Chapter 2

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Fires raged over the crashed tie fighter. Silver, Kronon, and Syala run onto the Bay and stare at the chaos. "There's a force signature in there." Violet yells while using the force to take out the fires.

Silver and Syala start to help put out the fire while using the force as well. "There's something fueling the fire, if we don't get the force user out they will die!" Syala yells as beads of sweat apear on her face, accompanied by the veins that popped out of her forehead as she strained.

In an instant, Kronon out stretched his arm and used the force to help deplenish the fire. "Its still being fueled!" Silver yells as Violet brought her wrist to her mouth. "Kyla, come in Kyla. Fire on docking bay 5. We need your help!" Violet yelled into her com link that sat on her wrist.

The group struggled as people around them tried to put out the fire. Kyla joined and out stretched her hand to fight the fires along with the other force users. The fires raged on as Silver felt a slight awakening in the force.

After minutes of the signature, a new hand out stretched to the ship and the fires deplenished finally. "I WANT THE FUEL LINES CUT AND SURVIVORS OUT!" Syala yelled as she ran to the chard tie.

She stopped in her tracks as the force held her in place. "We don't run into fire, use your resources young Padawan." Violet said softly as she released her grip on Syala. "Sorry Master Grey." Syala added and out stretched her hand.

With the help of Kyla and Violet, the chard figure came from the ashes and landed softly on the ground. "I want medical here NOW!" Silver said as she ran to the figures side.

"Air way clear. Blood pressure low. 3rd degree burns." Violet said examining the figure. "Silver, medical team." Kronon said as Silver and Violet stood and walked away so medical could care for the injured. "You don't happen to know who that is do you?" Kyla said as she, Violet, Syala, and Silver came closer to the newly awaken Zoey and Kronon.

"Yes... That would be the Supreme Leader of the First Order." Kronon said crossing his arms and shift his weight as his eyes darted to the limp body. "Why didn't Carina communicate with us on his arrival?" Kyla said waving her hand to the side, gesturing to the Supreme Leader that was now being carried away.

"Jake..." Zoey said as she stuttered backwards. "Zoey, are you ok?" Silver said out stretching her hand to rest on her shoulder. "That's... Jake Solo.... How did he get here!?" Zoey yelled as she stuttered backwards more. "How did I get here.... WAIT!! FLEET A1! I NEED TO GET BACK TO THE BATTLE FIELD!!" Zoey yelled as she ran for a x-wing that had been collected from a previous battle. "Zoey, your fleet was destroyed... You were the only survivor." Kyla said as she walked forward making her appearance known.

"Kyla Organa?" Zoey said as she walked forward. A single tear ran down her face as they looped each other in a hug. "Violet, let's go... We need to communicate with Carina that we have the Supreme Leader." Silver said as they walked out of the bay and into the new room. "So who is Carina?" Kronon asked Silver as they walked to the room. "Carina Kenobi, General of the First Order, spy for the Grey Republic, granddaughter of General Obi-Wan Kenobi." Silver said as they neared the room.

In the room stood multiple people and a round table in the middle. A hologram appeared on the table of a ginger head wearing a black silk dress. "Hello there." Carina said as a hand waved to Violet. "General Kenobi, supposed you didn't know about your Supreme Leader entering our base, did you?" Violet said as we stood around the table.

"Jake? He's there!? How!?" Carina said as her hands waved frantically around."I'll tell you how..." Kronon exclaimed, "Ive been on a search for my mother and he just starts shooting at me and I crashed into the Grey Republic's ship!? Then, he traced us back to here." He added as he showed anger in his stance.

"I'll tell the First Order that he has been found and is being taken care of. That he will return soon, right?" Carina says and crosses her arms. "Yes Ms. Kenobi, we will make sure he is taken care of and we will send him your way." Violet says and they start to leave the room.

Silver stands there looking at Carina as the empty room is quiet and peaceful. The air is thick with tension. "Have you heard from your father today?" Carina starts, trying to spark a conversation. "Yes... He came to me early this morning... Say that today was going to be the start of something big...I don't know what that means though... I still had dreams of the battle of Exegol... The force is just over whelming me and I can't seem to stay focused." Silver says as she looks at Carina.

Carina shares a smile. "There are texts that you could read... I'm not supposed to tell you this, but everyone that has been recruited is part of something huge in the force... Including myself... If Violet doesn't have the answers, the texts will... But she is the product of a force Dyad... She will know the most." Carina said and soon disappeared.

Later that day, Kronon got a new outfit and ditched his old burnt clothes. He wore a blue long sleeve top with a scarf across his torso, like his mom's oufit, Rey Skywalker. He wore black gloves and old stormtrooper equipment on his forearms and legs. He wore a regular color pair of jeans and brown boots. He had a blaster on his left leg and lightsaber on his right.

"Jedi huh." Silver said as she levatated in the air. "Yah, I've been on the search for my mother for a while now." Kronon said as he sat on the ground and started to meditate with the force as well. He lifted into the air as the world around him became quiet.

"Who is Kyla?" Kronon asked as he breathed in the rich air. "Kyla Organa.... Leader of the Grey Republic, granddaughter of Leia Organa, left Resistance at age 16 to find her own way, self taught Grey Jedi Knight, dark side consuming her every day as her light fights it." Silver said as her eyes scrunched tight along with the skin of her face. "Youre like a computer with your words and facts." Kronon chuckled "yah... But I can also hear your thoughts... Rey was a little better at keeping her thoughts locked away with her walls high... You ask because you kinda liked her..." Silver says as she flips udside down and falls to the ground gracefully and walks away.

Kronon floats down to the ground as Syala walks past.

"Girls will always figure out the truth......
A L W A Y S."

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