Part 11 - the Fight Begins

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Things were officially boring again. 

The hustle of show business had disappeared, Benjamin travelled to Spain with Alex to meet with his family, and it had been one month since Harry left.

Life had come down her to staying up at 4 just to keep up with the timing in LA. He was always happy to speak to Emily over face time but her eyes were always heavy when he would get the chance to call her. She was barely awake to properly interact with him last night and his free time is always kept under a strict time table, he was worked to the bone that boy.

The September days were long gone, the decorations for Halloween could be seen all the over the streets of London, whether it was displays in shop windows or posters for parties, they were there. 

The only scary thing in Emily's life was that huge spider hiding in some random drawer of hers so you could imagine how much 'shenanigans' occurred in her life.

The last exciting thing that happened to her was, Harry. 

She still felt a thrill when she thought about his lips against hers on that cold Friday night, it felt like it had been years since that night.

Her days went so slow and she was sick of wasting them so, she went to the only interesting person who was still currently in London.

The flowers which sat outside Mary's apartment were more alive than Emily. The wait for her to answer the door was a painful one, only because it was just too hard to turn and see Harry's door, so she stood in the depressing state she was and just lived with the fact that the empty apartment behind her would still be empty for the next 3 months.

"Oh! Hello sweet heart"

Emily smiled at her cheery old grin

"I just came to say hello, i hope your doing we-" 

Mary cut her off as she signalled for Emily to come inside. "I know exactly what this is, you miss him too."

Emily's smile was now sympathetic, her laugh was short and silent. 

"What gave it away"

Mary laughed at her sarcastic tone of voice.

"I'm making Halloween sugar cookies for the trick or treaters coming on thursday, I could use some steady hand work for the icing"

Her home was full of beige colours and bouquets of flowers, the sound of her excitable budgie flying around its cage shrieking every two seconds filled the room.

"I would love to help"

Mary pulled out a chair at her dining table and shooed her fed up tabby cat off of it. There was a whole icing station laid out in front of her. 

"Wow, Mary. You really go all out"

Emily tied her hair back with one of the hair ties she always kept on her wrist.

After washing her hands with her lightly scented bar of lavender soap her and Mary made their way through all the cookies ranging from pumpkins to witches.

"So, you and Harry then"

Emily looked up after placing a small chocolate button as one of the eyes for a pumpkin cookie she had been slavouring over for the past 5 minutes.

 "Yea, well whatever we had it has been put on hold. It's just not the same talking to him through a screen at 4 am for 15 minutes rather than seeing him in real life"

Her words were only a subtle summary of what she felt, she missed the way his scent would lighten up her mood when he talked, the way his clothes perfectly fitted his masculine body, they way his enchanting emerald eyes released a cage of butterflies into her stomach.

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