Part 4 - Prince Charming

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"well, i guess i treat them like my friends", Emily looked at him through the hot air rising from her mug, "it's hard to explain, ..imagine you were a princess at Disney land, and a little girl or boy was standing there with excitement waiting for you to turn around and notice them" Emily felt the corners of her mouth turn into a smile as Harry spoke.

"That kid has probably been dreaming of the day that they would meet you, and as a princess you wouldn't want to disappoint them". Emily had always been a fan of Disney, she was taken back by Harrys words to the day she finally got to meet Mickey. Never mind being a friendly celebrity, he was a genuine, kind and thoughtful person.

Emily giggled to herself, "wow, you must be a real prince charming" 

Harry smiled as he got up from the couch to pour the last of his tea down the sink, "there's no real point in a prince charming without a real Cinderella"

Emily let her thoughts run through her head as harry was washing out his mug, maybe he was talking about that Bella girl Mary mentioned earlier.

"you finished?" harry looked at Emily over his shoulder with his hands in his sink, "um yeah, just about"

She walked over to harry and placed her mug next to the sink, "thanks for all of this Harry, you really didn't have to", he smiled whilst watching his hands work away in the sink. "its fine, anyway i kinda did have to", Emily's stomach sunk at his words, he was right, she has absolutely nowhere to go, and that's scary.

Harry noticed the troubled look painted across her face.

"Do me a favour and open these blinds for me", Emily looked up to where Harry was nodding towards. She reached over and grabbed a hold of a string connected to a big blackout blind in front of the counter. "Thats the one", Emily began to pull up the string as a gasp escaped her mouth.

Behind the blind was what felt like a view of the whole the city, every possible light, every possible star, it was all there.

Emily lifted herself up with her hands on the counter, "wow.. Harry this is beautiful!" He smiled as he stared out onto all the rooftops of the buildings. "I know".

As she stared out onto the horizon her arms were getting tired of holding herself up, she let her feet down and put her elbows on the counter letting her head rest in her hands.

They were both mesmerised by the view, for what felt like ages they stood and looked at the beautiful night sky and all of its glory. A yawn escaped Emily's mouth which then lead to her rubbing her eyes, trying to escape this worn down feeling.

"sleepy?", She nodded her head and smiled. "I'll show you where you're sleeping".

After looking at the view from Harry's apartment for at least 15 minutes all of Emily's troubling thoughts escaped her head, she would probably sleep like a baby, she wasn't in harms way anymore. Jake was out of the picture and she could finally let herself drift off into a deep sleep.

Emily's head was facing the roof of Harry's spare bedroom, the bed sheets were warm, fresh, the air was clean and that scent of burning candles still lingered.

Slowly her eyelids began to get heavy and her mind drifted into a dream. 

"Mom, dad?". Her parents were stood outside of their car, waiting for her in the parking lot of her old high school back in Canada. "Honey, we have decided to let you go to London, do what you love to do".

All Emily dreamed off as a kid was to dance on ice, for a living. The world gifted her with incredible skills, an amazing dance partner and an amazing team. She regretted nothing about coming to London, yes of course Jake made it a living nightmare but Benjamin, her best friend, partner in crime and on the ice, he was waiting for her.

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