Part 23 - Déjà vu

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Her soft main of hair curled onto his bleach sheets, the luxurious smell of him eased her into relaxation.

Quick breaths were stolen from the cool air around them as his lips moved with hers, her skin brushed against his so perfectly.

She was in love with his all knowing hands and he was in love with her gentle touch. Things continued to escalate as his arms wandered up her loose top, before she could think it was lying on his oaky bedroom floor as well as his.

Feelings flurried through one and other, feelings of excitement, feelings of appreciation ... and feelings of ..déjà vu.

As Harry planted little kisses down her smooth stomach her head spun with regrets, why was Jake appearing in her head at a precious moment like this. There was too much going on, the collision between abuse and Harry's tender lips were overwhelming. 

He noticed a change in her behaviour, before he ventured any further he stopped to meet back with her glossed over eyes, with one blink a tear rolled down her youthful cheek. 

He immediately stopped and attended to her brokenness.

"hey, hey hey" His soothing voice brushed over her troubled mind whilst his thumb attended to the single stream rolling down her face. "I'm not going to do anything your not comfortable with."

She was wrapped in his snug arms as the rest of the tears she held back crawled out her from her emotional guard. "It's not you."

He stroked her head whilst it pressed against his bare chest, "It..It's Ja-"

"Shhh, shh I understand. It's ok," he calmed her just as the lump in her throat choked her words. It was a long moment they shared together, all on a deeper level accompanied by the gentle rocking of their tangled bodies.

Nothing less. 

Nothing more.

The all too familiar emotional sting hit her eyes after about an hour, nobody had said anything since, mainly because there was no need to. It wasn't a situation where she needed to talk about it but a situation where the silence carried through the suffering.

A yawn escaped from her tiresome state.


He was relieved to see her smile, he became too focused on making her feel better to notice just how beautiful she was so now seeing her, in his arms especially, it convinced him that just maybe.. a part of him was believing that he could be falling for her.   

"A little." She uttered as her nose sniffled.

"Do you want to watch something to take your mind off things?" She smiled and nodded her head, once he got up she noticed how beautiful each crevice in his body was, the dimples at his lower back, the narrow dip of his spine leading up to his neck. "Fancy anything on Netflix?"

She had to shake herself back into the room before understanding anything he said. "Uh, anything, I don't mind."

He flicked through through some options before settling on 'brooklyn 99'. The red circle chased itself on the screen as it loaded and he jumped up next to her. The warmth under the duvet trapped itself, completing the cosy atmosphere perfectly. 

Her head rested on top of his chest as her fingers danced over the black ink butterfly over his stomach. "This job is eating me alive, I can't breathe anymore" a smile printed onto Emily as Jake Peralta's voice projected from the tv.

"Good choice." 

Harry gently stroked her longs luscious hair as he spoke back to her, "are you a fan?." She smiled as she thought about her life back at her childhood home, "yea, I remembered finishing it with my old best friend back in Canada. She was always known as the 'Gina Linetti' of the group."

His laughter braught her joy as she watched Jake Peralta mess around with an old keyboard from a police case he was working. "So does that mean you were, the Hitchcock of the group?"

She playfully slapped him as their gentle giggles surrounded them.

From that moment on Harry listened to her quiet breaths as she slept, he wouldn't move, he was glued physically and emotionally to the angel that has been dragged through hell which lay on top of his body.

He couldn't have been more happy to have taken that late night stroll many months ago, without her he would be clueless. Now it seemed like she was his missing piece in a way.

Daylight seeped through his many windows, they have been blessed with another beautiful London day. As usual Harry was still asleep when she woke, his hair curled into little knots as he slept and there was still traces of a little smile left on his lips. 

As much as it pained Emily to get up and leave the adorable sight of a sleeping Harry she wanted to stretch out all the bad parts about last night (not that there were a lot) and remember all the great ones.

His seductive voice and touch being one of the great parts, it brought heat to her face just thinking about it but.. then again, if she was always aching for his skin against hers then why did she freak out like that last night?

She didn't want to give it too much thought at the moment but it was slightly worrying her, what if this was going to happen every time, what if she can never mentally escape Jake. 

Her head was now becoming swarmed with frustration, she reached for her phone which lay on Harry's bedside tables and turned it on just to get her breath stolen by the vast amount of notifications.

Some from her friends back at home saying 'Emily wtf is happening with your insta' and others.. well they were all follows, likes, tags and comments on her in instagram. She opened her phone without hesitation, she doesn't take or send nudes so nothing could have been leaked. 

She was bombarded with tags in pictures of her and Harry, her heart was paced at 100 miles an hour, there was no way her account had grown from a reasonable amount of family members, friends and students to 10,000 random accounts.

"What.. the fuck" her words came out muffled as her hand covered her mouth, she wasn't over the moon about this overnight mind blower but more concerned.

Harry gradually pushed himself up with his hands and pulled back his matted hair, "you ok?"


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