Chapter 14

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"If you put down your sabers, I'll lower mine." The stranger said, making Kronon gesture to the group to lower their sabers. "How did you get that gash?" Violet asked, stepping forward to look closer, "Crash landing." The figure said as he too lowered his weapon.

"Whats going on!?” Silver shouted in confusion as the stranger approached. “We are helping this stranger, Zoey go get the ship ready okay?” Kronon exclaimed to Zoey, “Okay! Got it Kro!” Zoey said as she slowly started to walk away. “Wait! Take Ashoka with you, I seem to think that you two have something in common.” Anakin said playfully and nudged Ashoka forward. “Very funny Master.” Asoka laughed as she and Zoey walked to the cockpit.

"Your wound looks really bad, can I take you to my ship to get it looked at?" Violet asked as she outstretched her hand for him to take, he, of course, took it and limped back to the ship, the rest of the group following behind.

Everyone started conversating as they entered the ship in their own little pods of people, “Kronon..great job! I'm so proud of you for helping!” Rey said smiling. Poe, Finn, Silver, And Carina all spoke together as Kyla and Syala Talked about who they saw, “Kyla! This is Wonderful! I finally get my parents back!” Syala said in excitement as she pointed to the lovely couple across the room. “Thats nice Syala…” Kyla said worried about her adoptive parents, Leia and Han.

 “ are really Ahsoka Tano?” Zoey looked up at Ashoka as she switched on lights and buttons, starting up the ship, “And you are really Zoey Dameron?” Ashoka and Zoey giggled as they got the ship running and came back. “Alrighty lets get this show on the road!” Poe said. Everyone boarded and Zoey ran to the pilot's seat, “IM FLYING AND I DON'T CARE IF YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!” Zoey said as Ashoka, Anakin, and Kyla walked in. “No Zoey it's dangerous for everyone and for you!” Kyla said worriedly, “Kyla...I can fly anything I want whenever I want and abandoned me when I had just figured out I was force sensitive and you didn't even care! I wanted to explore the galaxy and you left me…” Zoey said cross armed, Kyla knew the truth...she had been discussing it with Anakin. “Don't get ahead of yourself youngling..” Anakin said as Zoey glared at him. “Don't call me that skyguy…” Zoey said as Ashoka couldn't hold back a laugh and walked up to the door, pulling Anakin with her, "C'mon Skyguy, let's go help Violet with the stranger."

In the main room, conversation was blooming but also controlled chaos, "Carina, there should be a First Aid Kit in the back of the ship, where the boxes are. Can you go get it?" Violet exclaimed as she lowered the stranger onto the mat.

"Are you sure we can trust he's not after us?" Silver said through the force into Violets head making her stiffen. "I know what I'm doing Commander, go help Carina find the First Aid Kit." Silver said through the force back to Silver making her scoff and run off in frustration.

"What's your name?" Violet huffed as she took off her grey vest and pressing it against his wound to stop bleeding, "Crato... Crato Grentlone." He winced as he shrunk into the seat as pain drove into his side.

"Nice to meet you Crato, is there any way you can remove this plate so I can get to the wound better?" Violet said, knocking her index finger's nuckle against the metal plate making a "clank" sound with the action.

"Yeah..." He excelled with a breath then un-clipped the belt to keep the plate up as Silver and Carina's bickering became audible. 
"She told me to come help!" 
"But she sent me! Not you!"
"Doesn't matter, I came to help."
"Shut up young grasshopper." They bickered till they came into the room, Carina was holding the First Aid Kit as she came up onto Violet and handed it to her. Silver took the opportunity to get the last word in, "Ok, I wounder what Gingersnap might have to say about this." Carina turned all shades of an embarrassing red as Ahsoka and Anakin laughed behind Silver, exchanging high fives with her.

"Who's Gingersnap?" Hux asked in a confused daze as he sat next to Ben and Rey, who were now out of a deep conversation. Carina turned more shades of red and pivoted on her heel to go talk to anyone besides the people in the room, especially Gingersnap.

Ahsoka and Anakin started to burst into laughter as she left, just barely holding back the snorting before the burst of laughter.

Violet rolled her eyes and took the gloves from the kit and pulled them on, "Is it that serious?" Crato asked in a shocked state of mind as Violet held back a smile, "No, this is just to help against infection, along with this..." Violet said pulling off her now bloody top and placing alcohol over it. "That burns..." Crato spat through gritted teeth as the cold liquid touched his skin.

"Yah but you'll live to see another day without an infection." Violet smirked as she placed the alcohol back in the kit and pulled out bandages. She wrapped his wound with a wince or two escaping Crato as she finished. "Done. We'll get it checked for infection when we get back." Violet said, pulling off her gloves and throwing them away.

"Are y'all forced users?" He asked as he pulled down his shirt and placed his armor back on, "Yes, all products of the force, some dyads, others products of dyads, and chosen ones in the mix." Violet winked at Anakin as she turned to leave the room.

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