Chapter 20

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The group starred with wide eyes at the comment. "Well, are we going or what?" Zoey exclaimed the question as she ran to the door and down to where the ships were. "After this mission, I'm gone." Corren whispered to Lyra who nodded in response. They ran to their ships as well, followed behind by the rest of the crew. Violet and Kyla where the only ones left standing in the room. Violet had heard Corren and his remark. She stood stunned and ashamed that she couldn't keep the group together for more than a month. Kyla sensed her unease and placed a hand on Violet's shoulder, nodding to the door for them to leave. She snapped out of her thoughts and gave Kyla a small, thankful smile then left the room to join the others.

Everyone was in their ships, working to get off the ground while Zoey barked orders to her crew, wanting this to be a "clean run". Violet and Kyla hopped onto the Light Ravager where Syala and Kronon where already sitting in its bay. Kyla ran to the pilot's seat as fast as she could, joining her KX droid, Klaw, who sat tall already in the copilot's seat. The ships took off to the Plaza in a rush, staying in diamond formation with Zoey leading the front and the freighters bringing up the tail. When they arrived at the plaza, the buildings and structures were bing pulled out by the receding waves. People clung to what they could to keep from being pulled out with the debris.

"Ok squad, I want this run to go smooth, no casualties today. Purple and white leaders, find Orange and Red leaders and get them in the sky. Green, Grey, and Blue leaders help the non injured on the wings of your ships and get them off the water. Purple and White, after y'all get the two Hughligans out of the water, help out Green, Grey, and Blue. Me and Red leader will help out in getting the injured onto "Papa Dragon." Light Ravager, work on getting people into your ship as well. Am I clear?" Zoey said over the coms with authority and clarity, making Silver smile at her Padawan. A ripple of replies came back saying "Yes Black Leader!'' as they split up to do their tasks.  

The two freighter ships flew around and lowered to the ground. People swimming in the dirty tidal wave made their way onto the back of the two freighters. Silver and Zoey hovered over them, making sure everyone got on. Purple and White leaders, Viyana and Poe, worked on finding Anakin and Ahsoka to help get them in the air. The other pilots flew inland to reach the people that needed them the most.

Ahsoka and Anakin we're standing on Ahsoka's crashed ship. Anakin had crashed his ship on a nearby spot of land. Ahsoka held a kid in her hands, as he rested, limpless. Anakin waved his arms frantically, catching Viyana’s attention. "Poe look!" Viyana yelled with enthusiasm over the coms as Poe looked down. A smile grew on their faces as they pulled in, "Go figure, Anakin, did you crash your ship again?" Poe asked with an eyebrow cocked up as a smile played on his face, "Very funny." Anakin said as he helped Ahsoka onto the wing of Poe's ship then hopped onto the wing of Viyana's ship. "So, who's the kid?" Poe asked as they took to the sky. Ahsoka smiled, "The boy that has CP that Buck was looking for." Ahsoka smiled as she held the frail boy close to her body, keeping him warm.

After almost an hour of helping people to new, dry ground and helping the injured, the small group of Grey Republic workers stood in a circle, discussing on where to head next. "We should head back home. Our work here is done." Fara said as the others agreed. "Then it's final, let's head back to base." Kyla said with authority as the others headed to their ships, only leaving when they felt like they had done everything they could for Naboo.

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