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I turned in my bed, feeling my arm tugging at me. I breathed out heavily, sitting up with sweat on my face. I wiped my face with my blankets, breathing out heavily.

"Cas," Jack came to my doorway, "We got a case, if you wanna come along, hurry up." He pat the doorway, "We're leaving in five minutes."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just out of state." He told me.

I nodded, and he left. I pulled on my boots on my way out the door.

I hopped to tie my laces. I ran into the kitchen to get left over pizza for breakfast. I tripped over one of the steps and fell into Vincent.

"Watch where you're going," He said, and helped me back to being steady.

I breathed heavily, "Sorry, I was just going to get some food before we left."

"Here," He gave me a bagged sandwich, "I was going to eat it on the way, but I think you might need it more. You look like crap."

"Thanks a lot." I said, taking the sandwich. He stuck out his tongue, and I saw a silver tongue piercing.

We started walking upstairs.

"How you holdin' up?" He asked as I ate.

"Alright." I told him.


I went down the hall, reaching for my scythe to put another soul into hell. I bumped into someone on my way. We looked at each other. He had dark red hair, and red-framed glasses which had a chain. His attire consisted of a vest, gloves, a red tie, and black ankle boots. He looked at me with a sense of disgust in his eyes.

"Watch it." He snapped.

"Whoa," I let out, "Sorry, my bad." He started walking again. I hadn't seen him before, "Hey, what's your name?"

He stopped almost immediately. He turned to me, his grey green eyes with a certain shine from the glasses glazing over them, "You don't know me?" He turned to me fully.

"No," I trailed off slightly, "Should I?"

"Hm," He scoffed, putting his hands behind his head, "I'm Robin, but you, abomination, can call me sir." He rested back slightly.

"Hey, what bug crawled up your ass?" I said, not backing down. He looked at me.

He put his hands down, then got in front of me and grabbed me by the jacket, "Listen, boy," He snarled, "You may have Death on your side, but believe me when I say that you are not a reaper, and you never will be. You're nothing but a pathetic human that was given a fancy toy." He threw me to the ground.

I grunted. I looked up to him as he unsheathed his scythe and put it to my throat.

"You will learn not to step in my way, or I'll force you out, got it?" He asked.

"Fine," I said, and he took his scythe away, sheathing it.

"Now get back to work." He told me as he started walking away, "Death doesn't grant us eternal life to lay on the floor."

TJ came walking around the corner, looking at Robin as he flashed out. TJ came over to me and I got up, gripping my scythe tightly.

"You okay?" He asked me.

"I'm fine," I said, and continued walking.

"Robin bullying you?" He followed me. I kept quiet as I opened an empty cell and got the soul from the scythe, "Don't listen to him, he's just jealous of you because you're Death's new favorite."

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