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Ghost, Ghost Chasers!

We chase the ghosts where others will not,

Ghost, Ghost Chasers!

We get to catching when the chasing gets hot,

Ghost, Ghost Chasers!

We chase a nightmare, we chase the dread,

Ghost, Ghost Chasers!

The dead chase you but we chase the dead,

Ghost, Ghost Chasers!

Glen stood in front of a pin board while Adam, Ashley, Ryan and Sam, an intern. Mack and Kaden were the two camera guys, recording the meeting.

"So, fellow Ghost Chasers, we have a new chase," Glen said, and pointed to a picture of an old abandoned house, "Cordova Mansion, where in 1899 several of the family members seemingly committed suicide, but later it was found that the eldest son had murdered them in cold blood." Ashley's eyebrows raised as well as Sam's.

"Where is it?"

"*bleep* Tennessee," Glen said, "It's highly prohibited, but that won't stop us from setting these souls to rest."

"Do I think Glen and Adam are insane?" Ashley asked as she packed the van, "Oh yeah," She turned to the camera and crossed her arms, "I mean come on, they say they met a group of weirdos who hunt monsters." She rolled her eyes, "If you ask me, they got played." She started heading in to get more boxes. The camera turned to Sam.

"Oh, me? I think this is cool," Sam said, sitting on the edge of the van, "Glen and Adam are swell guys. Especially Adam, he's nicer to me than anyone else here."

"I think Sam's a nice guy, he's just a little, too nice." Glen said as he packed his bag, "Especially with Adam, I think he might be gay, but it's okay, I don't think Adam minds."

"Do I care that Sam may have a crush on me?" Adam asked as he checked a camera, "Uh, I'm, uh, I don't wanna talk about it."

Ryan quietly checked the engine of the truck, glancing up at the camera then back to the engine.

"We ready?" Glen asked, coming out of the house, and Ryan gave him a thumbs up, "Let's go then," They piled in the car and Ryan started it as the camera guys got in the back.

Once they got to the gate of the house, they parked deep in the growth of vines, bushes and trees to hide the van from the authorities. Glen and Adam walked along the gate, looking up at the vines climbing up the chain links. The door to the gate had a tough lock and chain and on it.

"Alright, let's do this," Glen said, and grabbed onto the fence. He started climbing and got over the top. He dropped down on the other side and Adam followed after. Then Ryan, then Ashley, then Sam and finally the two camera guys.

One of the camera guys took a pan of the yard as the others got their head gear on for their head cams. It was sunset and the yard was filled with dark overgrowth. The camera turned back to Glen and Adam going up to the doors, which were chained and locked as well as the gate had been.

They all heard a car with a low grumbling sound of an older engine. They looked to the gate and the camera guy got closer to the gate. He aimed the camera through the growth for the audience to see a black 1968 Dodge Dart rolling slowly down the road in front of the house. A man and a woman were seen through the lightly tinted windows. They looked to the house and then sped up. The camera turned to Glen and Adam who were standing beside the camera man.

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