Chapter 19

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The group of them stood in the temple, glaring each other down, "Well are we going or what?" Zoey sturnly exclaimed as she waited for them to follow, "No." Corren said bluntly, standing his ground as Lyra stood next to him in agreement, "I am your Commanding Officer, what do you mean No!?" Zoey exclaimed, walking up to the tall man that stood a good two feet over her. "Zoey? What's going on here?" Jake said as he stepped into the temple with Ben and Carina at his side. "This doesn't concern you boy." Corren shot back to Jake as he strode up to Zoey, resting a hand on her left shoulder, "If it involves my family, then yah, it involves me too." Jake said as Carina and Ben walked closer and stood behind them. 

A tense silence fell over the group as Zoey and Corren kept a glare going for the time, "Is anyone gonna fill us in?" Carina asked as she stood watching them glare each other down. "Corren thinks Ben Solo and Anakin Skywalker should answer for their crimes, and I agree with him!" Lyra blurted out as she joined into the fight. Ben, Carina, and Jake stumbled back a little at the little announcement then all looked at each other. "As I said before, they had no other choice! It was the will of the dark!" Rey yelled as more people started to pour into the vast room.

Silver, Crato, and Viyana walked in with smiles plastered on their faces but soon faded as they saw the tension radiate off of them. "Um... Is everything going alright in here?" Viyana asked as the group continued to pass stares to each other, "No." They all yelled in unison making Viyana, Silver, and Crato share a concerned look only for Crato to switch his blaster to stun just in case it's needed. "Mind telling us what's going on here?" Crato asked as they stood at the entrance, "Lyra and Corren think Ben and Anakin should pay for their crimes." Rey answered with grit teeth as her, Ben, and Jake walked back to them that stood in the doorway, "Ok, but we have to get all the points of view before we pick sides right?" Crato said as Fara walked in with Finn and Poe, smiles fading at the tension in the room.

"Crato is right. We can't choose sides without different points of view. Everyone sees the world differently, it could just be a misunderstanding." Silver nodded as she stood in the middle of the two groups. "Corren, Lyra. Y'all can go first." Viyana said with hospitality as Corren shot a scoff. "We all know Anakin killed youngling right? He killed multiple people for no reason." Corren started as Rey interjected, "Anakin did it out of fear he would lose his wife! How would you feel if you were on the verge of losing your wife and only one person could save her!? Oh wait, you wouldn't understand because you can't hold a girlfriend for the sake of your life!" Everyone looked at her in shock as she breathed heavily at her rant as Lyra continued, "Think all you want about Anakin being innocent and all that bull, but we will never forget what Ben did that day. He killed Hundreds of us!" She yelled as Fara stepped forward, "But, that's only half the story... Rey said there was a whole other part to the story... Right Aunt Rey?" 

Rey looked at Fara then the rest of the group, "She's right, there is more to that story." Zoey started as Rey stepped forward in a calm stance, "Ben Solo was fighting voices as a young child, Snoke none to less. Luke on the other hand, was in his room one night and made a choice he later regretted." Rey finished as Ben stepped forward, "He ignited his saber and held it over me in my sleep. I did what I had to do to survive, but i'm not proud of killing people in the temple, I didn't want that to happen." He finished as Corren shot him a scoff, "Yah right." He said as people started to pick sides.

Corren and Lyra had won over Carina and Finn, while Rey and Ben won over Viyana, Jake, and Silver. The rest stood in the center, not able to choose sides as they watched the two groups glare each other down. "I don't understand why this is such a big deal? Why can't we just all be on the same side. I thought being in the Grey Republic meant that we got along and gave each other second chances!" Zoey said as Corren and Lyra took their sabers, igniting them then causing a ripple of sabers to ignite. "Lifes not fair." Corren said as they all took a stance ready to fight.

Before the first sabers could collide, Kyla, Syala, Kronon, and Violet came running into the center of the room. They outstretched their hands toward the two conflicted sides, Syala and Violet towards Rey's side and Kronon and Kyla towards Corren's side. They closed their eyes and projected darkness over the two groups' eyes, blinding them from the world around them. "Give me my sight back." Lyra said bluntly, as she stared into the darkness, "You all need to calm down and step back." Kronon said as the In-Betweens stood watching the whole scene unfold in front of them. "What is going on?" Violet asked in a demanding voice as she looked at Rey, Silver, Ben, Jake, and Viyana, "They're saying that Anakin and Ben should pay for their crimes when it was the will of the dark that forced it to happen!" Viyana yelled as she stared into the ground as darkness covered her eyes. "Are we seriously fighting over this while we are here helping out our allies!?" Syala started as she tightened her grip on their sight in anger, "Syala is right! If we are going to have a fight, we need to do it after everything has been taken cared of." Kyla joined in as she gestured to the groups. "People could be dying! And all of you are standing in here fighting over something that happened so long ago! Did it ever occur to you that they may have came back from their grave to fix their mistakes in the past?" Kronon added as he stood next to Kyla, shaking with anger. "You know, the Grey Republic is built on second chances, an escape for both sides when they want to leave. Y'all are all guilty of crime. Everyone of you has done something wrong that could be a death sentence, and you all have the audacity to blame people for something you didn't see the full story of?" Violet finished as the coms came over the main channel, vibrating in the room.

"This is Ahsoka Tano, we need all hands on deck at the plaza now."

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