Part 17 - Paralysed

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 All of the boys were now round Harry's and Emily and Zayn were doing there best to make sure none of the bacon was burning whilst Niall set out the plates on his kitchen island.

"Guys this smells unreal" Louis exclaimed while he peeked his head in between Emily and Zayn to see the bacon crackling in the grill. "Well it's the last of it so i think we're done, Emily you should probably go wake up Harry", Zain stabbed one piece of bacon with a fork and carefully placed it onto a tray where all the other cooked bacon lay. 

Emily got up and let the air that hit her as she walked to Harry's room cool her down after being sat in front of the grill for 20 odd minutes. Her knock was gentle as she creaked open the white door containing his room.

"Hey, Harry the boys are round and we just finished making breakfast if you want some". All that travelled through the heavy sheets was a muffled morning grunt, she had barely woken him up so it was going to take a little more for him to get out if bed. 

She walked over to the side she slept at last night and crawled over the puffy duvet, she placed her arm on his shoulder and gently shook him, "hey Har-"

Before Emily could even finish saying his name Harry's arm wrapped around her stomach and she was locked next to him, "good morning precious". A pink glow spread across her cheeks, the covers twisted as she turned to face him, her hand clasped his face and her thumb brushed over his soft lips. "Good morning" she gently laughed as she spoke.

"Stay here, with me" he snuggled his head under her neck, her bottom lip pouted and her eyes glittered, he was really cute and the way his warm breath trickled down her collar bone gave her shivers. Her chin rested on top of his head and her hand brushed through his silky curls, to be lucky enough to have escaped from Jake was one thing but to be held by a person like Harry was something else, it was like a movie.

"You know, I wish I could but our food might get cold." He laughed and met her eyes. "Ok, i'll get up on one condition". She looked at him, inches away from his face as she waited for an answer but it soon became obvious once his lips planted onto hers. They were warm and gentle as always, it would never get old but she couldn't just assume that there will always be another kiss or another cuddle. This 'thing' they shared wasn't addressed or official, so at this point everything was up in the air but she didn't mind since right now, things felt right.

He separated from her slowly, he had never looked at someone in so much depth until he met her, he was in awe from every feature she owned. Whether it was the freckle place just under the arch of her eyebrow or her light ocean blue eyes that looked at him in so much detail, he was growing more and more attracted to her by the second.

"COME ON EMILY WE ASKED YOU TO SPEED HIM UP NOT SLOW HIM DOWN" Louis shouted from the kitchen, both Emily and Harry laughed before jumping out of there sleepy state.

"Wow I had no idea you were cooking so much", Harry sat down at one of his high stools tucked under his kitchen island. "Yea, we almost forgot how much of a sleeper you were" Niall laughed as he bit into a slice of toast. The sound of cutlery clashing against Harry's plates filled the room as they finished up their meal. 

Emily loved the company of everyone and their silly takes one silly stories, that was until she felt a wave of uncertainty and anxiety hit her like a bus. The words that formed from Liam's mouth made Emily's stomach tense, her jaw stopped chewing and her eyes would not budge from a small blemish in Harry's table. "So, how's Jake?" her breath was held, she couldn't even blink. She was completely paralysed until, "yea he's good, I haven't seen any of my cousins in ages actually". 

It was only one of Louis random questions about Zayn's family, but her head mapped out a trail of horrible ideas, what if Bella has a hold of Jake, what if she tells him where she is, where he can find her. The laughter around the table was muted, like she was listening underwater.

There was no explanation as to why she had all of these sudden nerves but it was unsettling, if only she knew that these nerves were actually meaningful, every gut feeling she felt that second were all there for an unknown but extremely valid reason.

Everyone was too busy laughing at another one of Louis humorous comments except from Harry, he nudged her arm slightly and talked to her under his breath.

"Hey, you ok."

Emily still couldn't move her eye's, they were glued to the table as her trembling voice stuttered. "Yea, i'm fine". He placed his hand gently on her thigh, it sent a tsunami of goosebumps up her back causing her to almost go numb for a second, as good as it felt there were still stormy clouds of anxiety brewing inside of her.

"No your not, what's up"

She let a quick smile take shape on her face but it disappeared as soon as it formed, "i'll tell you later". She bit her lip holding back the unexpected tears and the lump in her throat as Harry moved his hand and slipped it round her waist pulling her next to him. She was quite skilled at hiding her emotions, she had a lot of experience. She never liked to cry in front of Jake because she thought it would make him feel more dominant and powerful so biting the bullet was pretty normal for her.

Luckily the boys seemed to be focusing their attention on Liam's videos of his little son Bear to notice Emily's attempt at fighting her own emotions. But she was happy that if she was in a situation of a breakdown then the boys would be supportive enough to comfort her.

Meanwhile, in Bella's world things seemed to be going just as planned.

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