Chapter 9

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Jennifer's p.o.v

Few days later

"Jay Jay!!!" I heard someone scream in my ears. "Come on wake up!!" He shouted in my ear.

"That's it" I said as I stood up and chased him down the stairs.

"You can't catch me,I'm too.. ouph" he said as he fell down the stairs and I jumped on him as a triumph smile made way to my face I raised my hand ready to smack him on his face but I felt someone pull me from him.

"Let me at him,let me at him" I growled at whoever dared to hold me back.

"That's enough sweetie" i heard my dad say. So he's the one who dares to touch me.

"Now I think you should prepare for school" my mum said from the kitchen as I looked at the clock .

Two hours early

"You are so dead" I said as I looked at Louis with a smirk on his face. I immediately charged at him forgetting my dad was still holding me back.

I tried to get out of his grip as he walked up the stairs and  three me in the bed.

"Now sweetie sit" he said. As I sat on the bed, he let out a heavy breath and use the opportunity to run downstairs and give Louis a dirty  slap across his face as my father dragged me back upstairs as Louis kept laughing.

My brother was actually used to this as it was a normal thing for me to slap him anytime he made me angry.

I made it to the bathroom and stood as the cold water hit me cooling my nerves. Yes my parents paid for the heater but I prefer using the cold chilled water.

I dried my body with the towel as I dressed myself up in a blue hoodie and jeans with some glasses.

Now dont tell me why am I dressed like a nerd? But the fact is

1. I really like the fact that glasses are so cool.
2. I'm really smart so I dress for it.

3. I realized teachers think people who dress like this are smart so in case of bad grades I can take a make up test since they think I'm supersmart.

The reasons why we do things we do?

As I made my way down the stairs I took my time to eat my cerdal while gmating at Louis from the other side.

Hello from the other side.
Soon I'm gonna rup your eyes.

I sang in my head still glaring at him as I made my way to the car which Louis took me to school in.

I entered the car and continued glaring at him throughout the 15 minutes drive. I was about to make it out of the car as I felt someone tug me back.

I glared at him as he stared  at me. He thought I would give up.

Well think again idiot
I'm not going anywhere

"Seriously?" He said as he srated at me as I glared back too.

"Okay I'm sorry" he said thinking I would forgive him easily. After few minutes of me not forgiving him he sighed.

"Real mature" he said.

I didn't say I wasn't childish

"Ok take care of yourself" he said before  giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I left the car with a triumphant   smile on my face.

Bitch I always win.

I went to my first class 'maths'. I love maths in the morning  do it wasn't a problem.

Soon the bell rang and I went to catering class and that how it went from communication to history. Finally lunah I ate alone like normal. I couldn't risk having a human friend.

Soon it was left with two classes science and gym.


Since I have science that meant seeing Zion. Zion I have been ignoring since he lwrt my house.
I walked in as I felt someone burning gaze on me. I looked to see Zion at the far end of the class.

After sitting at my assigned sir I zoned out until i heard project.

I looked up to Mr Fletcher.

"I will chose your project parents for you. Caddie and ally, Prinse and Walter, zion and james-'

Thank Jesus

"-oh I mean Zion and Jenny, Jason and xaiver-" he kept on talking but I zoned out. I just got into a project with a guy I've been ignoring for days. And I can feel his burning gaze on me.

Oh boy

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