverted informer."

"What would that be?" He asked.

"Do you know anything about the devil's demons that follow him around?" I asked, and he looked at me.

"No, not much," He said, "Why?"

"Well, the devil let out another horseman from the pit, Pestilence, and he's being protected by demons." I explained.

"I know as little as they're a bunch of Knights of hell, some of the best," He said, "Not as good as myself or Andria, I guess, but,"

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