Part 32 - Lies

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The corners of her mouth quickly turned, she laughed to herself not because she found it funny, but because she was actually dancing with someone she was falling for under the Eiffel tower, it really was her dream come true.

Her eyes fixed onto the stars glimmering away to themselves, "how so?" 

He smiled at her small voice muffled voice in his hoodie, "you stand out.."

She looked at him as he spoke his weet words, "yes you're very small and there are millions of other brown haired 23 year olds in the world but I mean.. just look at you!"

He cupped her face, slightly squeezing her cheeks as her bottom lip quivered, "Your eyes! There hypnotizingly blue, like for real I wonder how freaking similar they are to a turquoise shore and, oh when you dance! It can't be real, you're insanely talente-"

Emily wasn't slow on shutting up his little rant as her lips met his, everything he said was only making her fall harder, it wasn't official that her feelings were secured but they were definitely going somewhere.

"Your eyes, now they, they're like forests" she said imitating his words whilst scrunching her nose. "Come on you" he laughed as he interlocked his fingers with hers.

After getting back to the outstandingly gorgeous hotel they popped on a random french movie that was halfway through playing on the large TV which sat in front of the view they were lucky enough to sit behind, Emily curled herself in her baggy pyjamas and talked to Niall through Harry's phone.



They both laughed through the slightly glitching audio, "so how's everything going in Paris?" she paused to let herself get over her own smile before answering. "Yea, it's pretty amazing."

"Aww look at the smile on you" she fiddled with the hoodie strings that dangled from her chest as she reminded herself of how breathtaking this whole thing really was, "so where's Harrold?" 

"Uhm, he's in the shower at the moment" Niall nodded his head taking in the information, "it's good to know you guys are handling this situation well" he sympathetically said whilst rubbing his forearm. "...situation?" 

Heat rose in her cheeks as a poisonous bullet of shock shot Niall in the gut and spread all over his unbelieving face. "oh- uh, uhm it's nothing much I guess" 

"What situation Niall?"  her voice got lower with confusion, "so I guess you haven't been on social media recently.." she shook her head with the unnerving feeling still very much lingering. 

"Haven't really had the time.." her face was obviously waiting for an answer as Niall heavily sighed on the other end of the call. "Ok, so.. Bella, she's obviously got some followers from old pictures of her and Harry in public, and.. she might have told these followers that.."

He paused to overthink his words, "Niall!"

"Ok, ok i'm sorry, ..she started a rumor that you were forcing this relationship and that Harry actually hates you but is too scared of you to turn you down.."

A dead silence drowned her as both her mouth and her eyebrows dropped, she jumped from the bed to scramble inside her half unpacked suitcase for her phone, once she switched to her public account the amount of hate and tags that were nestled in her inbox was unbelievable. She made her way straight to Bella's account to see a long series of instagram stories piled ontop of eachother, her eyes skipped over her red lips and caked face as they blurted words that couldn't be further from the truth.

"She's a sneaky person, Harry doesn't deserve the treatment he receives. There have been countless occasions where he's come to me to escape her hateful words and actions. Don't trust everything you see in the press because it's all an act so he can protect himself from her ..abuse" 

Her heart pounded against her chest, she straight up described Jake but with Emily's name put in place for the bad guy. "Emily.."

She walked her quivering jelly legs back over to the bed to answer Niall, "the most important thing is that the people close to you know it's not real and I for one know that both me and Harry would never believe anything so.. so wrong, on so many levels."

Emily sighed once she took in Nialls for once helpful reasoning, "I know, your right. But won't this turn his fans against me.. i'm not worried about losing followers or anything stupid like that but what if this affects whether I can go out in public by myself anymore." He titled his head and pursed his thin lips, "yea, your probably gonna get into some bother."


Her head sunk into the fluffed pillows muting the silent fuzziness of the air that settled around her, "..If it makes you feel any better you can go look at me tweet"

Niall's sympathetic voice reasoned through the phone as she opened her own once more.


I know Emily, she is one of the kindest, most genuine and hard working angels I have ever met. I know how happy she makes Harry so this hate has to stop, it's not true and it's not fair.

Her smile was unavoidable at this point, how did she grow from nothing to holding a friendship with some of the most kind hearted people on the universe. "Thanks, that means a lot" she brightly smiled leaving Niall with a sense of pride.

After Harry dried himself off and got into his comfy clothes once more, they settled with a takeaway, talking over the french dramatic scandal that played on their TV that neither of them understood. Of course Emily had to bring up Bella's little story but she didn't really feel as bad about it as you would expect, I mean she was sat in a warm bed next to one of the most amazing people right outside the Eiffel tower, this wasn't going to put her down.

She rested in his warm securing arms and let herself drift away as he twirled the edges of her silk waves of hair. 

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