Chapter 21

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The ships landed on Yavin 4 base only a few hours after leaving Naboo. The fighter ships docked in rows as the freighters landed with ease on the bay. Out of the Light Ravenger came Violet, Kyla, Kronon, Syala, and BB-A. As they walked down the ramp of the Light Ravenger, fighting came from the side of them where the fighter ships had been parked. 

The four shared a look of concern while they started to walk towards the fighting. The fighting also got the attention of the group that exited out of the Cargo Ship that had come with them. Crato, Ben, Rey, Carina, and Anakin rounded the corner of the ship to see what was going on.

In the cleaning line of dirty fighter ships, stood Zoey's squadron yelling at each other, continuing the fight from the old temple. Kyla wasn't having any part of the fighting and ran between the two sides, “Hey! Quit bickering. You little shits always give me a damn headache whenever you do this." She yelled as the others moved in. Crato switched his blaster to stun as the other force wielders rested their hands on their saber hilts or blasters.

"If you all can't learn to respect each other's opinions, then don't say anything! It's that simple." Syala intervened as well. The group all shared a look of consideration, thinking of their next moves.

Corren glanced over the group as they stood in a circle, no one daring to open their mouths. His eyes soon met Jake's who looked quite convinced in his next decision. They both shared a quiet conversation through body language while everyone stood still, glaring each other down.

Both straightened at last and holstered their blasters, "If you all can't consider everyone's opinions then we're leaving." Corren said calmly in a low tone, pivoting on his heel and walking to his small ship, Jake not far behind. Violet looked after them in disbelief and stumbled back a few paces. Zoey also decided to follow after, not willing to lose the only person who loved her as their significant other.

Violet started to protest but bit her tongue, watching them leave as she had no control over them. As the ships left, the bay grew with an eerie silence. "What now?" It was Fara. She looked to the others, puzzled as well. Kyla straightened and looked at everyone in the small circle, "It may be best to all take a break- we can keep comms on incase we need each other," She spoke with authority and clarity as she always did. 

The others nodded and dispersed to their quarters, some packing to leave while others decided to stay.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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