Chapter 16

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 Zoey halted the ship, “dang it...droids out of power” She tapped a button, and a hologram of Anakin, Ashoka, Silver, and Crato appeared. “ Masters and stranger, the droid went out… I need you to send someone to co-pilot right away!” Zoey shouted as she fell back into the seat with frustration. "I'm sending Ahsoka out to bring you back," Anakin said, crossing his arms and nodding to Ahsoka who left to go to her fighter.

"Thanks," Zoey said, gripping the bridge of her nose with her thumb and pointer finger. "It's ok, Zoe Zoe, you'll get it. Come back to base so we can talk to Vi and Ky." Silver said with a smile as Zoey nodded and clicked out of her comlink and the holograms disappeared.

Ahsoka arrived in no time flat and escorted the ship back to base. They both climbed out of their ships and met in the middle, "Thanks again Master Tano for bringing me back." Zoey said, giving her a fist bump as Ahsoka laughed, "No problem Zoe, what friends are for right?" They both shared a laugh as Anakin, Silver, and Crato arrived on the bay, "Nice to see y'all made it back ok." Silver said with a smile as they neared closer to Ahsoka and Zoey, "Master, I'm so sorry... BB-8 cut out and the signal was lost and..." She was stopped by Anakin who raised a hand, "You're fine Zoey, we all just need to figure out how we are going to start flying Fleet A2 into battle." Anakin said with a smile as Viyana ran to them, shouting for Silver. "General Silver, Kyla is contacting the base and demands us at once!" She yelled as she ran up to them, slumping over as she was out of breath. "Show us." Silver said as Viyana nodded and brought them to the control room.

As they entered, the holograms of Kyla, Syala, Violet, Lyra, Kronon, Finn, Rey, Carina, and Syala’s parents Kyualan Ibliz and Yamila Jecku appeared on the screen. "Good Morning Y'all, how can we assist you today?" Silver said with a smile as they circled around the table with blueprints of the Naboo bay on them, "General Silver, nice to see you again. We have been helping with earthquakes like crazy. It's almost like the fault line has been activated." Kyla said, gesturing to the line that indicated the fault line running on the Naboo coastline. "Any casualties?" Jake asked as he leaned down to examine the line as Kronon spoke next, "None that we know of." "We are still trying to evacuate civilians from damaged homes and under debris." Syala finished, crossing her arms as she too examined the plains. "Are y'all running low on supplies?... Me and Fleet A2 can bring you the things you need!" Zoey exclaimed walking closer to the table. 

"Not that we know of right now," Jasper said looking at some charts as he entered the room. He stood next to Violet, reading over the list as Rey continued, "We have over 10,000 injured just on the Bay, we are looking at opening a road hospital so the actual hospitals aren't so full of people." The room nodded as fear grew on Jasper's face, "What's wrong Winddiver?" Corren asked as Jasper showed the papers to Violet and fear grew on her face as well. "We're about to have a major quake." She whispered under her breath as the holograms started to shake out of focus and disappeared. "GET THESE HOLOGRAMS BACK ON NOW!" Silver shouted pressing buttons on the table as others frantically tried to restart the programs. "Ben, try to see if you can reach Rey on your comlink!" Poe said as he spoke for Finn through his.

"Silver, the holograms are offline! We can't reach them!" Hux yelled as he messed with controls on the platform above them. "Damn it!!" Silver yelled as she slammed her fists on the table in agony.

On Naboo, the ground shook violently, "HOLD ON!" Finn yelled as he gripped the table he stood at, "NO, TRY AND MAKE IT TO HIGHER GROUND!! WE NEED OUT OF THIS PLACE!" Yamila yelled as the ground shook more. "IT'S A 7.1!" Jasper yelled as he looked at his computer then at Violet, "We need to get out of here! EVERYONE GRAB A PARTNER AND GET OUT!!" Kyla yelled as everyone started to partner up, they made it out and onto the streets, some still gripping onto their partner as the building shook around them. "FINN!! COME IN FINN! ARE YOU OK?" Poe shouted through his comlink soon followed by Ben asking the same thing about Rey, "YAH WE'RE FINE... JUST A LITTLE BANGED UP!" Rey shouted into hers as Ben breathed a sigh of relief. "That building is going to collapse..." Violet spoke to Jasper as they both clung to each other. "Get the group to the side of that Stadium, away from the building!" She exclaimed to Jasper as she let go and ran for the people on the streets and Jasper escorted them to the side of the stadium I'm a hurry.

"Get to the side of the Stadium!" Violet repeated to people on the streets as she pointed, almost fifty people obeyed but a scream was heard from her side. She turned to see a small girl with pale blue skin sitting on the sidewalk with blood on her knee cap "My leg!!" She screamed in pain as Violet ran for her. "Hold on!" Violet yelled to her as she used the force to propel her towards the stadium and sat on the ground. Violet sprinted for the stadium as the building fell behind her.

"GET DOWN!" She yelled as she peered at the lights on the top of the stadium as they shook violently and fell down around them. "REY WHAT’S GOING ON?" Ben shouted as she clung to Finn for dear life, "THIS NEVER HAPPENED BACK ON JAKKU!!" She screamed at Finn, well audible for Ben and the others to hear. The earthquake stopped and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, "How did you know we would be safe?" The girl with the hurt knee asked in confusion as Violet stood to her full height, "Just get behind something sturdy and hold on." She spoke as she nodded for her group to leave. 

"What's happening now?" Ben asked again through Rey's comlink as Rey breathed a sigh of relief, "Calm... It's all calm?" She questioned as panic grew in Lyra's face, "Not for long..." She spoke as she walked swiftly to the edge of the bay to see the water being sucked out. "You have got to be kidding me..." Kyualan whispered under his breath as the water started to drain out.

"We're about to have a Tsunami," Kyla said through her com as her final words then the lines went dead.

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