Chapter 2

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editing has taking place.

Zoin' s p.o.v

I walked into the library finding it hard to find a story to read. Actually this doesn't happen everyday so yeah it's kind of weird. Normally I was never the reading type though I happened to be in science class.

I've always been the one things were dumped on. My parents wanted me to be a lawyer but I preferred being a doctor and more worst my brother hates me because his girlfriend broke up with him because of me. That's what you get when you date a cheerleader they're always causing drama. I once saw a boy who got cheated on by a nerd. Even I thought it was too weird to be true . But ever since she broke up with my brother she's never stopped disturbing me and guess what she...

"I said give me the book!!!!!" I heard someone say and there was only one person that came to my mind. The beautiful extra ordinary girl who broke up with my brother for me and of course it was .MILLER. What actually surprised me was the helplessness of the girl standing close to her and it was the same girl of yesterday. The sand one I bumped into and it was the same book. The same book she didnt let me hold also the same book the witch Miller was fighting for.

"Let it go" I say. "Miller let her book go" I said as I stepped closer to her and the girl. "Hey ziooon" Miller said stretching it as she said it. "Cut the crap give her the book" I said.

"How did you know it's not mine?"she said trying to act seductive like she always does but obvi.

Not working

"Because I know you, you fight for what's not yours" I said as I dragged the book from both of them as Miller and her minions left.

"Here" I said as she collected the book about to leave.

"Not even one thank you" I asked as she looked at me and said.

"thank you" her voice was like the tiniest I've ever heard but it was calm like and her eyes kept wandering on the floor.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Jennifer" she came again but this time running off as fast as she could to prevent more question .

As I turned to continue my quest for a book I turned back to saw John with a sly smile on his face. "Not what you think." I said.

"So what is it?" He said.

"Just a normal convo " I said.

"Yeah like a normal convo will send her running " he said.

"She's just really weird you know" I said as John laughed like it was actually funny. Well it was a little. Shit , I forgot to check the name of the book.

Sorry for the late update well watch out who knows maybe Zion maybe able to find out the name of the book or even more.

I want to thank those that voted for me in the last chapter I just wanna say your effort to support I reaching here. I wanna rhano those silent rracers for their support I love but please give more support by voting. I love you all and once again voters thanks for voting.

His NerdNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ