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"No, Jacob, I will not start this spell until you fulfill your end of the deal," Regina said as I was turned away from her. Vincent looked at me.

"We've come this far," He said quietly to me, "What's one more life of a demon?"

"Yes, what is one life of a demon, Jacob?" Regina asked, and I turned to her.

"Fine," I said, taking out Cas' phone from my pocket.

Since the place was warded, he'd have no idea it was me. I told Fergus to meet Cas somewhere and looked to Regina.

"How do I kill him?" She then picked up a hex bag from the table. She threw it to me and I caught it.

"Do not miss, Jacob,"

I just breathed heavily as I left.


"This is the fifth girl missing this week," The cop said, as we looked down to the girl with the throat ripped out in a ditch, "Same way murdered as all the rest." I nodded as I watched the paramedics start taking her out. They looked at my blank expression, "You alright there, officer?"

I snapped out of it slightly, "Yeah, just, when you've seen all the things I have, it starts getting repeated," I said plainly.

"Repeated?" He asked, "What exactly do you mean, Ms. Lithium?"

"I've seen worse than this, Officer Wiles." I said, looking to him.

A small woman started coming up to us. The cop tipped his hat and she nodded at him with a smile as he left. She looked at me and when I turned to her, she was pissed off.

"I called you in to help me on this case, Winchester, not take it over!" She said quietly.

I just looked at her, "If you didn't want me to solve this case, then you shouldn't have called me."

"I need your help because I can't find out what this is."

"Really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, "How old are you again, Ms.?"

"I'm 24."

"And how long have you been doing this?"

"5 years."

I scoffed, "It's a vamp, genius." I said, leaving while patting her shoulder.

"You're sure?" She yelled after me.

"I've been doing this for 21 years, I'm sure." I told her, getting into the Dart. She came to my window.

"How old are you, again?"

"Old enough." I turned on the car. I revved the engine and she backed away quickly.


I sat in a diner at the counter, drinking some coffee.

"This is nice," I said, and the boy turned back to me, cleaning the counter around my arms, "How did you come to making this?"

"Oh, my, uh, family owned a farm," He said, "Coffee beans were kind of our thing." I nodded.

"I had a farm, once," I said, looking at the substance in my cup.

"You did?" He asked, looking at me, "What did you harvest?"

"Potatoes, carrots, livestock," I said, taking another drink. He nodded.


"Cows, chickens, etc.," I said. He looked at me.

"Do I know you?" He asked, and I smirked slightly.

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