Part 18 - Oi Oi

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Bella had successfully met up with Jake and to her surprise he was actually interested in joining her with her little plans, the first heist that they both completed was very carefully thought out. Jake had shown Bella where Emily's dancing studio was and they managed to break in without drawing any attention, Emily's locker was snapped open by Jakes handy bolt cutter, it was something he would commonly use as it's not the first time he has broken into a building.

Bella's steady hand carefully unscrewed every screw that attached Emily's blade to the soul of her skate while jake swung the light of his torch around the place to every snippet of noise that haunted them. Jake repeatedly questioned why they were pulling such a pathetic prank throughout the night, his idea of revenge was much worse but Bella thought that starting slow and gradually driving Emily insane would be the perfect way to force her walls to rebuild and stay up.

Her strategy was to mess with her until she finally gives up, hopefully that meant no more Emily and Harry. She would mess with her to the point where she couldn't live in London anymore and the sooner the better, the last thing Bella wanted was the press and Harry's fans suspecting that Emily and Harry were together.

She was now able to contact Jake at any point needed and all she was waiting for was a reaction off of Emily, the next time she brings her skates out hopefully will be the start to this cunning plan.


Emily had grown up her confidence throughout her breakfast to involve herself in the discussion happening over the table, they were talking about how hard it is to walk on ice let alone dance. "Once you get used to it it really isn't as difficult as you think" Louis scoffed before taking the last sip of his orange juice, "easy for you to say, well i haven't actually seen you dance but from what Harry has told us you seem to be very good."

Emily quickly shot Harry a little smirk before starting her next sentence, "well, my head feels fine so I think I might actually get back in my skates today, you guys are welcome to come and watch if you want". A bright smile printed itself across Harry's face, "i'm definitely going, guys you should come it's really cool".

Harry would often find himself dreaming about her gliding across the shimmering sheet of ice whilst he was in LA, he was clearly enchanted with the idea of seeing her dance again. "I want to go, this sound exciting", Niall's bright smile beamed at everyone. "Well I have to be there in around 2 hours so i'm going to go get washed and dressed and Harry, you could show everyone who wants to go where it actually is?" He smiled back at Emily while she pulled out her tucked hair from her hoodie. "Yeah of course, i'll see you in a bit then."

The hot water from Emily's shower trickled down her body, her head was filled with the memory of Harry's soft summery scent while she massaged the contents of her conditioner into the bottom of her hair. 

She threw on an old ellesse hoodie and a pair of black leggings, her hair was tied up in a loose ponytail and the laces of her converse were tied around her ankle as usual.

Once the bus she always took dropped her off she swiftly made her way inside to see some early commers stretching and rehearsing jumps before scratching the first dents into the glossed over ice. 

Once her eyes met her already open locker her eyebrows furrowed and she searched for someone to run out and tell her she got pranked, but there was no one and no sign of distant giggling. She carefully pushed open the blue metal door with the tip of her finger, nothing looked like it was tampered with until she reached for her skates and the blades didn't lift with them. 

She huffed before turning her head to look for Benji, he had pulled the same prank before but he never went to the extreme of actually bolting her locker open, she couldn't fix the misshapen lock but the skates she could. Her hand dived to the back corner of the small blue box to search for a little plastic bag containing spare screws for the bottom of her boot.

She sat on a small bench as she used a pocket sized screwdriver to twist in the screws that attached her blade, Benjamin's voice lingered not too far behind her before he perched himself next to her. 


Emily kept her eyes on her boot as she spoke, "not cool Benjamin, you know how much of a pain it is to screw this shit together. And who the hell goes to the extreme of busting open my locker, huh?". 

His face portrayed a confused gaze, "I didn't do that Em."

She dropped her hands to her lap and sternly looked at him very unnamused. "Who else would have done it, Miss Kate?". Once he started to reason with her her attention focused back onto the boot, "I swear, even look at the security footage if you want".

She bit her lip as she began to wander if it wasn't actually him, "I just came over to ask if you were ok, you didn't show up to practice so i thought you were ill or something but then I called you like eight times and you didn't pick up so I thought, maybe it was to do something with j-"

She quickly cut him off but with more of a gentle tone this time. "It's fine, i'm fine. I hit my head and lost my phone in the same day so i guess luck isn't on my side" Benjamins posture lowered in relief, he hated it when she got all cranky but when he faced her he was eye to eye with the dark tear taking over her cheek.

"Holy shit! What the fuck happened to you!" He covered his mouth and lowered his voice in fear that the younger pupils would overhear his poor language. "Benji, it's fine its just a little cut". She wasn't keen on giving him something to worry about so the fact that there was actually a crazy red head holding her under one of Harry's kitchen utensils was crazy she was going to keep it to herself. 

The lessons had started and Emily was helping one of her rather advanced pupils land a more complicated jump until a group of younger students let out a fluster of gasps, her head swiftly turned to see if anyone was hurt but nobody seemed to be in trouble. Benjamin was supposed to be teaching them new choreography but his attention along with his classes was turned a small bunch of seats in the stadium.

"Wh-what the hell" A couple girls from the side of the ice rink started screaming and waving to the same patch of seats, it wasn't until Emily followed there gaze to see Niall, Louis, Zayn, Liam and Harry sat with their jackets and scarves on huddled up in five lonely seats in the middle of the stadium.

"Oi Oi!" Louis voice echoed around the arena followed by Nialls contagious laughter. "Don't mind us, pretend we're not here!" Harry shouted whilst making direct eye contact with Emily, her grin lit up her face, he was met with the familiar white teeth and rosy cheeked contrast he absolutely adored.  

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