Part 27 - Game Night

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And there goes another full day, they seemed to be passing by quicker than usual. Her phone was gifted a rest from all the buzzing notifications ever since she made a private instagram. She didn't delete her old one just in case that created more drama for the public to feast on so she abandoned it just for the time being.

Her apartment was cleansed once more after chucking the previous parties debris, and peace seemed back into her life. She was getting used to this new arrangement of living quite well actually, her head seemed to be in a happier place.

She received a text from Harry whilst slavouring over boiling pasta as well as its homemade sauce simmering away on her hob.

Harry: Hey, the boys have decided to catch up with their individual lives for a couple weeks so I was wondering if you wanted to come round for a little goodbye gathering tonight, Benjamin and Alex are welcome as well. x

Emily: That sounds great! i'll let them know then i'll be over in a bit. x

Harry: See ya there. x

She smiled before shutting her phone, little texts were enough to get her butterflies going at this point. He was properly taking over her sense of self control and locked away feelings. 

Benjamin picked her up with Alex not too long after finishing her meal in his all too familiar Fiat. "Hey gorgeous" Alex fluttered a little wave at her as she hopped in the back. "You look good Alex."

He sarcastically covered his cheeks, "don't make me blush like that", she laughed at his surprisingly happy mood. "Someone's excited" she uttered through her laughter.

"Don't start him, he's been like this since you texted him" Emily acknowledged Benji's eye roll through the side view mirror. "So does this mean your a fan of One Direction?"

He slammed his hands onto the front of the car, "Am I a fan!? Hunny, they were the boys that turned me gay!"

"Hey" Benji shouted, "i'm still here you know". Alex smiled whilst leaning into his face and placing a kiss onto his lips. "I know I know, I love you just a tiny bit more."

Emily crumpled her face at their sappy moment, "save it for later". 

Giggles radiated around the vehicle as they slowly drove to his apartment with the help of Emily's navigation.

"Wow, this is nice for an apartment building?" Benji rambled as they made their way up the cold stone stairs. "What do you expect, it's Harry Styles babe."

It was quite funny the way Benji and Alex got on together, she appreciate the people currently in her life as she gently knocked on Harry's door. 

"Remember, their normal people, you don't need to freak out", she quickly went over for the third time before Liam's cheery face greeted them behind the door.

"Hello Emily, Benjamin ..and you must be Alex?" He held out his hand as Alex slowly shook it, "y..yea."

Emily smiled whilst shaking her head, of course he was going to act weird, there was no avoiding it really. She walked in with a greeting hug from Liam and a couple cheers from Niall.

"YASS, Emily has arrived" he shouted in a posh accent, it was clear Emily and Niall got on like siblings already. He caved her in a huge bear hug, squeezing her as he spun. "Ok ok ok, Niall you can put me down now." her laughter collided with his as her feet met the floor again.

Once she pushed her hair from her face her eyes met Harry's, a smile always seemed to crawl onto her lips when she came in contact with him. 

"Hey you."

She laughed as his gentle arms wrapped around her, "hey."

Alex seemed to fit in well with everyone, his nerves didn't overcome his personality so the night carried no tension. It was a game night so everyone huddled around the Monopoly board with their half drunk glasses of wine. "Nooo" Niall had just landed him and Emily into jail for the third time, luck wasn't on their team as everyone else dashed around the board, "what did we do to deserve this" Emily sarcastically moped as the table crowded with laughter.

"Dam Em, I thought you were gonna be good" benjamin teased as the dice rolled out from his hand. She huffed once he celebrated the six dots the dice gifted him. Harry admired her pout from the other side of the table, everything she said brought a smile to his face that night.

He had promised himself that he was going to ask Emily a question that had been burning inside of him for a while, it was quite crazy how he had convinced himself that he was going to do it, then again they had known each other for around eight months now.

"Yass, I carry the good luck from now on Niall" she insisted once she managed to escape their way out of jail. The game continued until everyone got distracted by silly party stories, it was that time in the evening where everyone gets loopy and tired, that point where absolutely everything and anything is hilarious.

Zayn, Emily and Benjamin were slumped over a gathering of pillows just in front of the couch talking about random uber stories while everyone else was singing sweet caroline in the kitchen. Harry managed to slip out of Louis conga line just as the chorus rolled around. 

Zayn gave him a smile as he walked over to the small pillow party they had created on the floor, he came up to Emily who laid flat on her stomach playing with a loose strand of her hair. She sparked a warm smile onto face once he lay beside her, his hand clasped hers as he let her finish what she was saying.

"So yea, I don't really like the idea of getting into a strangers car, I mean have you heard those uber horror stories!?" She shortened what she was going to say so she could let herself appreciate Harry's soft touch. Benji noticed the lift she got when he was around, it was relieving to see her like this after everything she was put through. 

They shared a couple nudges as well as some giggles so Benji being the best friend that he is found a distraction for him and Zayn to go along with to let them to have their moment. They left to go get some drinks or something along the lines while Emily shuffled herself closer to Harry.

"So, how are things" he grinned as he spoke, her eyes shifted from his luscious hair, to his soft pink lips and then to his forrest eyes, just so she could appreciate her view once more. "Very good actually, despite the other nights ...situation."

Emily briefly talked about her hundreds of unexpected guests to Harry on face time after the event so he had a slight idea of it all but it was over and done with and no longer one of her concerns, so she continued living in wholesomeness of the moment.

"That's good to hear, in fact I wanted to show you something that might actually make things even better" he jumped up and offered his hand and she trailed behind him into his room. "Ooohhh" she snickered at Liam's distant remarks, brushing them off as she continued in Harry's trail.

He held the door and quietly shut it once she wondered in, everyone hovered round the kitchen island seemed to be just as excitable as Emily's butterflies were as their muffled whistles travelled through the door. "Never mind them" he laughed as he strolled towards his floor to ceiling windows.

"I would hate to disappoint you but.. there was no surprise" she smiled as he pulled her closer by the ends of her oversized top. "Don't worry, i'm not disappointed at all"

Her smile quickly melted as his lips pressed hers, so gently and passionately. The connection that pulled her body close to his was so undeniably powerful. 

He slowly parted from her without keeping much of a distance since his lips could almost brush hers as he spoke.

"Be mine."

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