Part 3 - Make yourself at home

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Emily and Harry walked up the cold stone stairs to Harry's apartment. The apartment building wasn't actually that big, it was more than any typical person in London could ever afford but it wasn't as fancy as you would expected from such a wealthy celebrity.

It was pretty clean for an apartment building though, not much graffiti or broken glass on the stairs, in fact as they were coming up to the third floor there was a smell of baking.

Harry laughed to himself as he pulled out the keys from his dark blue duffle coat. 

"Mary's been baking again"

He picked up an ASDA plastic bag stacked with tupperware boxes containing all sorts of baked goods, it was just sitting outside his door, 


"Yea she's my neighbour, god knows why she's baking at this hour"

Emily let out a chuckle, "that's sweet"

As Harry was unlocking his door Emily heard the door behind her slowly open and the sound of slippers scrape against the stone floor. 

"Oh Harry your home!?".

Emily turned to se an old women, at least in her 80's standing in a lilac nighty, ah so this must be Mary. 

"I see you've been baking again"

"Only for the best" 

Her voice was very quiet and shaky, your average old women kind of voice.

"Thank you, you are a very good baker but you know you don't have to do this"

It was a daily thing, Harry would usually finds all sorts of cakes and cookies at his door and if he was away working for a certain time that just meant extra for when he came home.

"Oh i know, but it's become a bit of a habit"

Emily and Harry's laughs filled the air.

"So is this lovely little lady your new girlfriend"

"No i'm afraid not, she's just a friend"

It made Emily blush a little but luckily not enough for anyone to notice. 

"She's very pretty Harry, maybe she will put Bella in her place"

Mary winked at Emily as she had a little smile across her face, Emily laughed, Bella must have been Harry's girlfriend.

He opened his door and held it open for Emily. 

"goodnight Mary" Emily gave a little wave to Mary then walked inside.

The smell of fresh laundry and candles hit her as she walked inside, it was a spacey apartment but very homely.

Harry finished locking up and put his keys on a small table next to the door.

The space was contained by red brick walls, it looked like the whole apartment was one big room apart from his bed room which she was guessing stayed separate. he took his shoes off and made his way over to his little kitchen counter at the side of the room.

"Fancy a cuppa?" she laughed at his rich accent. 

"Yeah, that would be lovely"

There was something very comforting about his cosy home which made Emily feel welcome, maybe it was the sound of the kettle bubbling away or that oaky smell of matches coming from the lit candles on his coffee table.

"feel free to make yourself at home"

whilst harry was busy making tea Emily untied her laces and slipped off of her shoes next to Harry's.

"you house is pretty"

She walked over to the white sofa and sat down, it seemed to be the centerpiece of the room, 

"Thanks, i've had this place for a while, it's just a shame how i'm usually away".

It made sense to not have a huge fancy house if you wouldn't be there half the time.

"How do you take your tea?" 

"Just one sugar and a little milk, thanks".

As the spoon Harry was using to stir hit the side of the mug it reminded her of the simple escapes she used when she was with Jake.

She made tea a lot, it distracted her from reality and gave her a feeling of sleepiness, sometimes it wouldn't even get drunk but Emily didn't see it as a waste since it gave her such a comforting sensation.

She felt a dip in the couch which woke her up from her little day dream. 

"Here you go"

She took the tea from harry as he sat down, she cupped her hands around the mug, treating it like a hand warmer.

"thanks, your very friendly for a celebrity you know"

"you think?"

She watched her the drink in her hands ripple as she gently blew it.

"When i was about 15 i went to a Justin Bieber concert with my friend because she didn't want to go with any of her parents, she was a huge fan, we waited in line for at least 3 hours to speak to him and he was so rude!"

Harry was so amused by the way she was getting so flustered as she spoke about her past experience whilst looking at her tea, she gently swung it back and forth, watching the liquid move side to side, he was so interested in her and the stories she had.

"I mean come on, who meets their fans, takes one picture, doesn't speak to them, doesn't even smile! And then just shouts next like we're albums he has to spend all night signing!" 

She sat back into the couch and huffed.

"Well, that is pretty rude"

Harry looked at her whilst he took another sip 

"I don't know" her voice toned down a little 

"Maybe he was having a bad day or something, he can't be that famous if he treats his fans like that all the time".

He smiled at her.

"nah, even at that, you guys paid for those tickets and waited in line just to be disappointed" 

Emily looked up at him from behind her mug and smiled. 

"To be honest he was pretty pitchy on stage as well".

Harry laughed at her commentary and she joined in, she realised she was sounding a bit like an sulky toddler.

"so how do you treat your fans?" 

He liked the way she said 'your fans', it proved the fact that he could talk to her knowing she wasn't obsessed with him, he enjoyed talking to someone who wasn't a fan, it was new, different.

He enjoyed talking to her.

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