Part 21 - Vie D'amour

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Harry parked his car not too far from a dimly lit restaurant called 'vie d'amour', the string of lights outside the building lit up the damp streets. It was quiet, just the way Emily liked it. 

The sound of his door shutting echoed as he walked next to her, she just stood there looking at the old rustic wooden look to the beautiful structure of the restaurant. "Life of love, that's what it translates to", he offered his soft masculine hand and escorted her to the entrance.

"I didn't know you could speak French", he laughed as she walked through the glass door he held for her. "I don't, i just know the basics."

"Better than what I could do", they shared a similar chuckle "does this mean English is your speciality" she shot him an all knowing look "my grammar is impeccable" she sarcastically snorted. "I'm sure it is" his smile was so tender, the way his dark shirt hung off of his lean body just added effect to his enchanting facial features .

"Bonjour, have you reserved a table?" A french accent flowed through one of the waiters as he stood waiting for an answer. 

"Uh yea, it's under Styles" the waiters finger traced over his clipboard while Emily wrapped her hands around his arm, her voice trailed into Harry's ear when she spoke, "this is really kind of you Harry", he smiled and discreetly  kissed the top of her head. "Only for the best."

She hated the way he could say a couple of words and pull all of her heart strings, the way his warmth calmed but excited her all at the same time was never something she was used to. 

"Right this way please" Emily and Harry followed the tall waiter to a small booth near the back of the restaurant, all sorts of vines and flowers sprouted around large wooden pillars outside of it and the table was accompanied by hanging wine bottles that illuminated the red plush seet and the hard wooden table.

Her expectations weren't set high but they were clearly exceeded, what did she even do to deserve this, a night in one of the most beautiful venues, and a night with one of the most beautiful people she ever laid eyes on.

"My name is Ambrose and i will be your waiter for tonight" Harry and Emily sat down while Ambrose placed deep blue leather menus on the table along with a bucket of ice containing a bottle of wine. "Here are your menus, and a bottle of one of our finest Bordeaux wines. I hope you enjoy and i will be back to take your orders soon"

Harry and Emily thanked him before he walked through thick wooden doors and into the hustle of chefs rushing around with fresh food out the oven food. "Dam, it smells and looks amazing in here" she added whilst her eyes wandered around the black and white frames of the eiffel tower and old vintage bikes. "I figured if you liked the idea of Paris, I would take you to the only piece of it I have discovered in London" she smiled up at him sympathetically, her eyes glimmered her appreciation. "Have you ever been to Paris?" he sat back into his seat as he prepared his short little story.

"Yeah, i've toured there many times before, it's a shame I didn't get enough time to see it properly but I was lucky enough to get a glimpse of the Eiffel tower at night. It sounds a little cliché but it felt like those couple minutes went by in hours." Her warm smile stared back at him through the muted light hanging above them, nothing really compared to this. It was dream-like, almost unreal.

"It doesn't seem cliché at all, the closest i've ever gotten to it was in my dreams or on google images" His laugh filled the emotional aroma with delight, it started off Emily's giggles as well as the all too familiar butterflies in her somersaulting stomach.

The conversation flowed with the ticking hand belonging to the large roman clock hung next to their booth, they had used all the possible classical date conversations and were now down to talking about the present, no more funny stories, no more childhood memories. Emily was down to the last scraps of her pasta and Harry down to the last couple of his fries and she knew her feelings hiding in the corners of her mind had to be addressed. 

"You okay?" Emily looked up to him quickly and back down at her plate. "Yeah of course, it's just... Harry i don't know how you feel but my feelings have been playing with me recently. I thought I wasn't going to let myself feel something towards anyone else after I fell into a stupid love trap which was.. life changing but.."

She bit her lip after dropping her fork, the sound of the metal clashing against the plate made a sudden rush of red sprout onto her cheeks, there was obviously no avoiding the confession since she had already brought it up. She stopped, took a second to breath before tucking the loose strands of silk hair back behind her ear. 

Despite the fact that you could cut the tension in the air with a knife she slowly continued, "what i'm trying to say is. Harry I like you, a lot."

Her heart raced rapidly, her eyes wouldn't budge from the table since there was no words forming from the other side of the table. Just intensifying silence.

That tension was quickly lost by Harry's actions, his leg pressed against hers, her breath was held as the reassurance settled into her stomach.

"Your so cute" 

She slowly tilted her head to meet Harry's powerful gaze. "I like you too, a lot" his silly take on her words brought her back down to her normal self, the hoarse rich voice that pleasantly ringed in her ears settled her. "shut up" her head shook and they successfully managed to get over the tight pressure and back into their normal humorous friendship, well friendship and a bit shall we say.

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