BLOO- bandaids

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I made the final touch-ups on the music video and photos and sent them to my boss. I looked at the time and at the bottom of the screen of my laptop it read, 2 am.

Fuck I really did it this time. I turned it in late my boss is going to chew my ass. Fuck. This is not my week. First, I get into a fight with my boyfriend then he breaks up with me and then I have to work. While I still haven't processed the breakup. Fuck. I really miss him. He would always make me happy whenever I had a long day or a bad day. I could always call him and he would come to my apartment and cheer me up.

It didn't matter the time or what he was doing. He would finish what he was doing or drop everything just to come and see me or cheer me up. He would come home with different things each time. With my favorite food or just my favorite snack, to me, that didn't matter. What mattered the most and what made me instantly forget about what happened was, him. His smile was contagious and when he entered and saw me he would always smile. With his smile reaching his beautiful brown eyes that I would look into and felt safe and comfortable. When he would hug me, he smelled of smoke, sweet cologne, or a mixture of both. I felt comfortable in his arms.

Sometimes we would just cuddle and I would trace his tattoos and he would explain in detailed each one of them and I never got tired of hearing it. I would look at him as he spoke and would look at him and back to his lips and back at him and I would kiss him and would sometimes playfully bite his lips and play with his piercing. I miss waking up next to him. with his arms around my waist and my head against his chest and wearing his shirts. I miss him.

I felt tears streamed down my face and wiped them away, I guess I finally processed our break up. I just don't understand where it all went wrong. The fight wasn't something big. It was just us fighting over him not getting enough rest. Then we stopped talking for a few days when he suddenly asked to meet up and broke it off with me. At first, I was in shock and didn't understand why he wanted to break up after being together for a year.

He didn't explain and just left me there all by myself.

I got up from my desk chair and got ready for bed. Trying to forget about him or at least the pain. Sleep will always take the pain away temporarily until the next day. I was about to get into bed when my phone rang. I let it ring ignoring it, not wanting to deal with it. It rang three times before I finally gave up and answered without checking the caller ID.

"Finally, she picked up" I heard a familiar voice say as I hear him say to someone else and the other guy grunted and said thank god.

"Y/N I know its not the best time but--" he was interpreted by two people in the background *'y/n babe !* Shut up bloo you are going to cause trouble again'

"bloo shut the fuck up! *'You don't tell me what to fucken do.'" I heard bloo slurred words as loopy tried to shut him up and continued to talk to me. Worried I get up from my bed and start to get ready in case I need to pick them up

" Y/N I'm sorry to disturb you again but bloo got into a fight and he isn't listing to us-"

*'shut up loopy don't cause her trouble, hang up I'm staying here and I'm going to beat the shit out of those mother fuckers.'

* bloo you can't be doing that, you have to take care of those wounds.'

My heart sank as I heard Nafla say those words. He must be in really bad shape. Fuck what did that idiot do now?

worried I grabbed whatever clothes and put them on and left to put on my shoes.

A/N: Hey, I hope every one is doing well and is standing up against the injustice that has occurred and that you are all staying healthy and safe. Until next time have a great day. Dont forget to vote/share/follow/comment


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