Chapter 7

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This is a shorter chapter and I apologize😅
Its 12:12 here and im so tired with 2 more chapters that are coming right after this one.

I listened to the song in the title while writing this and.... I cried😂😂

Enjoy my Loves❤🦋❤

Kyla pulled Zoey aside, out of the rink and into a quiet alley as Kyla started her long lecture. "Zoey, what were you thinking!? You could have died!!" Kyla whisper-shouted as she waved her arms to the track and back to her. "But I didn't, and I won!" Zoey said as her smile and happy vibes left her spirit being replaced with anger.

"But you knew it wasnt safe! Those boggars could have killed you, let alone a crash or a part malfunction!!" Kyla said as anger boiled ovet her and spilled onto Zoey, leaving burn marks of disappointment and hatred. "Why would you even care! You left when I was 13 just finding out I was a force user myself!! And you left me!" Zoey yelled as tears welled in her eyes and anger simmered inside of her.

A voice of sirens whispered in her, "your right.", "she has no control over you.", "just leave her.", "lash out at her! Run!!", "Zoey!! Listen to your-" "Zoey Dameron, I only left because I felt alone and vulnerable, I needed to leave! You don't think I begged Poe to bring you with me!?" Kyla interrupted her voices that rang in her head as tears welled in her eyes even more, some cascading down her face.

"You were never there, I hate you." Zoey said through gritted teeth and ran, ran as fast as she could, as far as she could. Voices from different people played in her head. "Oh Zoey in so proud of you!", "Zoey its not that big of a deal.", "your over reacting.", "I wonder if you take after your mother with all that anger.".


She never knew her mom, never met her, saw her, heard her, never... Poe never even talked about her, not once. Zoey finally tripped and tumbled down a sand doom and into the yard of a small house.

She sat and cried, the sand seeping into her face, as they lined her tears. More voices played in her head, "your nothing!", "no one wants you!" , "you come from nothing", "but not to me..."

"Hello there, whats wrong youngling?" A young voice came from overhead. Zoey sat up and dried her face from her dusty tears and looked at the girl who wore rags over her face and goggles on her eyes. "I had a fight with a friend..." Zoey said as the stranger sat down and Zoey sat with her.

"I fought with someone too... He was dark and I was light... We wanted each other... But he didn't budge..." The woman said as she looked at Zoey and pulled her goggles off.

"What's your name?" The woman said as she looked at Zoey with a smile in her eyes. "Zoey...Zoey Dameron..." Zoey said as she leaned over, resting her head in her hands as her elbows pressed into her knees. "I haven't heard the Dameron name in over 5 years... I left to find my son, he was caught by the First Order almost 5 years ago... I haven't seen him since..." The woman said as she looked at Zoey with the smile fading from her eyes.

Zoey went on to explain about Carina being caught, to Silver betting on getting Casedrión to join them, then to the pod race, and finally, the fight with Kyla.

Zoey cried through her thoughts and explanations. She leaned on the woman and cried more.

"None of this wouldn't have happened if Rey Skywalker didnt leave!"

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