Hey! give my starbucks back! (arranged marriage) chapter 1

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Chapter 1

12 years ago....

"Nell when we grow up! we'll get married ok?" a little boy said to a girl when they were 6.

"sure thing Spikey!" the little girl eagerly hugged the cute little boy and they made a pinky swear that day that they'll meet and marry someday.

"Bye nell.. i'm going to miss you! here! take my lucky basketball keychain. when we grow up and i see it i'll recognized you. it is custom made by mommy after all." the little boy said in his cutest voice.

"Ok spikey. here take my angle charm. you can turn it into a keychain if you want to. my mommy also made that so i'll know when we see each other that it's you." she hugged him tightly.

the little boy was moving to boston today. leaving the little girl in new york. their moms were there looking at them and smiling at how close and cute they were.

"Ellen, i think we're going to be in- laws someday!" the mom of the boy said happily to the mom of the girl.

"Yup i think so too Deb." she giggled. they were best friends but Deb's husband got a job in a law firm in Boston so they had to move.

"well we better go Elle. i'll miss you and Jack and of course little miss sunshine over there." Deb hugged Elle.(that's her nickname)

"i'll miss you too Debbie. we will be in-laws someday i'll make sure of that!" she smiled to her best friend

"me too! we'll stay in touch to make sure they get together someday! C'mon Spike we better go to the airport." she gave Ellen and nella one last hug before getting in the cab. Nella waved goodbye to them as the cab drove farther away.


Nella's POV

"Mom! i'm going to school! bye!" i shouted from the front door. in 2 months i will be leaving highschool behind me and going to UCLA. i've worked so hard these past few years in highschool just to get a scholarship. by the way, i'm Nella Katherine Moore. i have shoulder length Caramel brown hair, petite, fair complexion, ocean blue eyes. i'm an A student but i also am the head cheerleader of my school. i know i'm not a stereotype but that's good. i don't want to be just another stereotype. i want to prove people wrong that cheerleaders can be smart too.

i drive a black Porsche Panamera 4. did i forget to mention we're rich? well my parents are rich. My mom's a Gynecologist and my dad's a Chemist. with them being into science i on the other hand am interested in architecture and arts. my parents really don't mind.

the school is a 20 minute drive and 30 minute walk. if you walk as fast as me.

when i arrived i parked at my usuall spot beside an oak tree. nobody ever parks here. ha i think they're scared of me. haha

as i was getting out of the car i saw Carson comming near me. oh my here goes my morning again

"hey babe." Carson smirked and placed his arms around my shoulders.

"stop calling me babe Carson. we broke up like 5 months ago." i told him while pushing his arms off my shoulder.

Carson just sighed and walked away. "What did he want now?" Mia my best friend asked me.

"i didn't give him a chance to tell me. it would be the same thing he's been telling me for the last  5 months." i told her

"babe give me another chance i won't cheat again i promise." i did the best impersonation of carson that i can master. i still can't believe he cheated on me. he has the nerve.

it happened while we were at a party last October at a halloween party. i was dressed as fairy and he was dressed as a peter pan. we kinda planned it. we were drinking and dancing that night. and everything was going well until i went to the bathroom. when i came back he wasn't at the kitchen anymore. i searched for him in the living room, the backyard, in the other bathrooms, the front yard even inside his car but he wasn't there.  so i decied to go upstairs and see if he was there. i opened a room to my left and it was dark, it was an office, as i was about to close the door and lights i heard a thud inside the bathroom. so i opened the door. i found carson and Jenny making out. Jenny owns the house. she's was a part of my cirlce of friends. she was drunk but carson wasn't. when he saw me quickly pushed Jenny away and tried to explain but i kneed him and left in my car. good thing i told him to meet me there. *sighs*

"Nell don't you ever go back to that creep! he was a nobody till you dated him!" Mia scolded me. mistaking my zoning out as a sign that i want to get back.

"of course not Mia. i will never get back with that guy. you know me. i never go back to my ex's." that was true. and to justify this. i only break up with them cause they deserve it. like Justin. he was two timing me. and Carson he cheated on me.

i've only had 2 boyfriends and they're all manwhores. *sigh*

"don't worry baby girl you'll find your man and i think he's in UCLA" she elbowed me playfully. i had to laugh at that. Mia always knew how to make me smile. i took out my car keys and saw that basketball keychain spikey gave me when we were 6. i barely remember anything but i know we were the best of friends and i want to see him someday. i smiled at the memory.

thanks for reading :)

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