Chapter 5

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⚠WARNING IN ADVANCED⚠ I Apologize in advanced for adding my song quotes in my books. I'm a musical child, so leave me alone,😂 I had this vision this morning when I heard this song. 🙃THE LYRICS ARE CHANGED A BIT🙃

The Falcon landed on Tatooine. Silver was the first off, followed by Zoey, sticking close the her Sith Master. "Master, this place is such a dump... Why did y'all come here?" Zoey asked looking around the small town.

A pod came screaming by, only mear feet from Silver and Zoey. "Well, pod racing is the best here... Jake's Great Great Grandpa use to race here." Silver said as she walked up to a bar that read "Mos Eisley Cantina" on the front.

Silver turned to the group that followed behind. "Why here!?" Poe whined as he kicked the sand at his feet. "I hate sand!!" Poe started. "Its rough and course..." Poe started looking at the sand that he stood on.

"And gets all over the place?" Finn finished as he crossed his arms with a cheeky grin on his face. "E X A C T L Y" Poe yelled pulling his arms to the ground, gesturing to the sand. "Mhm, ok. Stick close.... The people that know this place best is me and Syala. Pick one of us and stay close." Silver whisper-yelled to the group and turned.

Zoey stayed close to Silver along with Jake by Zoey's side and Poe on the other side of her. Kronon, Kyla, Finn, Chewie, and Violet stayed next to Syala while the droids guarded the ship.

They walked into the bar and music played loudly. The two groups walked through the  large, crowded Cantina as they came up on the pears that hung over the Pod racing arena.

Carina sat a couple of yards away next to Casedrión, his helmet still on as he watched the pods zoom by, engines blazing with heat.

"Stay close, the rest of y'all hang back." Silver said as she walked up closer to Casedrión and Carina. "Wow, still betting 100 units on pod 5? They never win Casedrión." Silver said popping her hip to the side and placing her hands on her waist.

"Ahh, Commander Silver. New Grey Sith Knight. A pleasure to see you. Ya know, I haven't seen you since you left me on this dust planet, taking the only ship we used to get here." Casedrión said as he watched the race rage on.

"Turn around and face me Casedrión." Silver said glaring at the bounty hunter as he turned his chair to see her then got up and walked over to the outside bar.

Silver gestured to her group to get Carina by darting her eyes and nodding her head. She walked up to Casedrión. "Cas... Why do you stay here on this dust bowl of a place. Come with me." Silver said as the group came closer to hear their conversation. "You and your joke of a show is not worth it to me." Casedrión said drinking the liquor the bar tender brought.

"Right here, right now, I'm putting the offer out. I don't want to chase you down." Silver said slamming a hand down on the table before she talked and looked at him through his helmet straight to his eyes. The group watched as Silver showed rage in her stance and as it radiated off of her. "I know you see it, you want to run with me. I see it in your eyes." She paused to take a breath and continued. "And I can cut you free, out of the drudgery of the walls they keep you in. So trade this typical place for a colorful typical." She paused to look for a sign that his mind was changing, but Casedrión knew better, Kyla and Violet tried to read his mind too, but Casedrión had known Silver for to long and kept his walls up and high.

"And if its crazy, live a little crazy. You can stay here, being sensible..." Casedrión scoffed at her as she said that, Silver was slowly bringing him to think about joining them. "Or you can risk it all and see the beauty of the galaxy... Don't you wanna get away from this same old planet I left you on? Or are you going to join me so I can take you to the other side of this galaxy?" Silver stopped as a glass of liquor slid to her hand. She took a sip of the drink as Casedrión started. "Ok my friend, you wanna cut me in but I hate to tell you, it just won't happen. So thanks but no thanks I think I'm good to stay. 'Cause i quite enjoy the life you left for me even though you say I'm trapped in."

Casedrión took a breath then a swing of his drink then continued,"Now I admire you,in that whole show you do." He gestured to the group that stood speechless as some even drank some drinks that had came to them. "But I live among the swelling, while you pick up after your Padawan, I'll just leave that up to you."

Silver scoffed at him for insulting her Padawan, as she keeps herself quite tightly, maybe even better than Silver. "Is this how you want to spend the rest of your days?Whiskey and misery, and parties and plays. Is that the life you want to live?" Silver protested as she pointed to the life around them. "If I were mixed up with you, I would be the talk of the town! Discraced and disowned another one of the clowns you call Grey Jedi!" Casedrión protested back as others became interested in their conversation and some even placed bets on if he would come with her or not.

"But you would finally live a little, finally laugh a little. Just come with me and let me give you freedom that you dream of and it'll wake you and cure your longing to leave this planet, help you break your walls that you hold so high." Silver started as his walls started to drift lower and his mind became clearer to read.

"Now that's a deal that seems worth taking..." Casedrión started as he brought his hand to the drink and took more swigs through his mask. "But I guess I'll leave that up to you..." Silver said with a smirk on her face as his walls fell and the entire group felt his gears turn into coming with them.

"Well... Its intriguing, but to go would cost you greatly... So what percentage of the show would I be taking?" Casedrión said. "Well... This is where the fun begins..." Jake whispered to the group as he sat at a table. "What do you mean?" Kyla asked as she sat at the table too. "Well.... That's betting words, they used to do this when I came here looking for her because she was needed at base." Jake said as a smile played on Silver's face.

"Fare enough, you want a piece of all the action... I'll give you 7 and we can shake to make it happen..." Silver started holding her hand out for Casedrión to take. "I wasn't born this morning, 18 would be just fine." Casedrión said waving his finger in her face as a tease. "Why not just go ahead and ask for Nickels on a dime." Silver said as she threw her hands in the air and start to walk away. "15!" Casedrión exclaimed reaching out to grab Silver's arm and yank her back. "I'll do 8." Silver said calmly as she looked at her fingernails, knowing what she was doing. "12!" Casedrión said again stretching out his hand for her to shake. "Maybe 9..." Silver said again as she flipped her had around to get a look at her fingernails from the sun. "10!!" Casedrión exclaimed and she smiled.

"Welcome to the team Cas."

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