chapter 12

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I made my way in the parking lot as I left school. I  scanned the crowd as I found zion's  face in the crowd.

He stood near an orange Lamborghini. Yes I know names of cars. Most girls waste their time looking for the latest vogue or channel or Gucci but I'm more  into cars.

"So.. how are you? " I heard Zion say as I made it into the car and sat down.

"Fine" I said.

"Ok" he said back.

I spent my time listening to nicki minaj month and Adriana Grande side to side. I really wish I could sing like Adriana Grande.

15 minutes later.

We were here stuck I'm in traffic since Zion house apparently in town.

"I'm sorry" I heard Zion say.

"For what exactly?" I said.

"For getting you in trouble" he siad as the traffix light turned green.

As we made  it  to his house. I got surprised I knew he was rich but not this rich. Though I've seen better due to my former life but it was magnificent as we made it into the parking lot there were alot of cars. I couldn't even recognise some.

"Oh fuck" I heard him say looking at black Audi.

I didn't bother to ask what's wrong I just came out of the passenger seat. I would have gone into the house but I didn't want to get lost so I had to wait for zion. What kind of name is that? Zion?


We soon made it into the house. I was awestruck at the magnificence of what I saw.

"Hey would you like some pizza or Chinese " he asked.

"Pizza" I said since I never liked Chinese. I just found it...ewwwww.

Soon he brought out a box of pizza taking it upstairs as I followed him like a lost puppy. As soon as we reached our room I was awestruck.

Second time in one day...

I sighed wishing my parent could have had so much money to waste on luxury like these.

As soon as we went inside we ate the pizza.

We started the project for three hours  but was strictly interrupted by the grumble from my stomach. I watched him laugh at me as I felt my  cheek heat up.

"Come let's get food for that thing" he said . God this is so embarrassing how could I not have eaten?

Breath breath

But I couldn't immediately I calmed down my cheeks heat up again. I was drifted out of my thoughts as bumped into Zion's back. I felt my cheek heat up.


I looked at him as he stared  at a guy who looked almost like him only that this guy was a blondie who was cutting vegetables.

Food.. .

"Ouch" I heard the other guys say as I saw him cut himself with the knife. Soon blood tricked down his hand.


I quickly ran out of the house and I could here zions constant calling of my name.


I made my way through a dark alley as I saw a prey  I let my fangs come out as I saw the man smoke. I made  my way to him and quickly sinked my fangs into him. I watched him struggle and by the time I was done the poor man was already dead. I quickly  kept his the body checking if anyone was around before leaving with high speed.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter cause the book has been going well so far. Please vote and comment❤❤❤❤❤.

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