Part 41 - The Explaination

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With around thirty minutes of waiting Harry spotted Bella walking towards the huddle of police cars. 

"Ok, I'm going to go speak to her, you stay here." he said leaving Emily by the car he was previously stood at.

"Hey" he called as she neared him, her eyes were red and puffy, they looked sore, her walk was weak like she had just finished a marathon, and her hair was more matted than usual. "Harry I- I can't tell you how f-fucking sorry I am.." she cried, her voice cracking through her gasps. 

"Bella, just breath ok?" He knew that what he was about to hear was going to completely change the way he would look at her but it wasn't going to change the fact that she was still a human being, clearly suffering, needing help. 

They were leant against the back of his car, he waited for her to pull herself together in order to explain everything. "Ok, Harry. When I tell you this just know I regret everything.. Emily did nothing wrong and I was only mad at myself, I felt horrible because I wasn't a good person and she was, I was jealous and I didn't want my glimpses of fame to end.. I still need you, so, be gentle with me..please.."

He was silent, not promising anything. But deep down he knew that there was always going to be a part of him that would always be there for her, but a bigger part knew that he cared for Emily more, he loved her.

"So, when I went round your house a while back, and jumped on Emily.." She cringed hearing herself talk about the horrible actions she performed.

"Well I managed to take her phone, I took it home and called a contact that had tried to call her five times to see who it was. Do you know who Jake-"

He nodded his head, facing the ground and clenching his jaw knowing that this story was going to be harder to listen to than he thought. 

"Well, I asked why he was calling and he explained his situation and I thought it would be fun to ..mess with Emily. I wanted her out of your life so she wouldn't replace me so we decided to force her out of london. We messed with her skates at first since it was a light joke but jake would suggest really deep and disgusting ways of getting payback and to keep him intrigued we started doing bigger things.. we set a party in her apartment, but she didn't seem to affected by it so then I made that video and posted it online but she still didn't seem affected and you guys were sticking up for her so, Jake suggested we steal something of hers. We thought if it was from your apartment then it would look like she was getting uninterested in your relationship but.. Jake decided to set the flowers on fire. Your neighbour was unlocking their door so we decided to go and we thought that since the flowers were in water they would go out bu-"

"So you did this.."

He was so dissapointed, he was utterly broken. "I have stuck up for you my entire fucking life and when things are getting better you want to fuck it up.." 

She gulped down her regret as she looked at his torn face. "Harry I-"

"Where is he. Jake." His was burning with rage, it was so foreign on Harry. 

"Well, when I told him we had to open up about what we did he fled to another country, he's gone and he wouldn't tell me where. I think if he gets in jail one more time then he's in there for a while.."

"Harry- i'm sorry and I love you.. I want to make it up to Emily but I don't think I can."

Her tears started to pile behind her eyes once again, she was stuck in her self made hell. "Bella, you understand that this is hard to take in, and you would be lucky if I ever looked at you the same."

She tightened her lips into a thin line, accepting the harsh reality of her stupid mistakes. 

"I have decided to go home and take therapy, so i'll be out of your hair, I just need to do one thing before I go" 

He watched her walk past him and walk towards Emily, he knew she wasn't going to do anything stupid since agreeing to therapy was a major step forward but he was still cautious. He trailed closely behind her stopping when she asked to speak to her.

She stood there and listened, he didn't know what she was saying since he was too far and the clutter of background noise seemed to be taking over a little but she spoke for a short spell and then pulled her into a sudden hug, Emily didn't know what to do with her hands since it was so sudden but she gently placed them on Bella's back.

It was a short hug followed by a couple goodbyes, she gave Harry a small wave before heading back to her car and that was the last of her. He wasn't sure when he would ever see her again so there was no guarantee, but at least this time she accepted that she was doing wrong.

"Wow, that came out of nowhere.. " she explained as Harry approached her once more, "what did she say?" He asked with a puzzled look. "Well she said she was sorry and that you would probably explain everything, but it was all really fast.. is everything ok?"

He looked down at her concerned to tell her that Jake was involved, but it had to be done, there was no way he would keep it from her. "I'll tell you when we get home.." he offered his hand with a caring smile trying to reduce her worry, she wearily took it and walked with him back to his car.

After hearing the whole story and everything explained, it was difficult to wrap her head around it, she thought Jake was done with but he had been lurking in her shadows the whole time. Recent events like the party made a lot more sense now and it was good knowing that everything was over with but that didn't mean she wasn't scared.

Yes they were gone frome london, which is pretty ironic seeing as they were trying to make Emily the one flee, but Jake could come back.. there was a low chance but he wasn't locked up, he was hiding.

So until he is actually dealt with she couldn't exactly relax but for now it was important to focus on the positive, and that's what she did as she finished the braid she had been working on in Harry's hair for the last five minute of the night.

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