Part 36 - Starting a fire

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She was too busy caught up in his indescribably amazing scent to notice his reaction but his grip around her weak body grew tighter, "EMILYYY!"

Her eyes shot open to see Niall run up behind Harry and jump on him the exact same way as she did making him wobble a bit before the rest of the boys secured him, she jumped off him with the biggest smile on her face.

"That! Young lady, was unbelievable." Louis emphasised whilst hitting her shoulder, "also, when did you get as tall as me?" she rolled her eyes at his silly mistake before looking down on her skates. "Phh idiot" Niall insisted with the encouragement of Zayn. 

It just brought her back to the last time they were all sat around a board game late at night, laughing at absolutely anything. "I missed you guys.." she moped with her bottom lip stuck out, the boys surrounded her in an appreciative group hug as they all 'awwed'.

"Yello!" Emily quickly drew her attention to the blond curly hair that hung over her shoulder, "Alex!" 

He had came to the show just like he did with every other but he couldn't watch her perform something like that without immediately congratulating her.

"I can't believe you really pulled that off! And you were actually off the ice a whole week before?" Emily nodded her head as she let her excitement flare up once again, to have all of her friends around her as well as knowing she was in love with one of them! It was unreal.

Everyone gave sweet comments as they left, the boys ended up hiding in the dressing rooms so they wouldn't bring any attention whilst Emily and Benji wished everyone a safe trip home per usual. 

She couldn't explain the high she received after knowing her nerves were no longer needed, she felt them rise and rise as the night went on. Everyone was round Harry's again for a mini reunion and a congratulations party, Emily sat at the kitchen counter placing the freshly, home grown flowers that Mary had kindly gifted to her as a homecoming present into one of Harry's clear glasses, there was really no need seeing as she was only away for a week but given the fact that Mary would bake for Harry even when he wasn't home it was kinda normal.

She chuckled to herself re-reading the little note placed in the buquet, 'Dear Emily, since your arrival Harry has been so happy. The spring in his step has never been so charming! You've even lifted my spirits as well, maybe one day when my grandchildren are in London again you and Harry could take them on a little adventure. I really wish all the best for you two and your futures, remember i'm always here if you need me, Mary XX'

She was the sweetest old woman Emily had ever met. Since her family were back in Canada and Emily really just didn't have the time to travel halfway across the world, Mary was a huge help. It was safe to say that she felt at home in this small corner of London just as much as she did in the small town she grew up in.

"She's adorable that woman" Louis cooed from over her shoulder, "I know, she honestly deserves the world."

He admired the flowers as Emily arranged them so that even the smallest unopened buds would have space to shine. Louis had been a real hand towards her as well, he had the tendency to often start conversations when she was out and about her front door watering even more of her little garden.

It was a gentle night to say the least, Emily and Harry were both too shattered to drink or even stay up after their early rise and from that point on the rest was history for the two as they were knocked out on top of the couch.

The rest of the boys managed to bare a few drinks but they had been through just as much travelling since they had just gotten back today as well, so it really wasn't a big wild night but that wasn't a bother really. 


"Wha-, JAKE are you SEEING THIS SHIT!?" Bella held up her phone do Jakes face, he was confronted with pictures taken by fans of Emily laying on Harry's lap at the airport, them two kissing under the eiffel tower and actual videos of them checking into the hotel they were staying at.

Bella had called him round as soon as the pictures surfaced, there had to be some way Bella could keep Emily away, there had to be.

"Ok I need a good idea Jake, something that's going to keep her away from Harry and it can't be one of those moments where oh no she walks in on me and Harry kissing cause I know for a fact that Harry wouldn't stand for it." 

He shrugged his shoulders effortlessly knowing that the things he always suggested were way too extreme. "Why would you listen.."

Bella's face dropped into an all knowing glare, "well, what did you have in mind?" 

"I don't know, beat her up? Steal some of her shit?"

"Ok, were not beating her up, but maybe some missing items won't do too much harm.."

Jake listened in intriguingly since she finally agreed to something.


"Noo sun go back down" Niall called with a croaky morning voice as Emily slowly opened her eyes to the sound of his complaints, "Niall shut up" she moped throwing a pillow at him from the couch as he lay across the carpet like a starfish.

He was silent for the first couple seconds but then his classic Niall Horan laugh muffled itself under the pillow Emily threw making a little bit of laughter break through her as well.

"Ugh, now i'm hungry." he moaned, sitting up with tired eyes and matted hair, "Harry's floor is the most uncomfortable thing to sleep on." 

"Don't hurt the floors feelings" I happily chime as he shoots me an annoyed stare, "yea? well you got to sleep on the human radiator" he moped as she looked behind her to see the curled up Harry sleeping with his face against her back and his arms slumped over her waist.

"Lucky me." She added scrunching her nose, teasing at Niall whilst he stuck his tongue out at her in return. 

"He better have some food this time." He sauntered over to the kitchen and opened up the fridge screaming into its empty contents. "WHAT! Does he never eat!?" 

"He hasn't been in his apartment for a week" She said with a whisper to her voice hinting at Niall to be quiet so they wouldn't wake the passed out bodies around them. 

"Don't whisper, we need to wake them up so we can go to somewhere for breakfast" He complains whilst jumping on top of Zayn. "Zayn! Come on wake up sleepy head" 


Emily laughed to herself as Niall tried to wake everyone up, Harry twitched a couple times before properly opening his eyes. She turned herself in his arms so she was facing him, he looked at her with a tired smile, "good morning gorgeous" he quietly muttered whilst she returned his melodic voice with a sweet chaste kiss.

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