Chapter 12

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The group boarded the Falcons for about the 5th time in one day. They were on their way to Exegol.

Most had changed clothes to darker colors to blend with their surroundings. Jake wore his father's old robes and kept his saber at his side. Silver, Carina, and Finn wore their normal clothes as they were already dark in color.

Rey wore her outfit she wore to Ahch-To, and Poe wore his old black T with a leather jacket that may or may not have been stolen from Finn. Zoey wore a darker color outfit than usual. She wore camo pants with a puffy black leather jacket. She wore her flower scarf around her neck and the same goggles that always rested on her head. Her Padawan braid hung next to her oval face as she stood next to Silver.

Kyla also had a darker outfit. She still wore her blue pants and White under-shirt, but a new black cape that came down here front and to the floor, as her hair laid perfectly on her shoulders.

Kronon wore his normal blue undershirt but wore painted black armor in replacement of the white to blend in and a new black cape that flowers behind him like Kyla's as his hood sat on his head.

Everyone was finally abroad the Falcon and Poe started it and flashed off into hyperspace.

The group sat anxiously in the main room as they felt the presence of the force. Syala turned to Violet and whispered, "Am I the only one that feels like there's more people in here than we think?" Violet smiled and outstretched her hand as the force serged through her.

Small blue silhouettes appeared and slowly morphed into people. "No." Violet spoke as the faces became clear. The group sat shocked at the people in front of them.

In the room, everyone noticed people that meant a great deal to them. Zoey and Kyla immediately saw Han and Leia, as they stood with their hands tangled together and smiles plastered on their faces.

Jake, Rey, and Kronon fixed their eyes on Ben Solo who sat next to Rey with a small smile in his eyes but not on his lips. They laid flat on his face, emotionless.

Carina saw her grandparents, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine sat across from her. Satine brought a hand to Carina's and smiled, and Carina didn't hesitate to return it.

Silver felt a tear escape her cheek as she saw her father stand in front of her, he smiled, as his ginger hair shined in the light of the ship while he walked to sit next to her. "I knew you would get the message..." He spoke as he sat and Silver fixed her head into the crook of his neck, resting on his shoulder.

Syala also saw her parents, they stood proud, looking at their beautiful daughter as a tear escaped Syala's eye. She held back the urge to jump up and hug them right there, but she sat there as she curled her fingers around Violet's for support.

Violet didn't hesitate to squeeze back as she saw the very people she had studied with for years. Anakin and Padmè stood with smiles on their face and hands also wrapped together as they leaned against the wall.

"What are y'all doing?" Poe asked as Chewie roared in agreement. "You can't see this?" Syala asked as she gripped something that rested on the table. It was invisible to regular people, but not to force users.

"You're not force users, y'all can't see everything we can..." Finn spoke as a smile crawled onto his face as well. "What do you mean we?" Poe spoke as the ship jolted forward.

Poe and Zoey ran for the cockpit and started to land the ship.

Everyone looked at their loved ones before they disappeared. Rey smiled at Ben as she looked into his eyes for the last time as a force ghost. Ben placed a kiss on her cheek and disappeared.

"We're here," said Poe, as Zoey tweaked a few buttons in the co-pilot seat.  “Dad...everyone seemed so happy seeing their parents and loved ones…” said Zoey, “ Yeah” Poe agreed almost instantly as if he knew what Zoey was going to say next, and he did. Zoey sighed as Syala looked at them both. “Zoey why didn't you come see everyone?” I was helping with the I don't have anyone except my dad who is really my only family, I do miss my mom and she's probably dead so I don't think she would be in the world between worlds “ Zoey chuckles “Oh” Syala whispered under her breath and walked to a seat in the back of the Falcon's cockpit, Zoey had only one thought on her mind, that being “I wish I knew who my mom was”

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