Chapter 4

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The ship zoomed across the galaxy. Where they were going was to find Poe Dameron, Zoey's father, to borrow the Millennium Falcon on their journey.

"How far until Naboo?" Kronon said as everyone sat in the main room with slight Cantina music playing in the background.

"About 10 minutes... When we get there we need to refuel." Violet said as she sat across from Kronon. "What's your story Ms. Dameron?" Violet asked, trying to spark conversation in the dead silent ship. "Well..." Zoey started, adjusting in her seat. "I was raised in the Resistance, my dad taught me how to fly in the flight academy. I turned 15 a couple of days ago so..." She paused taking a sharp breath. "I took A1 Fleet out for a spin... Now knowing I'm the only one here, y'all know how it went..." She laughed a little to herself as Jake rested a hand on her shoulder.

The ship beeped and jolted forward. Kyla and Zoey jumped up and ran for the pit, Silver and Violet following close behind. "Looks like we entered the system. Buckle up, it might be a rough landing." Zoey said as she pulled on her headset and started pressing buttons on the dash. Silver and Violet nodded and sat back down with the boys.

"Base 7 to ship A-Z-Z-3 Lights freighter, this is Zoey Dameron requesting entry." Zoey said as the radio buzzed quietly as a voice peared over the com link. "Welcome back Ms. Dameron, your father will be happy to see you." The voice says and Kyla lowers the ship down into the bay.

Everyone went to the bay of the ship and took a breath as the doors opened and the light flooded into the ship.

They walked out of the bay and into the lot that they landed in. "Is that my daughter!?" Zoey heard from behind her. "DAD!" Zoey yelled and ran to him, engulfed by his hugs. "We need you, Uncle Finn, Uncle Chewie, and the Falcon." Zoey said pulling away.

"Another mission! Your a lot like Rey... Speaking of Rey, Kronon! Its been a long time man!" Poe said walking to Kronon as he stepped forward and they shared a hand shake and smiles.

"And who are these people. I mean... I know who you are Mr. Solo. Rey never stopped talking about Ben... But if Finn sees you here, he might flip." Poe laughed slightly to himself as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm, Silver. This is Syala, Violet, and Kyla." Silver said pointing to each member of the group. "Kyla... Maz will be happy to see your face again. She misses you greatly." Poe said giving Kyla a hug and stepping back.

"Let's go get the Flacon and we can leave." Poe said as he started walking. BB-8 and BB-A beeped at each other as they rolled next to Poe. Poe laughed a little at the droids as Zoey walked close to her father.

"Hey Finn! We goin' on a trip!! Wanna come!?" Poe yelled as the small group boarded the Falcon. Chewie roared as Jake came into view. "Chewie, this would be your grandnephew. Jake, this is your father's uncle Chewie." The harry beast roared and scooped up the tall man. Jake was a responsible size, 6 foot almost, just 4 feet under Chewie.

Finn entered and walked pass the group and to Poe who stood fixing a panel. "I'm not even going to ask who the First Order Scum is. But what are we doing?" Finn asked Poe and as if on time, Violet's com link went off on channel 45, Carina. "Hey Carina, we are on the way to get you." Instead of her voice, a raspy young voice came over the com link. "Actually..." Silver knew this voice. It was non other than the scum that was named Casedrión, a bounty hunter. "I have Carina in my possession. If you want her, you'll have to bet your way out of it."

Instead of letting Violet answer, Silver switched her com link over to channel 45. "Hey Casedrión. Long time no hear." Silver said through grit teeth. "Ahh, haven't heard yours in a long time too, Silver. No Cas? Do I not get the pleasure of my nickname anymore?" He said as Silver scoffed.

"Who's that?" Kyla finally asked as the adults of the group came to the small circle. "Casedrión, bounty hunter. One of my oldest friends." Silver said, air quoting "Friends". "Me and him used to bet at Cantina's on Tatooine before I left to join the Grey Republic." Silver said as she placed her hands on her hips."that's the guy you used to sneak off the First Order with." Jake said scoffing a laughter and Zoey elbowed him playfully in his side. Silver shot him a glare as the com link went off again.

"Meet me on Tatooine, Mos Eisley Cantina is where I'll have her. C'mon, it will be just like old times." Casedrión said with a smile evident in his voice. "Fine, see ya there Cas." Silver said letting her com link turn off.

"Start the ship, Tatooine here we come." Silver said as she sat down along with the rest of the group.

"You used to bet on pod racers?" Poe asked making Silver smile as she read his mind, using his knowledge against him made her smile widen. "You were a spice runner?" She asked as the smile grew into a smirk on her face and the color in Poe's face drained. "You were a spice runner?" Jake asked as he sat down. "And you were the Supreme Leader of the First Order." Poe countered as another piped in. "You were a spice runner?" Kyla asked holding back a laugh. "And you used to practice the dark side of the force." Poe raised his voice a little. "I can do this all day!!" He yelled marching off along with Zoey and Finn. The group shared a laugh and relaxed into the main seats.

After about 5 minutes of flying, Kronon noticed that Kyla was not sitting with the group."Where's Kyla?" Kronon asked sitting up a little."Fixing some panels acouple of spots over." Syala answered pointing back behind her as she entered the room.

Kronon excused himself from the group and went to go find Kyla. "Well your worshipfulness, seems like you managed to keep me around longer." He said as he strolled up next to him. "And I had nothing to do with it." Kyla said as she kept messing around with the wires from a control panel.

"That's a good story..." Kronon started, "I just think you couldn't bare to keep a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight." Kronon said with a wink and a toothy smile. Kyla scoffed at his "flirting" technique but smiled to herself as a light shade a pink overcame her face. "I don't know where you get your delusions, Laser Brain." Kyla started as she flicked a switch and the lights came on overhead. Chewie came in and laughed at the two who were just going at it. They reminded Chewie of Leia and Han, their constant bickering was all Chewie remembered about them.

"Well laugh it up fuzz ball. But you weren't their when she shared her unconditional love for me." Kronon winked at Chewie as Kyla raised an eyebrow. "Why you... Stuck up... Scruffly lookin.... NERF HEARDER!!" Kyla yelled out at him as she stood frustrated at him. "Who's scruffy lookin?" Kronon asked as they glared at each other but Kyla struggled real hard not to laugh at him.

"We have things to do before Tatooine, you either help me and stop telling your lies or go sit down." Kyla said calmly as she took a breath and turned. She fought the erdge to smile.

"Yes your worshipfulness." Kronon said and walked behind her as Chewie mustered a laugh.

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