Chapter 13

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The small group walked through the long halls. Silence inclosed around them as they came up to the throne room. Shivers went down Rey's spine as she saw the crumbled room that she had destroyed.

Violet took her bag off her shoulders and rummaged through it for about 30 seconds then pulled out a piece of chalk. She drew on the ground a star then a circle around it. "Ok, this is called a centigram, each point represents an element in the force. I want people to sit on the circle, with hands linked together." Violet said as she stood and walked to the circle.

Everyone sat down on the circle, hands linked together as the force surged through the air. "Close your eyes... Imagine all of your beings, see its color, its shape... Now bring it to your center and split it...Now hold that being till I say..." Violet started as blue light circled the room.

"Force users of the past... The force has spoken to all of us, as most of you have talked to us through the force... We call to you for help... Please, whoever feels like they can help in any way... Appear in the center... Allow us to bring you back to life..." The force surged more in the air as the blue light became bright and force users and old members came back in front of the group as silhouettes formed in the center.

"Now... Will half of your being to go beyond you, bring them back," Violet said as she started to will her force being into the center.

The silhouettes turned solid more as she held the hands of Silver and Syala's hard while they returned the strength. The group kept willing the force to go beyond them as the group stood in front of them, finally back to save the force and defeat the evil.

General Hux, Ben Solo, Anakin Skywalker, Syala's parents, and Ahsoka Tano. They looked around as they viewed the group. Hux walked up to Silver and rested a hand on her shoulder. Silver, of course, startled at the sudden touch and opened her eyes. "Dad!" She yelled, shooting up to hug him. The group startled but multiple people shot up to their friends. Pp

Rey ran for Ben and engulfed him in a hug. Jake also got up to greet his father. Ben let go of Rey then hugged Jake. Jake was tall, but Ben hovered over him as they hugged.

Violet didn't hesitate to run to Anakin and Ahsoka. She hugged them like she didn't want to let the go. She felt tears fall as most people did with joy.

Syala ran for her parents and hugged them tightly, she felt whole once again after the mining explosion that killed them right where they stood.

Finn, Poe, and Zoey all hugged in excitement then joined Rey, Ben, and Jake in a group hug. Soon Came Violet, Anakin, Ahsoka, Syala, her parents, Silver, and Hux to join the hug.

They stood there with happiness radiating off of them. Above in the shadows, a new person stood, watching through his blaster and moving quietly. Kyla stood away from the hug and looked around, wondering why her adoptive parents, Leia and Han, didn't come back. She noticed the figure as it jumped down from a ledge and ignited a green saber.

Kyla ignited hers, creating a yellow haze over her slim body making everyone turn to her then to the stranger. Everyone pulled out their sabers, some red, others blue, and two yellows in the mix. They watched the person carefully.

"Look, I don't want any trouble, but I've been here since the fight." The stranger said in fear. Rey and Kronon noticed the pool of red liquid clotting at his feet and lowered their sabers. "It's ok that we're here," Rey said as she stepped forward and the stranger loosened his grip on the saber.

"Your tricks don't work on me." He spat through gritted teeth. "Look, you're bleeding, let us help you!" Kronon said calmly with his hands outstretched to the being.


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