Part 7 - find your inspiration

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"yes!, Rosy you're doing it", one of Emily's younger students clenched onto her hand as she guided her across the ice backwards. "Come on you've come this far and if you fall i will catch you". 

"I'm going to do it".

Rosy's small hand slipped out of Emily's as she leaped through the cold air, her skates dented the glittering ice as she perfectly landed.

"YOU DID IT!", Rosy chumped into Emily's arms, moments like these were her favourite, mainly because she knows the thrill of perfectly landing one of her first jumps , it can be a painful process but so worth it in the end.

"Emily", Miss Kate was signalling Emily to come into her office with her hand.

Miss Kate was the manager of the whole team, she was the one who dealt with all the money, costumes and shows. She was a lovely women in her early 30's but she can be intimidating and strict as some points, only to keep the team in good order.

Rosy jumped down from Emily's arms.

"ooh, looks like someone's in trouble" Benji nudged her as she slowly glided towards Miss Kate's office. 

"Pipe down Benji", he laughed as he turned to attend to one of the older dancers.

"Am I in trouble?" 

Miss Kate laughed, 

"Emily Jackson, in trouble?". 

She rolled her eyes then followed Miss Kate into her cosy office, it was always such a nice feeling walking into an office filled with trophies, group photos and a bowl full of random hard candies.

She held out her hand holding the phone she used to make business calls for the team, "it's for you".

"oh, right", emily quickly took the black phone from Miss Kate's hand and placed it on her ear.

"Hello?", her free hand fidgeted with the phone cord as she waited for an answer.


Her cheeks immediately flared red


Her heart skipped a beat, she swiftly moved her closer to her causing the phone to fall of the desk.


She dropped to the floor while scrambling her hands to pick up the phone and get it back onto the desk, Miss Kate sat back in her swivel chair and chuckled to herself, "I think i'll give you some privacy". Emily smiled as she placed her hand on her forehead to check if her face was hot like her burning cheeks.

She took a deep breath and perched herself on the edge of Miss Kate's desk. 


Harry could tell she was smiling through the phone. 

"what happened there?"

Emily could feel the laughter in her chest, "It's not important".

Harry let out a giggle which set off an explosion of tingles from the bottom of Emily's back up to her neck causing her to physically shudder. In a really good way.

"soo, how did you find this number?"

Harry looked down to the crumpled leaflet in his hand, "It was on the bottom of the programme"

Emily informed herself with the details of yesterday's adventure again.

"So, i was thinking about you last night, and i wanted to get to know you better and i really couldn't wait till Friday to see you again and this was my only way of contacting you again"

Behind the phone Harry's heart was all over the place, he promised himself that he wouldn't get into another relationship, he wasn't keen on another heartbreak and that's why he would get to know Emily as a friend and as a friend only, nothing more and nothing less. But once again, he had never met a girl like Emily before, she was so calm and gentle but full of adventure. He found something really wholesome about her personality, she wasn't worrying all the time to his knowledge but instead living in the moment. She didn't seem like the kind of girl to get all excited about expensive things like a new car or designer handbag but instead she loved the tiny details of life and the things as little as the view from Harry's kitchen window.

On the other hand Emily was in a situation of second guessing everything as well as a ton of trust issues. Like Harry all she wanted was friends kept at arm's length, the only people (apart from her family) she has properly let into her life are Benji and Jake. Unfortunately due to Jakes huge fuck up she was officially done with love. It wasn't something she was willing to risk. Her opinions on Harry were different though. He was so charming, kind, thoughtful and sweet but so intriguing as well as mysterious, that's what kept her on her toes and that's always drew her back to him. The way he looked at the world, at the moon and the stars, it was so new and refreshing for her. She was new to getting to know people like this, but she liked it.

"Oh, well i could give you my number"

"That's great if it's ok with you" 

Now he was the one smiling through the phone.

They exchanged their numbers and said their goodbyes leaving them with the sounds of each others voices in their heads. 

In fact the sound of Harry's voice was stuck in her head all the way through the day, it was just as everyone started to leave when she finally concentrated on herself. 

The sounds of Miss Kate's keys jingling could be heard in the background as she locked her office, Emily picked her skates up by the heels and placed them inside her locker.

"You did a great job today Emily, Rose is really improving with your extra help" Miss Kate exclaimed as she waltzed over from her office. 

"It's my pleasure", she finished locking up before turning to Miss Kate.

"Nervous for friday yet?"

Emily looked down letting her nerves seep into her body again.

"a bit"

Miss Kate smiled and placed her hand on her shoulder, "the trick is to dance from here". She placed her finger on Emily's heart, "not from here" she then pointed towards her head. 

Emily smiled, Miss Kate had always relied on Benjamin and Emily to take competitions and shows to whole new levels, seeing as Miss Kate no longer danced her career was now in the hands or her pupils.

"I don't have any tips to make your nerves completely disappear or anything but, if you want your dancing to pull the audiences heart strings, find your inspiration"

The word 'inspiration' spiraled inside of Emily's head.

"What do you mean?"

"Your eyes really lit up during that phone call, maybe that boy would be a good place to start looking for it" 

Emily's cheeks lit up but this time she wasn't embarrassed about it, Miss Kate was sort of like the parent of everyone who danced here, they were a family and she knew them well enough to know when things are bothering them and when things or feelings need a little nudge in the right direction.

"Goodnight Emily" she gave her a warm smile before walking out the main entrance.

The bus ride home was an opportunity for Emily to think through all of the things she still had to do or her plans but that night her head was crowded with that same image of Harry leaning against his kitchen counter staring out into the view, the same image she dreamt of last night. 

Her body moved with the buss as it shook side to side, her head was pressed against the window whilst she watched the rain drops make their paths down the glass, Emily always found something peaceful about the way the red lights from all the cars and the traffic lights struggled to come into focus because of the bizarre patterns the rain made on the bus window.

The scenery was so simplistic but her head was spinning with emotions, and that was how it was going to be if she was going to make the effort to become Harry's friend. The odd part was, she didn't even think twice about making that effort, she was willing and ready.

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