Back Stories

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Zoey Dameron~Zoey is the daughter of Poe Dameron and grew up on the resistance base her whole life, basically her dads assistant. She became best friends with kyla, and they were inseparable, they were like sisters until she left Zoey to explore the galaxy more. Zoey decided to work harder in achieving her flight career and soon became a grandmaster of Fleet A1 but it all goes wrong on her first mission when Zoey's entire fleet dies and leaves Zoey out in the middle of no where floating in space.

And that's where her story starts😉

Carina Kenobi~ Carina is the granddaughter of Obi Wan Kenobi, while learning how to use the force to become a Jedi like her grandfather, she falls in love with a boy in the First Order. She joins the First Order to be with him but he gets killed for betraying the First Order. Carina becomes friends with Commander Silver and Jake Solo, or Supreme Leader, and with the help from them, she becomes more tough and receives the title of General. To avoid any ties to her family name she uses the name Tochter. She soon losses Commander Silver for the light gaining to much in her and Carina is left with Jake Solo as her only friend. While doing a recon mission with Jake Solo, she becomes seperated from Jake, and lands on the Grey Republic's base. She finds Silver and starts working for the Grey Republic as a spy.

And that's where her story begins😉

Kyla Organa~ Kyla is the granddaughter of Leia. Her parents left her in Leia's care shortly after she was born, and she has no memories of her parents. She grew up on the rebel camp, and was best friends with Poe Dameron's daughter, Zoey. However, when Kyla turned 12, she set off on her own path to learn the force. She visited Jedi and sith temples around the world to study the force. She was descovered by Violet Grey and was brought back to the Grey Republic to become a grey Jedi Knight, but not without lots of struggles on the path she took. Her anger would burst out at times, letting the darkness take control. Once when visiting a sith temple, it became so bad she slaughtered half of a native town. She has dreams about it that still haunt her to this day. She became friends with Silver who later joined the Grey Republic as a Grey Sith Knight.At the age of 19, she met Carina Kenobi and helped get information against the Separatist. But a familiar visitor is brought back by Violet and it leaves a tear in her relationship with the new person.

Thats where her story Begins😉

Syala Ibliz~Syala was born on the planet Tatooine and was born into slavery. Her parents were killed at the age of 10 due to a mining explosion. She had to live in barracks with other people who took care of her the best that they could. She worked as a slave up until the age of 14 when she had first used the force on accident on a slaveholder. While on a recon mission, Silver and Violet find her and bring her back to base, as she is strong with the force. She trains with Violet as her Padawan.

Thats where her story begins😉

Jake Solo~ Jake took after his dad Ben Solo after his passing to save a scavenger. He was born into the First Order and was extremely attracted to the base until after he met the Dameron child on the battle field, they fought constantly, but they developed a force bond to where they can see each other in their own surroundings, much like how his dad and the scavenger communicated. After starting to develop feelings for her, he had a conversation with her the night before her fleet was whipped out and she was left to die in the explosions. He finds her and goes to help her in aid until a Grey ship emerges from the shadows.

And that's where his story begins😉

Commander Silver~ Silver is the daughter of General Hux. She has been in and out of the Resistance, her father visits her in dreams and during the day while running the First Order. She finds Violet Grey fighting for the Grey Republic and that's where she starts working for the Grey Republic, leaving behind her supportive friends, Jake Solo and Carina Kenobi. She keeps her title of Sith Knight really fighting for that First Order, but as a newly found force user, she's been training with the force with Violet. She gains yhe title Grey Sith Knight and goes on recon missions to find new members to fight for the Republic. She's soon to become a General of the First Order and the Flight crew of the Grey Republic.

And thats where her story begins😉

Kronon Skywalker ~Kronon Skywalker had a tight bond with his mother, Rey Skywalker. Having trained with his mother in the light side of the force on Tatooine and Jakku, Kronon was granted the rank of Jedi Knight by his mother. Kronon and Rey sought out those who were strong in the force and began to train them. The remnants of the first order lingered still, and Kronon took a personal interest in cutting off the loose ends. On a mission to sneak on a Star Destoryer, Kronon was captured and kept on board for months enduring torture. After patiently waiting for an opportunity to escape, the time came when a woman by the name of Commander Silver, set him free. Kronon escaped without asking questions, and flew to the resistance base to seek help in destroying the first order. When Kronon got to the resistance base, he found out that his mother had gone missing a long with his close friend Kyla Organa. He wants to set out to find them both, but he knows he must eradicate the remains of the First Order. On a mission to destroy the supreme leader, he finds a familiar ship floating in the distance of space. He wants to near as he knows that Zoey Dameron is in the ship, but another beats him to it.

And that's where his story begins😉

Violet Grey~ Violet is the product of a force Dyad, she has no idea who her parents are, and where they went. After scavenging on her home planet Tatooine, she finds a working x-wing and leaves the dreadful place. She fly's for days and soon lands on Yavin 4 and starts a base with the few occupants there. After years of starting the base, the Grey Republic becomes a new threat to the galaxy, teaching both light and dark, not just one or the other. Violet takes in multiple people her age and trains them as her own, till a new threat claims to destroy all of the Grey Republic.

Thats where her story begins😉

As Ani always says: This is where the fun begins😊😂

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