Chapter 6

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The group sat on the top of the Falcon, Kyla had brought food to make sandwiches for the group and made some for lunch. Syala and Violet talked quietly about the force, lifting their sandwiches in the air as they talked with free hands. Zoey sat talking to Jake and Carina. Carina talked about her experience in the Grey Republic, how she joined to how she became a spy for them.

Kyla talked with Poe and Finn on how they had met Rey and how the battle of Exegol went. Silver sat next to Casedrión, talking about what their paths had led to since they split.

Kronon meditated with the force on the very top of the Falcon. "Feel your mom?" Kyla asked as she sat next to Kronon. "No, I can't reach her." Kronon said as he scrunched up his face.

"In 10 minutes the racing sigh up is closed!" A voice boomed over the planet. "So you can't find her?" Kyla asks as she rests her head on his shoulder, looking into the binary sunset. Kronon jolted at the sudden touch but relaxed into her, resting his head a top hers. "No, I feel her... She's here somewhere..." Kronon says closing his eyes, falling asleep a top the Falcon.

Zoey talked about the pod racers as she zoomed around the Falcon, running all directions. "Man! I wish I had a pod!" Zoey said as the adults, Silver, and Casedrión came to the center. "Ya know..." Casedrión started.

"What?" Zoey said stopping to look at him. "Well, you would have to ask your dad... But I have a pretty fast one at my place... Won every race it has been in." Casedrión said, sitting on the roof of the Falcon as Silver sat next to him.

"I can go get you signed up if you would like! I can give ya some points if ya want." Poe said as he placed his hands on Zoey's shoulders. "Show me." Zoey said as a smile grew on her face. "This way." Casedrión said as they jumped off the Falcon and walking towards a hut.

Casedrión opened the door and inside stood a small pod with 2 huge yellow jets on the front of the pod. "Wow! Where did you get this." Zoey asked as she traced her hands over the old, dusty metal. "Won it in a bet against Watto, says it was owned my Anakin Skywalker... But that old bug lies constantly..." Casedrión said as he turned on the power and the pod shot up, ready to run.

"Don't touch the purple electricity in between the Energy binder plates, you'll go numb." Casedrión said as he pulled off tarps to the pod. "I never thought I would get this close to a pod before." Syala said with a smile as she ran her fingers through the dust as the beautiful yellow paint showed through.

"Wanna give it a spin Zoey?" Carina asked as she also looked at the ship in awe. "Hell yah I do!" Zoey screamed as she ran to the seat. "Here, found this on the Falcon. "Poe said as he walked in with his helmet he wore during Exegol. "Dad, this is your helmet from Exegol, are you sure?" Zoey asked as she held the helmet in her hands and looked at its shiny metal.

"Yes, now the race starts in 15 minutes, you better get down there before its to late." Poe says walking close to her as she jumps in the pod. The helmet slides on with ease and bobs on her head as it is a little to big for her.

Her goggles slide on and Casedrión comes close to the seat of the pod. "This thing will fly fast, so be careful. You are going to drift at the the hairpin turns so when they come up, turn right to go left, but before doing that tap the break and you'll drift." Casedrión said pointing to the petals on the ground."Got it, turn right to go left." Zoey said and zoomed off.

The group sat at the top of the track in the Cantina. "What we betting on her winning?" Jake said as he hung over the edge looking down at the racers. "Well, Anakin was one of the fastest racers... If she can control it then she will be fine." Syala said as she watched in amazement at the racers.

"Hey guys! What are y'all looking at?" Kyla said as she and Kronon walked close with their hands enter-twined together as smiles played on their faces. "Just some pod racing." Violet said as she looked at Zoey while she played with the buttons on the pod.

"Who's racing?" Kronon said as they looked over the ledge down to the track. "Zoey." Poe said plainly as he took another swig of his beverage. "WHAT!?" Kyla yelled as she almost jumped over the edge of the balcony.

"Here to day, we have a new racer named Zoey Dameron ready to take home the gold! Racers are you ready!? On your marks, get set, GO GO GO!!" The announcer yelled as the pods started. Zoey's shot forward into 3rd in a matter of minutes.

Zoey sped through the Deavil's Doorknob all the way to Crater Valley until she hit Boggars Canyon. "And here we see that we do have some Boggars on the track today, let's see if our young and new racers know how to get out of this one!" An announcer said over the speaker as bets were placed around the arena.

Zoey moved to 2nd place after the pod infront of her was destroyed and rounded the corner for lap 2. Voices started to play in Zoey's head as she slowed down. She felt the force of anger serge through her as she slid to 4th. She snapped her head and zoomed forward back to 2nd as she pushed the familiar dark voices out of her head. Kyla prayed to god knows who to help her get out of this in one piece. Zoey finished lap 2 and now on the final lap.

Zoey zoomed at 536 miles a hour past the 1st place then zooms to the finish line. The crowd yells with cheer as Zoey does small donuts around the track.

She gets out and is greeted by her group. Everyone crowds her with hugs except for Kyla as she stands in disbelief at the reckless girl in front of her. "Kyla, what's wrong?" Zoey asks as her smile fades into a concerned face as a trophy and a stack of betted money is handed to her which Poe immediately takes.

"We need to talk." Kyla says through grit teeth and pulls her to the side, away from the group.

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