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Lucifer, two weeks ago...

I went into Georgia and my demons followed after me. That was annoying that they thought they could protect me. I didn't need protecting. I walked up the hill in the small suburban town I had come to years before.

When I got to the top I looked down at the seemingly endless hole. I turned to the ten demons following me and they went back slightly.

"You," I pointed to one, and she looked at me.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Come here." I opened my arms to her. She came to me hesitantly and once she was close enough I put my hands on her shoulders, "Thank you for contributing your life."

"What?" She asked.

I grinned as I pushed her down the hole. She screamed and I watched her fall. I stepped back from the hole by two steps. A green smoke started coming up from the hole and the demons cringed. I rolled my eyes.

"May we leave? This reeks of something even worse than the dump."

I looked back at them slightly and flashed my eyes at them. They shut up and I looked back to the hole.

"It's just Pestilence," I said, as I watched a slimy hand reach up from the hole and grabbed onto the ledge.

I went to the edge and grabbed onto the arm, a squishing sound was made when I did this as the mucus got on my hand and arm. I pulled the man up and he looked at me with his family pale blue eyes.

"Lucifer?" He asked me.

I just smiled.


"So, what the hell is this?" I asked, putting a mask over my mouth and nose as we went into the "quarantine" area of the hospital.

"It's just about everything," The doctor said through the mask.

"What does that mean?" Jack asked, also with a mask on.

"It means everything. From the flu to the common cold." She said as we looked around at the patients, coughing, hacking, sneezing, and bleeding, just about everything there was to be wrong with them, "It's almost like a pandemic is going to hit again, but almost worst." Jack and I looked at each other as she turned to us.

"Well, you have all the cures for these diseases, right? Can't you just give them all the medicine needed?" Jack asked.

"I'm thinking you didn't pay attention in your health class."

"If you give these people the amount of medicine it'd take to cure them, they'd OD." I explained to him. He gave me a certain look and I got what he was asking. I nodded and looked back to the doctor.

"What if you separated it out? Give them only enough of one then move on?"

"Believe it or not, the combination of sicknesses they have, is actually keeping them alive." The doctor told us, "But death would be a better option than what they're going through."

I nodded as I looked around.

Everyone was infected by this thing. Men, women, children, even infants. This was out of hand. Jack thanked her and we headed back out to the car.

We threw the masks away and he disinfected our clothes with his angel powers. I got in the driver's seat and he got in the passenger's. I started the car as he rubbed his eyes.

"What do you think?" I asked, as I stopped at the stop sign, waiting for the cars to pass.

"I'm not sure yet," He said.

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