Part 30 - Bonjour

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"You ok?" 

Harry muttered as Emily tightly grasped his hand, the anticipation swirled inside her stomach as she waited for the plane's wheels to forcefully scrape against the dry stone ground.

It felt like the strings her shoulders were being held up by were magically cut once her body relaxed into the wheels racing across the never ending runway. 

"Yea," her smile reapered as her breath slowed, the passengers quietened once the scratchy voice of the male flight attendant welcomed them into Paris although she was too concerned on the beaming sun lightening the fair grass that lay on either side of the runway to focus on his speech. 

French accents buzzed under the air conditioner which invited a cool current of thin air into the baggage reclaim. Emily's feet pushed her along the tiled floor as she perched herself on top of her suitcase, watching as Harry pull his off the black conveyor belt. 

"Soo, where are we staying?" she playfully giggled scooting herself in a little circle.

"That's for me to know and you to find out" he grabbed the handle of Emily's suitcase and pulled her along with him. A trail of quiet laughter followed behind Harry as they walked towards the exit of the small airport.

Since they were already in the center of paris they could easily walk to their hotel room which was only a fifteen minute walk away, she was fascinated by the beautifully structured shops and the old fashioned cars that strolled past them as they walked through the mellow heat of the city.

"you know, the place we're staying has a view of the Eiffel tower"

"wait, really?!" Emily skipped a couple steps in front of him so she could keep up, "yep, but you have to see it in real life first, it won't be as special from a window," she found herself smiling once again at the thought of it all. 

With around five more minutes of walking they entered a refreshingly cool lobby, it was quiet with afew distant voices of staff in the background, "Bonjour, puis-je vous aider?" 

Her attention turned to an older women who spoke from behind the front desk, "Bonjour, uh, parles-tu anglais?" 

Despite how much Emily adored the place she was hopeless at french so she stood back and let Harry conversate with the smiling lady eager to help out. "Oui, I do speak english"

"Great" Harry pulled out the tickets he booked online and handed them over the cold marble desk, "I've booked a room under Styles." The lady flicked through her computer before nodding her head, "Oui, i'll just get your key card."

Her heels clicked across the floor as she entered a room behind the desk. "This is amazing Harry" she smiled as her hand slipped into his, he placed a kiss on top of her head as he gently stroked his thumb across her knuckles. "You deserve a break, Benjamin was telling me how hard you had been working" She smiled as her mind drifted off to a little appreciation ceremony that was being held at the back of her head.

"Here you go, if you need anything just call the staff from the phone in your room, have a great stay" Harry politely thanked the woman as she stood behind the desk once more handing him a red card. 

Their wait was accompanied with some Louis Armstrong playing from the small speakers as they stood in the beautifully decorated elevator whilst it slowly came to a stop, the doors opened with that classic elevator chime and they walked onto a floral carpet which ran down a long corridor. "Wow, I'm not used to a pretty looking hallway" Emily admitted at she pulled her suitcase out of the elevator, "wow you really like to appreciate everything" Harry giggled as he walked past her.

She shook her head and followed behind him, he held the card against the the sensor of their assigned door's handle, a muffled beep as well as a green light projected from the handle before Harry gently pushed open the door to reveal a breathtakingly gorgeous room, it was complemented with lush green leaves that hung from a healthy vine, climbing up a pillar centered in the middle of the room, the pail wallpaper was traced in ice like patterns similar the to the ones found on her bedroom window on a cold winter morning. It was practically Emily's apartment but nicer, in fact, you could probably mistake it for a room design Walt Disney created for one of his princesses. 

"Wh- what the hell" she stood there, stunned.

Harry found humor in the way her wide eyes skipped from wall to wall, he sauntered inside and propped his suitcase against a wall while Emily on the other hand barely took her first step, he made his way straight to a pair of pastel blue shutters that covered a window, without letting Emily see, he snuck a glimpse of the magic behind it.

"Well, that's a view and a half" Emily huffed at Harry's teasing smile since she knew behind that window was the tower she had only met in her dreams, "come onnnn, let's go see it."

Harry gave her a questioning look, "you want to go in sweats and a hoodie?" she looked down at herself then to her suitcase, "ok, maybe we should unpack first."

He gave her an uplifting laugh as she shut the door behind her, their bedroom was just as unbelievable as the rest of the hotel, the bed laid itself on top of a wooden platform in front of ginormous window which showed them the other half of the city. Even though she intended to quickly unpack her stuff so she could jump the time she spent waiting, she underestimated how distracting it would be, unpacking with Harry... with a whole room to themselves.

They had all the privacy they could possibly ask for and knowing the young personalities they contained they resolved to performing an extravagant pillow fight as well as multiple wrestling matches on top of the comforting mattress instead of any other normal couple things you would expect from an empty hotel room. "Ding ding ding!! Ohhh and Emily Jackson wins again!" She impersonated a roaring crowd as she sat on top of Harry with her hands signalling the invisible crowd to cheer louder. "Ok ok ok, you finally got your moment of glory." He laughed as she settled back onto his cheerful gaze. 

"What's my prize? Is there like a golden belt or something waiting for me?" 

"Oh shit, yea the prize, turns out there wasn't one." He sarcastically shook his head in disappointment, "looks like your just going to have to make the most of what you have." She leaned down closer to his face as her hands clasped his cheeks, letting a quiet but very playful giggle escape.

"That's fine by me."

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